California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Mono County  •   is native  •  group by lifeform
3123  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual744 plants
Abronia pogonantha Mohave sand verbena Annual herb  
Abronia turbinata Trans montane sand verbena Annual herb  
Abronia villosa Hairy sand verbena Annual herb 4
Acmispon americanus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 4
Acmispon americanus var. americanus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Aliciella humillima Annual herb  
Aliciella hutchinsifolia Desert pale gilia Annual herb  
Aliciella latifolia Broad leaf gilia Annual herb  
Aliciella latifolia ssp. latifolia Broadleaf gilia Annual herb  
Aliciella leptomeria Sand aliciella Annual herb  
Aliciella lottiae Lott's gilia Annual herb  
Aliciella micromeria Dainty gilia Annual herb  
Aliciella monoensis Mono lake aliciella Annual herb  
Aliciella triodon Coyote gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides ssp. gilioides Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides ssp. violaceum Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum integrifolium White allophyllum Annual herb  
Alopecurus carolinianus Carolina foxtail Annual grass  
Amaranthus blitoides Prostrate pigweed Annual herb  
Amaranthus californicus California amaranth Annual herb  
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Annual burrweed Annual herb 3
Amsinckia intermedia Common fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia menziesii Fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Orange flowered menzies' fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii Small flowered fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia retrorsa Rigid fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia tessellata Devil's lettuce Annual herb 4
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata Devil's lettuce Annual herb 1
Androsace septentrionalis Pygmyflower rockjasmine Annual, Perennial herb 1
Androsace septentrionalis ssp. subumbellata Pygmy rock jasmine Annual, Perennial herb 1
Anisocoma acaulis Scale bud Annual herb 2
Antirrhinum filipes Tangled snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum kingii King's snapdragon Annual herb  
Aphyllon corymbosum Flat topped broom rape Annual herb  
Aphyllon purpureum Naked broom rape Annual herb  
Argemone munita Prickly poppy Annual, Perennial herb 4
Aster frondosus Short rayed alkali aster Annual herb  
Astragalus acutirostris Beaked rattle weed Annual herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus Freckled milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. albifolius White leaved milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus Floriferous milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii Fremont's milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. ineptus Fumbling milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. semotus White mountains milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Atriplex argentea Silverscale saltbush Annual herb 2
Atriplex argentea var. expansa Mojave silverscale Annual herb 2
Atriplex argentea var. hillmanii Hillman's silverscale Annual herb  
Atriplex argentea var. mohavensis Mojave silverscale Annual herb 2
Atriplex covillei Coville's orach Annual herb  
Atriplex parishii Parish's brittlescale Annual herb  
Atriplex phyllostegia Leafcover saltweed Annual herb 1
Atriplex pusilla Small scale Annual herb  
Atriplex serenana Saltscale Annual herb 1
Atriplex serenana var. serenana Saltscale Annual herb  
Atriplex subspicata Spike saltbush Annual herb  
Atriplex torreyi Torrey's saltbush Annual herb  
Atriplex torreyi var. torreyi Torrey's saltbush Annual herb  
Atriplex truncata Wedgescale Annual herb  
Beckmannia syzigachne American sloughgrass Annual grass 5
Bidens frondosa Sticktight Annual herb  
Bromus orcuttianus Orcutt's brome grass Annual grass 1
Calandrinia breweri Brewer's calandrinia Annual herb 1
Callitriche heterophylla var. bolanderi Bolander's water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche heterophylla var. heterophylla Varied leaved water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche palustris Vernal water-starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche verna Water starwort Annual herb  
Calycoseris parryi Yellow tackstem Annual herb  
Calyptridium monandrum Common pussypaws Annual herb  
Calyptridium parryi Parry's pussypaws Annual herb  
Calyptridium parryi var. nevadense Nevada pussypaws Annual herb  
Calyptridium quadripetalum Four petaled pussypaws Annual herb  
Calyptridium roseum Rosy pussypaws Annual herb  
Calyptridium umbellatum Pussy toes Annual, Perennial herb 3
Calyptridium umbellatum var. caudiciferum Alpine cistanthe Annual, Perennial herb 3
Calyptridium umbellatum var. umbellatum Mt. hood pussypaws Annual, Perennial herb 3
Camissonia boothii Booth's sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia boothii ssp. alyssoides Pine creek evening primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia boothii ssp. boothii Booth's evening primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia boothii ssp. desertorum Desert shredding primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia boothii ssp. intermedia Desert shredding primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia brevipes Yellov cups Annual herb  
Camissonia californica California primrose Annual herb 1
Camissonia chamaenerioides Long fruit suncup Annual herb  
Camissonia claviformis Brown eyed primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia claviformis ssp. claviformis Clavate fruited primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia claviformis ssp. integrior Clavate fruited primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia claviformis ssp. lancifolia Clavate fruited primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia claviformis ssp. peirsonii Peirson's clavate fruited primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia contorta Contorted sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia heterochroma Shockley's evening primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia parvula Tiny sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia pterosperma Wing fruit sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia pubens Hairy sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia pusilla Little wiry sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia walkeri Walker's suncup Annual, Perennial herb  
Camissonia walkeri ssp. tortilis Walker's sun cup Annual, Perennial herb  
Carsonia sparsifolia Fewleaf bee plant Annual herb  
Castilleja attenuata Narrow leaved owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja lacera Foothill owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja minor Little paintbrush Annual herb 1
Castilleja minor ssp. minor Lesser paintbrush Annual herb 2
Castilleja minor ssp. spiralis Lesser paintbrush Annual herb  
Castilleja tenuis Hairy owl's clover Annual herb  
Caulanthus cooperi Cooper caulanthus Annual herb  
Caulanthus pilosus Hairy wild cabbage Annual, Perennial herb  
Centaurium exaltatum Cancha lagua Annual herb  
Centaurium namatophilum Springloving Centaury Annual herb  
Centaurium venustum Beautiful centaury Annual herb  
Centrostegia thurberi Thurber spiny herb Annual herb  
Chaenactis carphoclinia Pebble pincushion Annual herb  
Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia Pebble pincushion Annual herb  
Chaenactis douglasii Chaenactis Annual, Perennial herb  
Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii Dusty pincushions Annual, Perennial herb  
Chaenactis fremontii Fremont pincushion Annual herb  
Chaenactis macrantha Mohave pincushion Annual herb  
Chaenactis stevioides Esteve pincushion Annual herb 2
Chaenactis xantiana Xantus' chaenactis Annual herb 1
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamomilla suaveolens Common pineapple weed Annual herb  
Chenopodium atrovirens Dark green goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium berlandieri Pit seed goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackei Pit seed goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium desiccatum Dry goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium fremontii Fremont's goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium glaucum Oak leaved goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium glaucum var. salinum Oak leaved goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium hians Gaping goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium incognitum Masked goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium leptophyllum Thin leaved goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium nevadense Nevada goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium pratericola Meadow goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium rubrum Red goosefoot Annual herb  
Chloropyron maritimum Salt marsh bird's beak Annual herb  
Chloropyron maritimum ssp. canescens Salt marsh bird's beak Annual herb  
Chorisiva nevadensis Nevada sumpweed Annual herb  
Chorizanthe brevicornu Brittle spine flower Annual herb  
Chorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornu Brittle spineflower Annual herb  
Chorizanthe brevicornu var. spathulata Broad leaf brittle spineflower Annual herb  
Chorizanthe rigida Rigid spiny herb Annual herb  
Chorizanthe watsonii Watson's spineflower Annual herb  
Chorizanthe xanti Xantus' spineflower Annual herb  
Chylismia brevipes Yellow cups Annual, Perennial herb 1
Chylismia claviformis Clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. claviformis Browneyes Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. funerea Clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. integrior Clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. lancifolia Clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. peirsonii Peirson's clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia claviformis ssp. yumae Yuma clavate fruited primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia heterochroma Shockley's evening-primrose Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia walkeri Walker's suncup Annual, Perennial herb  
Chylismia walkeri ssp. tortilis Walker's sun cup Annual, Perennial herb  
Claytonia perfoliata Miner's lettuce Annual herb 5
Claytonia rubra Red stemmed spring beauty Annual herb  
Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra Red stemmed miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Cleome lutea Yellow bee plant Annual herb 1
Cleome serrulata Rocky mountain bee plant Annual herb 8
Cleome sparsifolia Fewleaf bee plant Annual herb  
Cleomella brevipes Shortstalk stinkweed Annual herb  
Cleomella obtusifolia Mojave cleomella Annual herb  
Cleomella parviflora Slender cleomella Annual herb  
Cleomella plocasperma Twisted cleomella Annual herb  
Collinsia parviflora Few flowered blue eyed mary Annual herb 1
Collinsia sparsiflora Few flowered collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. wrightii Wright's collinsia Annual herb  
Collomia grandiflora Large flowered collomia Annual herb 4
Collomia linearis Narrow leaved collomia Annual herb  
Collomia tinctoria Yellow staining collomia Annual herb  
Comastoma tenellum Dane's dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Conyza canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Conyza canadensis var. canadensis Canadian horseweed Annual herb  
Cordylanthus kingii King's bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus kingii ssp. helleri Heller's bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus maritimus Salt marsh bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. canescens Salt marsh bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus ramosus Bushy bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Corydalis aurea Golden corydalis Annual, Perennial herb 1
Crassula aquatica Aquatic pygmy weed Annual herb  
Crassula saginoides Aquatic pygmy weed Annual herb  
Cryptantha affinis Common cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha ambigua Wilkes' cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha barbigera Bearded cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha barbigera var. barbigera Bearded cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha circumscissa Western forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha circumscissa var. circumscissa Cushion cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha echinella Prickly cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha fendleri Sand dune cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha glomeriflora Truckee cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha gracilis Slender cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha holoptera Rough stemmed forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha intermedia Common cryptanth Annual herb  
Cryptantha micrantha Purple root cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha micrantha var. micrantha Red-root cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha microstachys Tejon cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha mohavensis Mojave cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha muricata Prickly cryptantha Annual herb 2
Cryptantha muricata var. denticulata Prickly-nut cryptantha Annual herb 2
Cryptantha nevadensis Nevada forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha nevadensis var. nevadensis Nevada cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha oxygona Sharp nut cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha pterocarya Winged nut forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha pterocarya var. pterocarya Wingnut cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha pterocarya var. purpusii Purpus' cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha recurvata Curve nut cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha scoparia Gray cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha simulans Pine cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha subretusa Crater lake cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha torreyana Torrey's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha torreyana var. torreyana Torrey's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha utahensis Scented forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha watsonii Watson's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cuscuta californica California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta californica var. breviflora California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta californica var. californica Short flowered dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta campestris Field dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta indecora Big seed alfalfa dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta occidentalis California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta suksdorfii Mountain dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cyperus squarrosus Awned cyperus Annual grass  
Deschampsia danthonioides Annual hairgrass Annual grass  
Descurainia incisa Mountain tansy mustard Annual herb  
Descurainia incisa ssp. filipes Erect fruited mountain tansy mustard Annual herb  
Descurainia longipedicellata Annual herb  
Descurainia nelsonii Annual herb  
Descurainia paradisa Great basin tansy mustard Annual herb  
Descurainia paradisa ssp. paradisa Paradise tansymustard Annual herb  
Descurainia pinnata Yellow tansy mustard Annual herb  
Descurainia pinnata ssp. brachycarpa Western tansymustard Annual herb  
Descurainia pinnata ssp. glabra Smooth western tansy mustard Annual herb  
Descurainia pinnata ssp. halictorum Alkali western tansy mustard Annual herb  
Diplacus bicolor Harlequin monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus bigelovii Bigelow mimulus Annual herb 2
Diplacus bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus bigelovii var. cuspidatus Bigelow's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus jepsonii Jepson's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus leptaleus Least flowered monkey flower Annual herb  
Diplacus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Diplacus parryi Parry's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus pulchellus yellow-lip pansy monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus thompsonii Annual herb  
Diplacus tricolor Tricolor monkeyflower Annual herb  
Draba albertina Alberta whitlow grass Annual, Perennial herb  
Draba stenoloba Alaska draba Annual, Perennial herb  
Draba stenoloba var. ramosa Alaska draba Annual, Perennial herb  
Eatonella nivea White eatonella Annual herb  
Elatine californica California waterwort Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine rubella Southwestern waterwort Annual herb  
Emmenanthe penduliflora Whispering bells Annual herb 2
Emmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora Whispering bells Annual herb  
Epilobium brachycarpum Willow herb Annual herb 1
Epilobium densiflorum Willow herb Annual herb 1
Epilobium minutum Minute willowherb Annual herb  
Epilobium paniculatum var. jucundum Autumn willowherb Annual herb 1
Eragrostis mexicana Mexican lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis mexicana ssp. virescens Orcutt's eragrostis Annual grass  
Eragrostis pectinacea Tufted lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea Tufted lovegrass Annual grass  
Eremalche exilis White mallow Annual herb  
Eremothera boothii Booth's sun cup Annual herb  
Eremothera boothii ssp. alyssoides Pine creek evening-primrose Annual herb  
Eremothera boothii ssp. boothii Booth's evening-primrose Annual herb  
Eremothera boothii ssp. desertorum Booth's desert primrose Annual herb  
Eremothera boothii ssp. intermedia Booth's hairy evening-primrose Annual herb  
Eremothera chamaenerioides Long fruit suncup Annual herb  
Eriastrum diffusum Miniature wool star Annual herb 1
Eriastrum eremicum Desert woollystar Annual herb  
Eriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicum Desert wool star Annual herb  
Eriastrum filifolium Lavender eriastrum Annual herb  
Eriastrum sapphirinum Sapphire eriastrum Annual herb 1
Eriastrum sapphirinum ssp. sapphirinum Sapphire woollystar Annual herb  
Eriastrum signatum Maroon-spotted Woollystar Annual herb  
Eriastrum sparsiflorum Great basin eriastrum Annual herb  
Eriastrum wilcoxii Wilcox's eriastrum Annual herb  
Erigeron canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Eriogonum ampullaceum Mono buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum baileyi Bailey buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum baileyi var. baileyi Bailey's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum baileyi var. praebens Bailey's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum brachyanthum Yellow buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum brachypodum Parry's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum cernuum Nodding buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum cernuum var. cernuum Nodding buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum cernuum var. viminale Nodding buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum contiguum Reveal's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum davidsonii Davidson buckwheat Annual herb 2
Eriogonum deflexum Flat topped buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum deflexum var. baratum Flat topped buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum deflexum var. deflexum Flat topped buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum deflexum var. nevadense Flat topped buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum deflexum var. rectum Flat topped buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum esmeraldense Esmeralda buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum esmeraldense var. esmeraldense Esmeralda buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum gracile Slender buckwheat Annual herb 3
Eriogonum hookeri Hooker's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum Wicker buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolum Golden buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum maculatum Angle stermed buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum nidularium Whisk broom Annual herb  
Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorum Hairy flowered buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum nutans Dugway buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum nutans var. nutans Nodding buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum palmerianum Palmer's buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum parishii Parish's buckwheat Annual herb 1
Eriogonum pusillum Yellow turban Annual herb  
Eriogonum reniforme Kidney leaf buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum Wild buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum var. pratense Spurry buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum var. reddingianum Spurry buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum var. spergulinum Spurry buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum vimineum Wicker stemmed eriogonum Annual herb 1
Eriophyllum ambiguum Annual woolly sunflower Annual herb  
Eriophyllum ambiguum var. paleaceum Annual woolly sunflower Annual herb  
Eriophyllum pringlei Pringle eriophyllum Annual herb  
Eriophyllum wallacei Wallace eriophyllum Annual herb  
Erythranthe breviflora Short flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe corallina Annual herb  
Erythranthe floribunda Many flowered monkey flower Annual herb 1
Erythranthe guttata Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 37
Erythranthe howaldiae Annual herb  
Erythranthe laciniata cut-leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe marmorata Stanislaus monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe montioides Montia like monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe rubella Red stemmed himulus Annual herb  
Erythranthe suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Eschscholzia californica California poppy Annual, Perennial herb 51
Eschscholzia minutiflora Coville s poppy Annual herb  
Eschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflora Pygmy poppy Annual herb  
Eschscholzia parishii Pygmy poppy Annual herb  
Eucrypta micrantha Desert eucrypta Annual herb  
Eulobus californicus California primrose Annual herb 1
Euphorbia serpillifolia Thyme-leafed spurge Annual herb  
Euphorbia serpillifolia ssp. serpillifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual, Perennial herb  
Euphrosyne nevadensis Nevada wormwood Annual herb  
Festuca microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Festuca octoflora Sixweeks grass Annual grass 5
Filago californica California filago Annual herb  
Filago depressa Dwarf filago Annual herb  
Floerkea proserpinacoides False mermaid Annual herb  
Galium aparine Cleavers Annual herb  
Galium bifolium Low mountain bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium triflorum Sweet bedstraw Annual herb  
Gayophytum decipiens Deceiving gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum Spreading groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum Small flowered groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum heterozygum Zig zag gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum humile Dwarf groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum racemosum Black foot gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum ramosissimum Pinyon gayophytum Annual herb  
Gentianella amarella Autumn dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta Autumn dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Gentianella tenella ssp. tenella Dane's dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Gentianopsis holopetala Sierra gentian Annual herb  
Gentianopsis simplex Hiker's fringed gentian Annual herb  
Gilia brecciarum Small gilia Annual herb  
Gilia brecciarum ssp. brecciarum Nevada gilia Annual herb  
Gilia brecciarum ssp. neglecta Nevada gilia Annual herb  
Gilia campanulata Bell shape gilia Annual herb  
Gilia cana Showy gilia Annual herb  
Gilia cana ssp. cana Showy gilia Annual herb  
Gilia cana ssp. triceps Showy gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capillaris Smooth leaved gilia Annual herb  
Gilia filiformis Thread stemmed gilia Annual herb  
Gilia hutchinsifolia Desert pale gilia Annual herb  
Gilia inconspicua Shy gilia Annual herb  
Gilia inyoensis Inyo gilia Annual herb  
Gilia latifolia Troadleaf gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. bicolor Purple throat gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptantha Fine flower gilia Annual herb 5
Gilia leptomeria Tooth leaved gilia Annual herb  
Gilia lottiae Lott's gilia Annual herb  
Gilia malior Scrub gilia Annual herb  
Gilia micromeria Dainty gilia Annual herb  
Gilia modocensis Modoc gilia Annual herb  
Gilia ochroleuca Volcanic gilia Annual herb  
Gilia ochroleuca ssp. ochroleuca Volcanic gilia Annual herb  
Gilia ophthalmoides Eyed gilia Annual herb  
Gilia salticola Granite gilia Annual herb  
Gilia sinuata Cinder gilia Annual herb  
Gilia subacaulis Short stem gilia Annual herb  
Gilia tenerrima Delicate gilia Annual herb  
Gilia tetrabreccia Mt. pinos gilia Annual herb  
Gilia transmontana Trans montane gilia Annual herb  
Gilia triodon Sand gilia Annual herb  
Glyptopleura marginata Keysia Annual herb  
Gnaphalium palustre Lowland cudweed Annual herb  
Gnaphalium purpureum Purple cudweed Annual, Perennial herb 1
Gnaphalium stramineum Cotton batting Annual, Perennial herb 4
Goodmania luteola Golden goodmania Annual herb  
Gymnosteris parvula Small flowered gymnosteris Annual herb  
Helianthus annuus Hairy leaved sunflower Annual herb 16
Helianthus bolanderi Bolander's sunflower Annual, Perennial herb 3
Hemizonella minima Opposite leaved tarweed Annual herb  
Hordeum intercedens Vernal barley Annual grass 2
Hypericum anagalloides Creeping St. John's wort Annual, Perennial herb 1
Ipomopsis depressa Low ipomopsis Annual herb  
Ipomopsis polycladon Branching gilia Annual herb  
Iva nevadensis Nevada wormwood Annual herb  
Johnstonella holoptera winged cryptantha Annual herb  
Juncus bryoides Moss rush Annual grass  
Juncus bufonius Common toad rush Annual grass 6
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Toad rush Annual grass  
Juncus capillaris Slender stemmed dwarf rush Annual grass  
Juncus hemiendytus Dwarf rush Annual grass  
Juncus hemiendytus var. abjectus Center basin rush Annual grass  
Juncus kelloggii Kellogg's dwarf rush Annual grass  
Juncus tiehmii Tiehm's rush Annual grass  
Juncus triformis Yosemite dwarf rush Annual grass  
Langloisia setosissima Lilac sunbonnet Annual herb  
Langloisia setosissima ssp. punctata Lilac sunbonnet Annual herb  
Lappula redowskii Stickweed Annual herb  
Lappula redowskii var. cupulata Cupped redowski's stickseed Annual herb  
Lappula redowskii var. redowskii Redowski's stickseed Annual herb  
Lathrocasis tenerrima Delicate gilia Annual herb  
Layia glandulosa White layia Annual herb 5
Lepidium densiflorum Common pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium densiflorum var. densiflorum Common pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpum Bigseed pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium flavum Yellow pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium lasiocarpum Shaggyfruit pepperweed Annual herb  
Lepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpum Shaggyfruit pepperweed Annual herb  
Lepidium lasiocarpum var. lasiocarpum Sand peppergrass Annual herb  
Lepidium ruderale Roadside pepperweed Annual herb 1
Lepidium virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii Robinson's pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum ssp. virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. medium Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson's pepper grass Annual herb  
Leptosiphon ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb 1
Leptosiphon ciliatus ssp. ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb  
Leptosiphon harknessii Harkness' flaxflower Annual herb  
Leptosiphon lemmonii Lemmon's linanthus Annual herb  
Leptosiphon nudatus Tehachapi linanthus Annual herb  
Leptosiphon septentrionalis Northern linanthus Annual herb  
Lessingia glandulifera Valley vinegar weed Annual herb  
Lessingia glandulifera var. glandulifera Sticky lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia glandulifera var. peirsonii Peirson's lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia lemmonii Lemmon's lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia lemmonii var. lemmonii Lemmon's lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia lemmonii var. peirsonii Peirson's lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia lemmonii var. ramulosissima Twiggy lemmon's lessingia Annual herb  
Lessingia pectinata var. tenuipes Sticky lessingia Annual herb  
Lilaea scilloides Flowering quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Limosella acaulis Stemless mudwort Annual herb  
Limosella aquatica Northern mudwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Linanthus arenicola Sand linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus bigelovii Bigelow's linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus campanulatus Bellshape gilia Annual herb  
Linanthus ciliatus Whisker brush linanthus Annual herb 1
Linanthus demissus Desert linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus dichotomus Evening snow Annual herb  
Linanthus dichotomus ssp. dichotomus Evening snow Annual herb  
Linanthus filiformis Yellow gilia Annual herb  
Linanthus harknessii Harkness linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus inyoensis Inyo gilia Annual herb  
Linanthus lemmonii Lemmon's linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus nudatus Tehachapi linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus parryae Parry's linanthus Annual herb 2
Linanthus septentrionalis Northern linanthus Annual herb  
Lipocarpha micrantha Small flowered hemicarpha Annual grass  
Loeflingia squarrosa Spreading loeflingia Annual herb  
Loeflingia squarrosa var. artemisiarum Sagebrush loeflingia Annual herb  
Loeseliastrum depressum Depressed ipomopsis Annual herb  
Loeseliastrum matthewsii Desert calico Annual herb 1
Loeseliastrum schottii Schott gilia Annual herb  
Logfia depressa Dwarf cottonrose Annual herb  
Logfia filaginoides California cottonrose Annual herb  
Lotus purshianus var. purshianus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Lotus unifoliolatus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 2
Lupinus brevicaulis Short stemmed blue lupine Annual herb  
Lupinus flavoculatus Yellow eyed lupine Annual herb  
Lupinus odoratus Mojave lupine Annual herb 2
Lupinus odoratus var. odoratus Mojave lupine Annual herb  
Lupinus pusillus Rusty lupine Annual herb  
Lupinus pusillus var. intermontanus Intermountain lupine Annual herb  
Madia elegans Common madia Annual herb 14
Madia elegans ssp. elegans Common madia Annual herb 1
Madia elegans ssp. wheeleri Wheeler's common madia Annual herb 12
Madia glomerata Mountain tarweed Annual herb  
Madia gracilis Gumweed Annual herb 1
Madia minima Little tarweed Annual herb  
Malacothrix clevelandii Cleveland's malacothrix Annual herb  
Malacothrix glabrata Desert dandelion Annual herb 4
Malacothrix sonchoides Sow thistle malacothrix Annual herb 1
Malacothrix torreyi Torrey's malacothrix Annual herb  
Matricaria discoidea Pineapple weed Annual herb 3
Mentzelia albicaulis White stemmed blazing star Annual herb 2
Mentzelia congesta Clustered blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia dispersa Scattered blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia eremophila Pinyon blazing star Annual, Perennial herb  
Mentzelia inyoensis Inyo blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia jonesii Jones' blazing star Annual herb, Vine  
Mentzelia monoensis Mono craters blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia montana Mountain blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia nitens Shining blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia reflexa Reflexed blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia veatchiana Veatch's blazing star Annual herb  
Micranthes bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Micromonolepis pusilla Dwarf monolepis Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis var. gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Mimetanthe pilosa Snouted monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus bigelovii Bigelow mimulus Annual herb 2
Mimulus bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus bigelovii var. cuspidatus Bigelow's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus brachiatus Serpentine monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus breviflorus Short flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus floribundus Many flowered monkey flower Annual herb 1
Mimulus guttatus Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 37
Mimulus jepsonii Jepson's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus laciniatus Cut leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus leptaleus Least flowered monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus microphyllus Small leaved monkeyflower Annual herb 35
Mimulus montioides Montia like monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus var. jepsonii Jepson's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus var. mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus var. nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus parishii Parish mimulus Annual herb 35
Mimulus parryi Parry's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus pilosus Snouted monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus pulchellus Pansy monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus rubellus Red stemmed himulus Annual herb  
Mimulus spissus Compact monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus tricolor Tricolor monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus whipplei Whipple's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus whitneyi Harlequin monkeyflower Annual herb  
Monolepis nuttalliana Nuttall's poverty weed Annual herb  
Monolepis pusilla Dwarf poverty weed Annual herb  
Monolepis spathulata Beaver monolepis Annual herb  
Muhlenbergia filiformis Slender muhly Annual, Perennial grass  
Muhlenbergia minutissima Annual muhly Annual grass  
Myosurus apetalus Mouse tail Annual herb  
Myosurus apetalus var. montanus Bristly mousetail Annual herb  
Myosurus minimus Little mouse tail Annual herb  
Nama aretioides Purple nama Annual herb  
Nama aretioides var. californica California Fiddleleaf Annual herb  
Nama aretioides var. multiflora Ground Nama Annual herb  
Nama aretioides var. multiflorum Many flowered purple nama Annual herb  
Nama californica California Fiddleleaf Annual herb  
Nama californicum California fiddleleaf Annual herb  
Nama demissa Purplemat Annual herb  
Nama demissa var. demissa Purplemat Annual herb  
Nama demissum Purple mat Annual herb  
Nama demissum var. demissum Desert purple mat Annual herb  
Nama densa Leafy Nama Annual herb  
Nama densa var. densa Leafy Nama Annual herb  
Nama densum Purple mat Annual herb  
Nama densum var. densum Purple mat Annual herb  
Nama depressa Narrow Leaf Nama Annual herb  
Nama depressum Narrow leaved nama Annual herb  
Nama pusilla Small Leaf Nama Annual herb  
Nama pusillum Small leaved nama Annual herb  
Navarretia breweri Brewer's navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia capillaris Miniature gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta Interwoven navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta ssp. propinqua Great basin navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea Bridges' pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. bicolor Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leucocephala White headed navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia leucocephala ssp. minima Little white navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia linearifolia Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia linearifolia ssp. linearifolia Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia propinqua Annual herb  
Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra Alva day's gilia Annual herb  
Nemacladus glanduliferus Thread plant Annual herb  
Nemacladus glanduliferus var. orientalis Eastern glandular nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemacladus orientalis Eastern glandular nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemacladus rigidus Rigid nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemacladus sigmoideus Small flowered nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemophila breviflora Great basin nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pedunculata Meadow nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila spatulata Sierra nemophila Annual herb  
Nicotiana attenuata Coyote tobacco Annual herb  
Oenothera deltoides Desert lantern Annual herb 6
Oenothera deltoides ssp. piperi Piper's desert lantern Annual herb  
Orobanche corymbosa Flat topped broom rape Annual herb  
Orthocarpus cuspidatus Broad scaled owl's clover Annual herb 1
Orthocarpus cuspidatus ssp. copelandii Copeland's owl's clover Annual herb  
Orthocarpus cuspidatus ssp. cryptanthus Short flowered owl's clover Annual herb  
Orthocarpus luteus Yellow owl's clover Annual herb 1
Oxytheca dendroidea Narrowleaf oxytheca Annual herb  
Oxytheca dendroidea ssp. dendroidea Tall oxytheca Annual herb  
Oxytheca perfoliata Roundleaf puncturebract Annual herb  
Panicum capillare Old witch grass Annual grass 2
Pectis papposa Manybristle chinchweed Annual herb  
Pectocarya penicillata Winged pectocarya Annual herb  
Pectocarya setosa Moth combseed Annual herb 1
Peritoma lutea Yellow bee plant Annual herb 1
Persicaria lapathifolia Common knotweed Annual herb  
Phacelia affinis Limestone phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia affinis var. patens Limestone phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia bicolor Twocolor phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia bicolor var. bicolor Two colored phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia cicutaria Caterpillar phacelia Annual herb 6
Phacelia cicutaria var. cicutaria Caterpillar phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia crenulata Notch leaved phacelia Annual herb 2
Phacelia crenulata var. ambigua Heliotrope phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia crenulata var. crenulata Heliotrope phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia cryptantha Small flowered phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia curvipes Washoe phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia distans Common phacelia Annual herb 3
Phacelia eisenii Eisen's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia fremontii Fremont's phacelia Annual herb 2
Phacelia glandulifera Sticky phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia gymnoclada Naked stem phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia humilis Low phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia humilis var. dudleyi Dudley's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia humilis var. humilis Low phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia inyoensis Inyo phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia monoensis Mono county phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia nashiana Charlotte's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia peirsoniana Peirson's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia rotundifolia Round leafed phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia saxicola Rock phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia tanacetifolia Tansy leafed phacelia Annual herb 14
Phacelia tetramera Four parted phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia vallis-mortae Death valley phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia vallis-mortae var. vallis-mortae Death valley phacelia Annual herb  
Phlox gracilis Annual phlox Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys arizonicus Arizona popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys cognatus Popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys cusickii Cusick's popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys hispidulus Harsh allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys hispidus Cascade popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys jonesii Jones' popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys kingii Great basin popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys kingii var. harknessii Harkness' great basin popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys kingii var. kingii Great basin popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys parishii Parish's popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys reticulatus var. rossianorum Fort ross allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys salsus Desert popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri Scouler's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. cusickii Cusick's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus Sleeping popcornflower Annual herb  
Poa bolanderi Bolander's bluegrass Annual grass  
Polygonum douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. johnstonii Knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. majus Large douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. spergulariiforme Spurry knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum lapathifolium Common knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum majus Large douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum minimum Little mountain knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides Milkwort knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. kelloggii Kellogg's knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum sawatchense Knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum sawatchense ssp. oblivium Knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum sawatchense ssp. sawatchense Knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum spergulariiforme Spurry knotweed Annual herb  
Porterella carnosula Porterella Annual herb  
Potamogeton zosteriformis Eel grass pondweed Annual herb (aquatic)  
Potentilla rivalis Brook cinquefoil Annual, Perennial herb  
Prenanthella exigua Thorny skeleton plant Annual herb  
Psathyrotes annua Annual psathyrotes Annual herb  
Puccinellia simplex California alkaligrass Annual grass  
Rafinesquia neomexicana Desert chicory Annual herb 1
Ranunculus uncinatus Hooked fruit buttercup Annual, Perennial herb  
Rigiopappus leptocladus Wire weed Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes Bluntleaf yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes Bluntleaf yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes var. truncata Blunt yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvisiliqua Curvepod yellow cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Rorippa palustris Bog yellow cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Rorippa palustris ssp. palustris Bog yellowcress Annual, Perennial herb  
Rorippa palustris var. occidentalis Western bog yellow cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Rorippa sphaerocarpa Round fruit yellow cress Annual herb  
Rumex fueginus Golden dock Annual, Perennial herb  
Rumex maritimus Golden dock Annual, Perennial herb  
Rumex persicarioides Golden dock Annual, Perennial herb  
Salvia columbariae Chia sage Annual herb 12
Saxifraga bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Sedum radiatum Coast range stonecrop Annual herb  
Silene verecunda Dolores campion Annual herb  
Silene verecunda ssp. andersonii Anderson's campion Annual herb  
Stephanomeria exigua Small wirelettuce Annual herb  
Stephanomeria exigua ssp. coronaria White plume wirelettuce Annual herb  
Stephanomeria exigua ssp. exigua Mitra Annual herb  
Stephanomeria virgata Twiggy wreath plant Annual herb 1
Stephanomeria virgata ssp. pleurocarpa Tall stephanomeria Annual herb  
Streptanthella longirostris Long beaked twist flower Annual herb  
Streptanthus gracilis Alpine jewel flower Annual herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus Jewelweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Stutzia covillei Coville's orach Annual herb 1
Stylocline psilocarphoides Peck's stylocline Annual herb  
Suaeda calceoliformis Horned sea blite Annual herb 1
Suaeda occidentalis Western horned sea blite Annual herb 1
Subularia aquatica Waterawlwort Annual herb  
Subularia aquatica ssp. americana Water awlwort Annual herb  
Subularia aquatica var. americana American awlwort Annual herb  
Symphyotrichum frondosum Short rayed alkali aster Annual herb  
Symphyotrichum hendersonii Henderson's aster Annual herb  
Taraxacum ceratophorum Horned dandelion Annual herb  
Thelypodium crispum Wavy leaved thelypodium Annual, Perennial herb  
Thysanocarpus curvipes Common fringe pod Annual herb 2
Thysanocarpus curvipes ssp. eradiatus Fringe Pod Annual herb  
Tiquilia nuttallii Nuttall's coldenia Annual herb  
Trichostema austromontanum Southern bluecurls Annual herb  
Trichostema austromontanum ssp. austromontanum Southern bluecurls Annual herb  
Trichostema oblongum Mountain bluecurls Annual herb  
Trifolium cyathiferum Cup clover Annual herb  
Trifolium microcephalum Small head clover Annual herb 5
Trifolium polyodon Pacific grove clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum Variegated clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum var. geminiflorum Small-flowered variegated clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum var. variegatum Variegated clover Annual herb  
Triglochin scilloides Flowering-quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Uropappus lindleyi Silver puffs Annual herb 1
Utricularia minor Lesser bladderwort Annual herb  
Verbena bracteata Bracted verbena Annual, Perennial herb  
Veronica peregrina Neckweed Annual herb  
Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis Speedwell Annual herb  
Vulpia microstachys var. ciliata Eastwood fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. confusa Tracy's fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. pauciflora Few flowered fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia octoflora Slender fescue Annual grass 5
Vulpia octoflora var. hirtella Six weeks fescue Annual grass 1
Vulpia octoflora var. octoflora Six weeks fescue Annual grass  
Wislizenia refracta Jack ass clover Annual herb  
Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur Annual herb  
Zeltnera exaltata Cancha lagua Annual herb  
Zeltnera namophila Spring-loving Centaury Annual herb  
Zeltnera venusta Charming centaury Annual herb  
  Lifeform: Biennial2 plants
Descurainia incisa ssp. incisa Mountain tansy mustard Biennial herb  
Erigeron divergens Diffuse daisy Biennial, Perennial herb 4
  Lifeform: Perennial1918 plants
Achillea millefolium Yarrow Perennial herb 72
Achnatherum Xbloomeri Perennial grass  
Achnatherum aridum Mormon needle grass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum coronatum Giant needlegrass Perennial grass 7
Achnatherum hymenoides Indian rice grass Perennial grass 8
Achnatherum latiglume Sierra needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum lemmonii Lemmon's stipa Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum lettermanii Letterman stipa Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum nelsonii Columbia needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum nelsonii ssp. dorei Mountain needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum nevadense Sierra needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum occidentale Western needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. californicum California needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. occidentale Western needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. pubescens Elmer's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum parishii Parish's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum pinetorum Pinewoods needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum speciosum Desert needlegrass Perennial grass 8
Achnatherum thurberianum Thurber stipa Perennial grass  
Achnatherum webberi Webber's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Acmispon argophyllus Silver birds foot trefoil Perennial herb  
Acmispon argophyllus var. argophyllus Southern california silver lotus Perennial herb  
Acmispon procumbens Silky california broom Perennial herb, Shrub  
Acmispon procumbens var. jepsonii Jepson's california broom Perennial herb, Shrub  
Aconitum columbianum Monkshood Perennial herb 4
Aconitum columbianum ssp. columbianum Columbian monkshood Perennial herb  
Actaea rubra Baneberry Perennial herb 7
Adenocaulon bicolor Trail plant Perennial herb  
Agastache urticifolia Horse mint Perennial herb 6
Ageratina occidentalis Western eupatorium Perennial herb 4
Agoseris Xelata Tall agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris aurantiaca Orange flowered agoseris Perennial herb 1
Agoseris aurantiaca var. aurantiaca Orange agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris glauca Short beaked agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris glauca var. glauca Short beaked agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris glauca var. laciniata False dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris glauca var. monticola Mountain agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris grandiflora Giant mountain dandelion Perennial herb 4
Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora Giant mountain dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris monticola Mountain agoseris Perennial herb  
Agoseris parviflora False dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris retrorsa Spear leaved agoseris Perennial herb 1
Agrostis exarata Bentgrass Perennial grass 5
Agrostis humilis Mountain bent grass Perennial grass  
Agrostis idahoensis Colonial bentgrass Perennial grass 3
Agrostis oregonensis Oregon bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis pallens Diego bent grass Perennial grass 15
Agrostis perennans Upland bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis scabra Rough bentgrass Perennial grass 4
Agrostis thurberiana Thurber's bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis variabilis Mountain bentgrass Perennial grass  
Allium anceps Twin leaved onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium atrorubens Dark red onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium atrorubens var. atrorubens Great basin onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium atrorubens var. cristatum Crested onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium bisceptrum Twincrest onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium bisceptrum var. bisceptrum Twin crest onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium campanulatum Dusky onion Perennial herb (bulb) 2
Allium obtusum Red sierra onion Perennial herb (bulb) 3
Allium obtusum var. obtusum Red sierra onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium parvum Dwarf onion Perennial herb (bulb) 1
Allium validum Swamp onion Perennial herb (bulb) 5
Allotropa virgata Sugarstick Perennial herb (mycoparasitic)  
Alopecurus aequalis Sonoma alopecurus Perennial grass  
Alopecurus aequalis var. aequalis Shortawn foxtail Perennial grass  
Alopecurus geniculatus Marsh foxtail Perennial grass  
Ambrosia confertiflora Weak leaved burweed Perennial herb  
Ambrosia salsola var. fasciculata Burrobrush Perennial herb  
Amphiscirpus nevadensis Great basin bulrush Perennial grass  
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting Perennial herb 17
Anelsonia eurycarpa Broad podded phoenicaulis Perennial herb  
Anemone drummondii Drummond's anemone Perennial herb 2
Anemone drummondii var. drummondii Drummond's anemone Perennial herb 2
Anemone occidentalis Western anemone Perennial herb 3
Anemopsis californica Yerba mansa Perennial herb 32
Angelica capitellata Grayswamp whiteheads Perennial herb 2
Angelica kingii King's angelica Perennial herb  
Angelica lineariloba Poison angelica Perennial herb  
Antennaria argentea Silvery everlasting Perennial herb  
Antennaria corymbosa Meadowpussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria dimorpha Gray cushion pussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria media Alpine pussytoes Perennial herb 1
Antennaria microphylla Littleleaf pussytoes Perennial herb 5
Antennaria parvifolia Small leaf pussytoes Perennial herb 5
Antennaria pulchella Beautiful pussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria rosea Rosy everlasting Perennial herb 2
Antennaria rosea ssp. confinis Rosy pussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria rosea ssp. rosea Rosy pussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria umbrinella Brown pussytoes Perennial herb  
Aphyllon californicum California orobanche Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon californicum ssp. californicum Broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon californicum ssp. feudgei California broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon fasciculatum Clustered broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading dogbane Perennial herb 1
Apocynum cannabinum Indian hemp Perennial herb 12
Aquilegia formosa Columbine Perennial herb 55
Aquilegia pubescens Sierra columbine Perennial herb 1
Aquilegia shockleyi Desert columbine Perennial herb 55
Arabis bodiensis Bodie hills rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis breweri Brewer's rock cress Perennial herb 1
Arabis cobrensis Masonic rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis davidsonii Davidson's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis dispar Pinyon rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis drummondii Drummond's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis eschscholtziana Eschscholtz's hairy rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis fernaldiana Park rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis fernaldiana var. stylosa Stylose rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis glabra Smooth rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis glabra var. furcatipilis Smooth rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis glaucovalvula Blue podded rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis hirsuta Hairy rock cress Perennial herb 1
Arabis hirsuta var. glabrata Mountain rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa Hairy fruit rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis holboellii Holboell's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis holboellii var. pendulocarpa Weeping fruited holboell's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis holboellii var. pinetorum Pine rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta Backward splitting holboell's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis inyoensis Inyo rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis lemmonii Lemmon's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis lemmonii var. depauperata Depauperate rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis lemmonii var. lemmonii Lemmon's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis lyallii Lyall's rock cress Perennial herb 1
Arabis lyallii var. lyallii Lyall's rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis lyallii var. nubigena Lyall's cloud cress Perennial herb  
Arabis microphylla Littleleaf rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis microphylla var. microphylla Small leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis pendulina Rabbitear rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis perennans Rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis pinzliae Pinzl's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis platysperma Broad seeded rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis platysperma var. howellii Howell's rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis platysperma var. platysperma Broad seeded rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis puberula Blue mountain rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis pulchra Prince s rock cress Perennial herb 2
Arabis pulchra var. gracilis Slender & beautiful rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis pulchra var. pulchra Beautiful rock cress Perennial herb 2
Arabis pycnocarpa Creamflower rockcress Perennial herb 1
Arabis pycnocarpa var. pycnocarpa Hairy fruit rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis rectissima Bristlyleaf rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis rectissima var. rectissima Bristly leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis repanda Repand rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis repanda var. greenei Greene's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis repanda var. repanda Repand rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis shockleyi Shockley's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis sparsiflora Sicklepod rock cress Perennial herb 2
Arabis sparsiflora var. arcuata Elegant rockress Perennial herb  
Arabis sparsiflora var. sparsiflora Elegant rock cress Perennial herb 2
Arabis sparsiflora var. subvillosa Hairy stemmed elegant rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis suffrutescens Woody rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis suffrutescens var. suffrutescens Woody rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis tiehmii Tiehm's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arceuthobium abietinum Fir dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium americanum American dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium californicum Sugar pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium campylopodum Pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium cyanocarpum Blue berry dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium divaricatum Western dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium littorum Seashore dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium monticola Mountain dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium occidentale Digger pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium siskiyouense Siskiyou dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense Hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense ssp. mertensianae Mountain hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense ssp. tsugense Hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arenaria aculeata Prickly sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria kingii ssp. compacta King's sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria kingii var. glabrescens King's smooth sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria macradenia Sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria macradenia ssp. ferrisiae Ferris' sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria macradenia var. macradenia Desert sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria pumicola var. californica Pumice sandwort Perennial herb  
Argemone corymbosa Leafy prickly poppy Perennial herb 2
Aristida purpurea Purple three awn Perennial grass 18
Aristida purpurea var. fendleriana Fendler three awn Perennial grass  
Aristida purpurea var. longiseta Red three awn Perennial grass 2
Arnica Xdiversifolia Rayless arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica amplexicaulis Streambank arnica Perennial herb 3
Arnica chamissonis Chamisso arnica Perennial herb 6
Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa Meadow arnica Perennial herb 6
Arnica cordifolia Heart leaved arnica Perennial herb 1
Arnica diversifolia Lawless arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica lanceolata Clasping arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica lanceolata ssp. prima Clasping arnica Perennial herb 3
Arnica latifolia Mountain arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica longifolia Seep spring arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica mollis Cordilleran arnica Perennial herb 1
Arnica nevadensis Sierra arnica Perennial herb 1
Arnica ovata Sticky leaf arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica parryi Nodding arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei Sonne's nodding arnica Perennial herb  
Arnica sororia Twin arnica Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Arnica tomentella Recondite arnica Perennial herb 1
Artemisia douglasiana California mugwort Perennial herb 36
Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon Perennial herb 11
Artemisia ludoviciana Silver wormwood Perennial herb 17
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. candicans Gray mugwort Perennial herb  
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta Western mugwort Perennial herb  
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Silver wormwood Perennial herb 3
Artemisia michauxiana Lemon sagewort Perennial herb 2
Artemisia norvegica Alpine sagewort Perennial herb 1
Artemisia norvegica ssp. saxatilis Boreal sagewort Perennial herb  
Artemisia spiciformis Snowfield sagebrush Perennial herb  
Asclepias cryptoceras Humboldt mountains milkweed Perennial herb  
Asclepias cryptoceras ssp. davisii Davis' humboldt mountains milkweed Perennial herb  
Asclepias erosa Desert milkweed Perennial herb 3
Asclepias fascicularis narrow leaf milkweed Perennial herb 34
Asclepias speciosa Showy milkweed Perennial herb 42
Aster alpigenus var. andersonii Alpine aster Perennial herb 1
Aster ascendens Long leaved aster Perennial herb  
Aster breweri Brewer's aster Perennial herb  
Aster campestris Western meadow aster Perennial herb  
Aster eatonii Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Aster foliaceus Leafy aster Perennial herb 1
Aster foliaceus var. apricus Parry's leafy aster Perennial herb 1
Aster foliaceus var. parryi Parry's aster Perennial herb 1
Aster integrifolius Entire leaved aster Perennial herb  
Aster lanceolatus ssp. hesperius Western lance leaf aster Perennial herb  
Aster occidentalis Western mountain aster Perennial herb 1
Aster occidentalis var. occidentalis Western mountain aster Perennial herb  
Aster occidentalis var. yosemitanus Western bog aster Perennial herb  
Aster scopulorum Lava aster Perennial herb  
Astragalus agrestis Purple loco weed Perennial herb  
Astragalus andersonii Anderson's rattle weed Perennial herb  
Astragalus argophyllus Silverleaf milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus argophyllus var. argophyllus Silver leaf milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus calycosus Torrey's milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus calycosus var. calycosus Torrey's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus canadensis Canadian milkvetch Perennial herb 1
Astragalus canadensis var. brevidens Short toothed milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus casei Case's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus coccineus Scarlet milk vetch Perennial herb 1
Astragalus curvicarpus Curvepod milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus curvicarpus var. curvicarpus Curved pod milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus gibbsii Gibbs locoweed Perennial herb  
Astragalus iodanthus Humboldt river milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus iodanthus var. iodanthus Humboldt river milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus johannis-howellii Long valley milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus kentrophyta Spiny milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus kentrophyta var. danaus Sweetwater mtns. milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus kentrophyta var. elatus Spiny leaved milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus kentrophyta var. tegetarius Mat milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus kentrophyta var. ungulatus Spiny milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus layneae Layne's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus lemmonii Lemmon's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis Fish slough milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus malacus Shaggy milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus monoensis Mono milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus monoensis var. monoensis Mono milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus monoensis var. ravenii Raven's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus newberryi Newberry's milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus newberryi var. castoreus Newberry's milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi Newberry's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus oophorus Bladder milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii Lavin's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus oophorus var. oophorus Bladder milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus platytropis Little big pod milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus pseudiodanthus Tonopah milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus purshii Pursh's sheeppod Perennial herb 3
Astragalus purshii var. lectulus Pursh's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus purshii var. purshii Pursh's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus purshii var. tinctus Pursh's milk vetch Perennial herb 1
Astragalus ravenii Raven's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus serenoi Naked milkvetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus serenoi var. shockleyi Naked milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus whitneyi Whitney's milk vetch Perennial herb 1
Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi Whitney's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Baccharis douglasii Salt marsh baccharis Perennial herb 15
Baccharis glutinosa Salt Marsh baccharis Perennial herb 28
Balsamorhiza hookeri Hooker's balsam root Perennial herb 1
Balsamorhiza macrolepis var. platylepis Flat scale balsam root Perennial herb 1
Balsamorhiza sagittata Arrow leaved balsamroot Perennial herb 6
Barbarea orthoceras Winter cress Perennial herb 1
Berula erecta Cut leaved water parsnip Perennial herb 1
Bidens cernua Nodding beggartick Perennial herb  
Bidens laevis Bur marigold Perennial herb 5
Bistorta bistortoides American bistort Perennial herb  
Blepharidachne kingii King's eyelash grass Perennial grass 1
Boechera arcuata Arching rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera bodiensis Bodie hills rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera breweri Brewer's rock cress Perennial herb 1
Boechera cobrensis Masonic rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera covillei Coville's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera davidsonii Davidson's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera depauperata Soldier rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera dispar Pinyon rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera divaricarpa Spreadingpod rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera elkoensis Elko rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera evadens Hidden rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera glaucovalvula Bluepod rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera howellii Howell's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera inyoensis Inyo rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera lemmonii Lemmon's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera lyallii Lyall's rockcress Perennial herb 1
Boechera microphylla Small-leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera microphylla var. microphylla Small-leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera pauciflora Hairy stem rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera paupercula Small-flowered rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pendulina Nodding rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera pendulocarpa Dropseed rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera perennans Perennial rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pinetorum Woodland rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pinzliae Pinzl's rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera platysperma Pioneer rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pratincola Meadow rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera puberula Silver rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pulchra Beautiful rockcress Perennial herb 2
Boechera rectissima Bristly leaf rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera repanda Yosemite rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera retrofracta Reflexed rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera shockleyi Shockley's rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera sparsiflora Sicklepod rockcress Perennial herb 2
Boechera stricta Drummond's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera suffrutescens Woody rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera tiehmii Tiehm's rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera tularensis Tulare rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera xylopoda Bigfoot hybrid rockcress Perennial herb  
Bolboschoenus maritimus Alkali bulrush Perennial grass 16
Bolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosus Saltmarsh bulrush Perennial grass 16
Bolboschoenus robustus Sturdy bullrush Perennial grass 10
Brickellia californica California brickellia Perennial herb 17
Brickellia grandiflora Large flowered brickelbush Perennial herb  
Brickellia oblongifolia Mojave brickellbush Perennial herb  
Brickellia oblongifolia var. linifolia Pinon brickellia Perennial herb  
Brickellia watsonii Watson's brickellia Perennial herb  
Brodiaea elegans Harvest brodiaea Perennial herb 6
Bromus anomalus Nodding brome Perennial grass 1
Bromus carinatus California bromegrass Perennial grass 19
Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California brome Perennial grass 19
Bromus carinatus var. marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus ciliatus Fringed bromegrass Perennial grass 2
Bromus laevipes Narrow flowered brome Perennial grass 4
Bromus marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus porteri Nodding brome Perennial grass 1
Bromus richardsonii Fringed brome Perennial grass  
Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus California brome Perennial grass 19
Bromus sitchensis var. marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus suksdorfii Suksdorf's bromegrass Perennial grass 1
Calamagrostis breweri Short hair reedgrass Perennial grass 1
Calamagrostis canadensis Canada reedgrass Perennial grass 5
Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis Bluejoint Perennial grass  
Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorffii Bluejoint Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Calamagrostis canadensis var. langsdorfii Canada reedgrass Perennial grass  
Calamagrostis muiriana Perennial grass  
Calamagrostis purpurascens Purple reedgrass Perennial grass  
Calamagrostis stricta Narrow hairgrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous) 2
Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa Thurber's reed grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous) 1
Calamagrostis stricta ssp. stricta Slimstem reedgrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Calliscirpus brachythrix Short-Hair Cottongrass Perennial grass  
Calliscirpus criniger Cotton grass Perennial grass  
Callitriche fassettii Fassett's water starwort Perennial herb  
Callitriche hermaphroditica Northern water starwort Perennial herb  
Callitriche heterophylla Water starwort Perennial herb  
Calochortus bruneaunis Pinyon mariposa Perennial herb 1
Calochortus excavatus Inyo County star tulip Perennial herb (bulb)  
Calochortus invenustus Plain mariposa Perennial herb 2
Calochortus leichtlinii Leichtlin's mariposa lily Perennial herb 2
Calochortus panamintensis Panamint mariposa lily Perennial herb (bulb)  
Calochortus superbus Yellow mariposa Perennial herb 5
Caltha leptosepala White marsh marigold Perennial herb 3
Caltha leptosepala ssp. howellii Howell's marsh marigold Perennial herb 3
Caltha leptosepala var. biflora Marsh marigold Perennial herb 3
Calyptridium monospermum One seeded pussypaws Perennial herb  
Camissonia subacaulis Long leaved suncup Perennial herb  
Camissonia tanacetifolia Tansy leaf evening primrose Perennial herb  
Camissonia tanacetifolia ssp. quadriperforata Sierra valley evening primrose Perennial herb  
Camissonia tanacetifolia ssp. tanacetifolia Tansy leaved suncup Perennial herb  
Cardamine breweri Brewer's bitter cress Perennial herb  
Cardamine breweri var. breweri Brewer's bitter cress Perennial herb  
Cardamine californica milkmaids Perennial herb  
Carex abrupta Abrupt beaked sedge Perennial grass  
Carex albida White sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex amplectens Clasping bract sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex angustata Narrow leaved sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex aquatilis Water sedge Perennial grass 5
Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis Water sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex athrostachya Slender leaved sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex aurea Golden fruited sedge Perennial grass  
Carex bella Southwestern showy sedge Perennial grass  
Carex brainerdii Brainerd's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex breweri Brewer's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex breweri var. breweri Brewer's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex canescens Hoary sedge Perennial grass  
Carex capitata Capitate sedge Perennial grass  
Carex congdonii Congdon's sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex constanceana Contance's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex cusickii Cusick's sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex davyi Davy's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex deflexa Mountain mat sedge Perennial grass  
Carex deflexa var. boottii Mountain mat sedge Perennial grass  
Carex deweyana Dewey sedge Perennial grass 5
Carex deweyana ssp. leptopoda Dewey's taper fruit sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex diandra Lesser panicled sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex disperma Soft leaf sedge Perennial grass  
Carex douglasii Douglas sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex duriuscula Needleleaf sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex eleocharis Spikerush sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex engelmannii Engelmann's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex feta Green sheathed sedge Perennial grass  
Carex filifolia Thread leaf sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex filifolia var. erostrata Thread leaf sedge Perennial grass  
Carex fissuricola Cleft sedge Perennial grass  
Carex fracta Fragile sheathed sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex garberi Garber's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex geyeri Geyer's sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex halliana Hall's sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex hassei Hasse's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex haydeniana Cloud sedge Perennial grass  
Carex helleri Heller's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex heteroneura Variable nerved sedge Perennial grass  
Carex heteroneura var. epapillosa Smooth nerve sedge Perennial grass  
Carex heteroneura var. heteroneura Vari nerved sedge Perennial grass  
Carex hoodii Hood's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex idahoa Idaho sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex illota Sheep sedge Perennial grass  
Carex incurviformis Coastal sand sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex incurviformis var. danaensis Coastal sand sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex integra Smooth beak sedge Perennial grass  
Carex jonesii Jones' sedge Perennial grass  
Carex lasiocarpa Woolly fruited sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous) 2
Carex lemmonii Lemmon's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex lenticularis Lakeshore sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex lenticularis var. impressa Lakeshore sedge Perennial grass  
Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpa Fat fruited sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex leporinella Sierra hare sedge Perennial grass  
Carex leptopoda Slender-footed sedge Perennial grass 5
Carex luzulifolia Littleleaf sedge Perennial grass  
Carex luzulina Wood rush sedge Perennial grass  
Carex luzulina var. ablata American cold loving sedge Perennial grass  
Carex luzulina var. luzulina Wood rush sedge Perennial grass  
Carex mariposana Mariposa sedge Perennial grass  
Carex microptera Small wing sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex multicaulis Forest sedge Perennial grass  
Carex multicostata Many ribbed sedge Perennial grass  
Carex nebrascensis Nebraska sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex nervina Sierra nerved sedge Perennial grass  
Carex nigricans Black alpine sedge Perennial grass  
Carex norvegica Scandinavian sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex nudata Torrent sedge Perennial grass 13
Carex occidentalis Western sedge Perennial grass  
Carex orestera Boulder sedge Perennial grass  
Carex pachystachya Thick headed sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex pellita Woolly sedge Perennial grass 7
Carex petasata Liddon's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex phaeocephala Mountain hare sedge Perennial grass  
Carex praeceptorum Teacher's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex praegracilis Field sedge Perennial grass 29
Carex praticola Meadow sedge Perennial grass  
Carex preslii Presl's sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex proposita Great smoky mountain sedge Perennial grass  
Carex pyrenaica Pyrenean sedge Perennial grass  
Carex pyrenaica ssp. pyrenaica Pyrenean sedge Perennial grass  
Carex raynoldsii Raynold's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex rossii Ross' sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex sartwelliana Yosemite sedge Perennial grass  
Carex scirpoidea Northern singlespike sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex scirpoidea ssp. pseudoscirpoidea Single spiked sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex scirpoidea var. pseudoscirpoidea Western single spike sedge Perennial grass  
Carex scopulorum Mountain sedge Perennial grass  
Carex scopulorum var. bracteosa Bracted sedge Perennial grass  
Carex senta Rough sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex simulata Short beaked sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex specifica Narrow fruit sedge Perennial grass  
Carex spectabilis Showy sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex stevenii Steven's sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Carex straminiformis Straw like sedge Perennial grass  
Carex subfusca Brown sedge Perennial grass 8
Carex subnigricans Blackish sedge Perennial grass  
Carex tahoensis Tahoe sedge Perennial grass  
Carex tiogana Tioga pass sedge Perennial grass  
Carex utriculata Beaked sedge Perennial grass 7
Carex vallicola Valley sedge Perennial grass  
Carex vernacula Native sedge Perennial grass  
Carex vesicaria Blister sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex vesicaria var. vesicaria Inflated sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex whitneyi Whitney's sedge Perennial grass  
Castilleja affinis Indian paintbrush Perennial herb 1
Castilleja angustifolia Desert paintbrush Perennial herb 3
Castilleja applegatei Wavy leaf paintbrush Perennial herb 2
Castilleja applegatei ssp. disticha Forked wavy leaf paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii Martin's paintbrush Perennial herb 1
Castilleja applegatei ssp. pallida Brewer's indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja applegatei ssp. pinetorum Pine wavy leaf paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja chromosa Desert paintbrush Perennial herb 3
Castilleja lemmonii Lemmon's paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja linariifolia Desert paintbursh Perennial herb 2
Castilleja miniata Great red paintbrush Perennial herb 6
Castilleja miniata ssp. miniata Scarlet indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja nana Dwarf alpine paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja parviflora Mountain paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja parviflora var. parviflora Smallflower indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja peirsonii Peirson's paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja pilosa Pilose paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja plagiotoma Mojave indian paintbrush Perennial herb (hemiparasitic)  
Caulanthus glaucus Glaucous caulanthus Perennial herb  
Caulanthus major Slender wild cabbage Perennial herb  
Caulanthus major var. nevadensis Sierra nevada wild cabbage Perennial herb  
Cerastium arvense Meadow chickweed Perennial herb 1
Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum Field chickweed Perennial herb  
Cerastium beeringianum Bering chickweed Perennial herb 1
Cerastium beeringianum ssp. earlei Bering chickweed Perennial herb 1
Cerastium beeringianum var. capillare Mouse ear chickweed Perennial herb 1
Ceratophyllum demersum Hornwort Perennial herb 1
Chaenactis alpigena Southern sierra chaenactis Perennial herb  
Chaenactis douglasii var. alpina Alpine dusty pincushion Perennial herb  
Chaenactis nevadensis Sierra chaenactis Perennial herb  
Chaenactis santolinoides Santolina chaenactis Perennial herb  
Chaetadelpha wheeleri Wheeler's chaetadelpha Perennial herb  
Chaetopappa ericoides Heath leaved chaetopappa Perennial herb 1
Chamaesaracha nana Dwarf chamaesaracha Perennial herb  
Chamaesyce albomarginata Rattlesnake weed Perennial herb  
Chamerion angustifolium Fireweed Perennial herb 14
Chamerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum Fireweed Perennial herb 2
Chamerion latifolium Dwarf fireweed Perennial herb 3
Chenopodium incanum Mealy goosefoot Perennial herb  
Chenopodium incanum var. occidentale Pigweed Perennial herb  
Chrysothamnus albidus White flowered rabbitbrush Perennial herb  
Cicuta douglasii Western water hemlock Perennial herb 1
Cicuta maculata Water hemlock Perennial herb 1
Cicuta maculata var. angustifolia Narrow leafed water hemlock Perennial herb  
Cinna latifolia Drooping wood reed Perennial grass  
Circaea alpina Small enchanter's nightshade Perennial herb  
Circaea alpina ssp. pacifica Pacific enchanter's nightshade Perennial herb  
Cirsium andersonii Anderson's thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium arizonicum Arizona thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium arizonicum var. arizonicum Arizona thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium arizonicum var. tenuisectum Desert mountain thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium canovirens Gray green thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium congdonii Congdon's thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium cymosum Peregrine thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium cymosum var. canovirens Gray-green thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium inamoenum Greene's thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium inamoenum var. inamoenum Greene's thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium mohavense Mohave thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium neomexicanum Desert thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium occidentale Western thistle Perennial herb 11
Cirsium occidentale var. californicum California thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium occidentale var. candidissimum Snowy thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium occidentale var. venustum Venus thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium scariosum Elk thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium scariosum var. americanum Dinnerplate thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium scariosum var. congdonii Elk thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium scariosum var. scariosum Elk thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium subniveum Jackson hole thistle Perennial herb  
Claytonia megarhiza Fell fields claytonia Perennial herb  
Claytonia nevadensis Sierra spring beauty Perennial herb 1
Claytonia umbellata Great basin claytonia Perennial herb  
Clematis ligusticifolia Creek clematis Perennial herb, Vine 33
Corallorhiza maculata Summer coral root Perennial herb  
Crepis acuminata Tall hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis intermedia Intermediate hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis modocensis Modoc hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis modocensis ssp. subacaulis Modoc hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis nana Dwarf hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis occidentalis Western hawk's beard Perennial herb  
Crepis occidentalis ssp. conjuncta Largeflower hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Largeflower hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis occidentalis ssp. pumila Largeflower hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis pleurocarpa Naked stemmed hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis runcinata Meadow hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis runcinata ssp. andersonii Anderson's meadow hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis runcinata ssp. hallii Hall's meadow hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Crepis runcinata ssp. imbricata Fiddleleaf hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Croton californicus Desert croton Perennial herb 5
Cryptantha cinerea James' cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha cinerea var. abortiva Bownut cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha confertiflora Yellow cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha crymophila Subalpine cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha flavoculata Rough seed cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha hoffmannii Hoffmann's virgin river cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha humilis Low oreocarya Perennial herb  
Cryptantha nubigena Sierra cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha racemosa Woody forget me not Perennial herb  
Cryptantha schoolcraftii Schoolcraft's cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha sobolifera Sierra perennial cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cryptantha virginensis Virgin river cryptantha Perennial herb  
Cusickiella douglasii Alkali draba Perennial herb  
Cusickiella quadricostata Bodie hills cusickiella Perennial herb  
Cymopterus aboriginum Indian parsnip Perennial herb  
Cymopterus cinerarius Gray's cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cymopterus globosus Globose cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cymopterus terebinthinus Turpentine cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cymopterus terebinthinus var. californicus Turpentine cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cymopterus terebinthinus var. petraeus Rock cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cypripedium californicum California lady's slipper Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Danthonia intermedia Timber oatgrass Perennial grass 2
Danthonia intermedia ssp. intermedia Intermediate oat grass Perennial grass  
Danthonia unispicata One spiked oatgrass Perennial grass  
Dasyochloa pulchella Low woollygrass Perennial grass  
Datura wrightii Jimsonweed Perennial herb 17
Delphinium andersonii Anderson larkspur Perennial herb 4
Delphinium depauperatum Few flowered larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium glaucum Sierra larkspur Perennial herb 3
Delphinium gracilentum Meadow larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium nuttallianum Nuttall's larkspur Perennial herb 2
Delphinium parishii Parish's larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium parishii ssp. parishii Parish's larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium polycladon Mountain marsh larkspur Perennial herb  
Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted hair grass Perennial grass 48
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa Tufted hairgrass Perennial grass 24
Deschampsia elongata Hairgrass Perennial grass 17
Descurainia adenophora White tansy mustard Perennial herb  
Descurainia californica Sierra tansy mustard Perennial herb  
Descurainia incana Mountain tansy mustard Perennial herb  
Descurainia obtusa ssp. adenophora White tansy mustard Perennial herb  
Dicentra nevadensis Tulare county bleeding heart Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Dicentra uniflora Steers head Perennial herb  
Dichelostemma capitatum Blue dicks Perennial herb 16
Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum Wild hyacinth Perennial herb 2
Dieteria canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb 1
Dieteria canescens var. canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Dieteria canescens var. leucanthemifolia Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Dieteria canescens var. shastensis Shasta aster Perennial herb  
Dipterostemon capitatus Blue dicks Perennial herb 16
Dipterostemon capitatus ssp. capitatus Perennial herb 2
Distichlis spicata Salt grass Perennial grass 25
Dodecatheon alpinum Alpine shooting star Perennial herb 1
Dodecatheon jeffreyi Jeffrey's shooting star Perennial herb 3
Dodecatheon pulchellum Dark throated shooting star Perennial herb 6
Dodecatheon redolens Scented shooting star Perennial herb  
Dodecatheon subalpinum Sierra shooting star Perennial herb  
Doellingeria breweri Perennial herb  
Draba asterophora Tahoe draba Perennial herb  
Draba asterophora var. asterophora Tahoe draba Perennial herb  
Draba breweri Brewer's whitlow grass Perennial herb  
Draba breweri var. cana Hoary draba Perennial herb  
Draba californica California draba Perennial herb  
Draba cana Canescent draba Perennial herb  
Draba densifolia Dense leaved draba Perennial herb  
Draba incrassata Sweetwater mtns. draba Perennial herb  
Draba lemmonii Granite draba Perennial herb  
Draba lemmonii var. lemmonii Lemmon's draba Perennial herb  
Draba lonchocarpa Lancepod draba Perennial herb  
Draba lonchocarpa var. lonchocarpa Spear fruited draba Perennial herb  
Draba longisquamosa Granite draba Perennial herb  
Draba monoensis White mtns. draba Perennial herb  
Draba novolympica Trelease's draba Perennial herb  
Draba oligosperma Few seeded draba Perennial herb  
Draba oligosperma var. oligosperma Few seeded draba Perennial herb  
Draba oligosperma var. subsessilis Alpine few seeded draba Perennial herb  
Draba paysonii var. treleasei Trelease's draba Perennial herb  
Draba praealta Tall draba Perennial herb  
Draba sierrae Sierra draba Perennial herb  
Draba subumbellata Mound draba Perennial herb  
Drymocallis glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb 14
Drymocallis glandulosa var. glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Drymocallis glandulosa var. reflexa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Drymocallis hansenii Yosemite woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Drymocallis lactea Perennial herb 1
Drymocallis lactea var. austiniae Austin's woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Drymocallis lactea var. lactea Sierran woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Drymocallis pseudorupestris False rock loving cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Drymocallis pseudorupestris var. crumiana Crum's woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Drymocallis pseudorupestris var. saxicola Cliff woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Dugaldia hoopesii Hoope's sneezeweed Perennial herb 7
Eleocharis acicularis Needle spikerush Perennial grass 2
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis Needle spike rush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis acicularis var. bella Beautiful spikerush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis acicularis var. occidentalis Needle spike rush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis bella Beautiful spikerush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis bolanderi Bolander's spikerush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis macrostachya Spike rush Perennial grass 19
Eleocharis montevidensis Montevideo spike rush Perennial grass 2
Eleocharis ovata Ovate spikerush Perennial grass 3
Eleocharis palustris Common spikerush Perennial grass 8
Eleocharis parishii Parish's spike rush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis pauciflora Few flowered spike rush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis quinqueflora Fewflower spikerush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis rostellata Walking sedge Perennial grass 1
Eleocharis suksdorfiana Suksdorf's spikerush Perennial grass  
Elodea canadensis Common water weed Perennial herb  
Elodea nuttallii Western waterweed Perennial herb  
Elymus Xhansenii Perennial grass  
Elymus Xsaundersii Perennial grass  
Elymus cinereus Great basin wild rye Perennial grass 8
Elymus condensatus Giant wild rye Perennial grass 31
Elymus elymoides Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass 14
Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius Short leaved squirreltail Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus California squirreltail Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides Squirreltail Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides var. brevifolius Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides var. californicus Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides var. elymoides Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass  
Elymus glaucus Blue wildrye Perennial grass 32
Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus Blue wild rye Perennial grass 1
Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii Western rye grass Perennial grass 1
Elymus glaucus ssp. virescens Virginia wildrye Perennial grass  
Elymus lanceolatus Thickspike wheatgrass Perennial grass 3
Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus Northern wheatgrass Perennial grass 4
Elymus mollis ssp. mollis American dune grass, sea lyme grass Perennial grass 4
Elymus multisetus Big squirreltail grass Perennial grass 12
Elymus salina Salina pass wild rye Perennial grass  
Elymus scribneri Scribner's wheat grass Perennial grass  
Elymus sierrae Sierra wildrye Perennial grass  
Elymus smithii Western wheat grass Perennial grass 6
Elymus spicatus Blue bunch wheat grass Perennial grass 7
Elymus trachycaulus Slender wheatgrass Perennial grass 9
Elymus trachycaulus ssp. subsecundus Bearded wheatgrass Perennial grass 2
Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus Slender wheatgrass Perennial grass 7
Elymus triticoides Beardless wild rye Perennial grass 29
Enceliopsis nudicaulis Naked stemmed daisy Perennial herb  
Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. nudicaulis Nakedstem sunray Perennial herb, Shrub  
Epilobium anagallidifolium Alpine willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium angustifolium ssp. angustifolium Fireweed Perennial herb 2
Epilobium angustifolium ssp. circumvagum Fireweed Perennial herb 1
Epilobium canum California fuchsia Perennial herb 51
Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium California fushia Perennial herb 5
Epilobium ciliatum Slender willow herb Perennial herb 2
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum Willow herb Perennial herb 2
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum Glandular willowherb Perennial herb 1
Epilobium clavatum Club fruit willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. fastigiatum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. glaberrimum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium halleanum Hairy willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hallianum Hall's willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hornemannii Hornemann's willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hornemannii ssp. hornemannii Hornemann's willow herb Perennial herb  
Epilobium howellii Subalpine fireweed Perennial herb  
Epilobium lactiflorum White flowered willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium latifolium River beauty Perennial herb 3
Epilobium obcordatum Heart willowweed Perennial herb  
Epilobium oreganum Oregon fireweed Perennial herb  
Epilobium oregonense Slimstem willowweed Perennial herb  
Epilobium saximontanum Glandular willowherb Perennial herb  
Epipactis gigantea Stream orchid Perennial herb 17
Eremogone aculeata Prickly sandwort Perennial herb  
Eremogone ferrisiae Perennial herb  
Eremogone kingii King's sandwort Perennial herb 1
Eremogone kingii var. glabrescens King's smooth sandwort Perennial herb  
Eremogone macradenia Mojave sandwort Perennial herb  
Eremogone macradenia var. macradenia Desert sandwort Perennial herb  
Erigeron algidus Stalked fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron aphanactis Rayless shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron aphanactis var. aphanactis Rayless shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron austiniae Rebecca austin's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron barbellulatus Shining daisy Perennial herb 1
Erigeron bloomeri Scabland fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron bloomeri var. bloomeri Scabland fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri Brewer's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri var. breweri Brewer's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri var. covillei Coville erigeron Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri var. porphyreticus Fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron chrysopsidis Dwarf yellow fleabane Perennial herb 1
Erigeron chrysopsidis var. austiniae Rebecca austin's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron clokeyi Clokey's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron clokeyi var. pinzliae Clokey's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron compactus Fern leaved fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron compactus var. compactus Cushion daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron compositus Cut leaved daisy Perennial herb 4
Erigeron coulteri Coulter's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron eatonii Eaton's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron eatonii var. nevadincola Nevada daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron eatonii var. plantagineus Eaton's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron eatonii var. sonnei Sonne's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron elmeri Elmer's erigeron Perennial herb  
Erigeron glacialis Wandering fleabane Perennial herb 3
Erigeron glacialis var. glacialis Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron glacialis var. hirsutus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron inornatus Rayless fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus Fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron lassenianus Mt. lassen fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron linearis Narrow leaved fleabane Perennial herb 3
Erigeron lobatus Lobed fleabane Perennial herb 4
Erigeron lonchophyllus Shortray fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron nevadincola Nevada daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron nivalis Northern daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron peregrinus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb 3
Erigeron peregrinus var. callianthemus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron peregrinus var. hirsutus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron pumilus Shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron pumilus ssp. intermedius Shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron pumilus var. gracilior Shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron pumilus var. intermedius Shaggy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron pygmaeus Pygmy fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron tener Slender fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron vagus Rambling fleabane Perennial herb  
Eriogonum alexanderae Alexander's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum beatleyae Beatley's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum caespitosum Clumping buckwheat Perennial herb 3
Eriogonum elatum Tall buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum elatum var. elatum Tall buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum elatum var. villosum Long hairy tall buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum gracilipes White mountains buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum incanum Frosted buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum inflatum Desert trumpet Perennial herb  
Eriogonum kennedyi Kennedy's buckwheat Perennial herb 5
Eriogonum kennedyi var. purpusii Purpus' buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum latens Inyo buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum lobbii Lobb's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum lobbii var. lobbii Lobb's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum microtheca Slender buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum microtheca var. alpinum Northern limestone buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum microtheca var. ambiguum Yellow-flowered wild buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum microtheca var. laxiflorum Great basin wild buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ochrocephalum White woolly buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ochrocephalum var. alexanderae Alexander's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ochrocephalum var. ochrocephalum White woolly buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ovalifolium Oval leaved eriogonum Perennial herb 4
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. caelestinum Cushion buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale Cushion buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. ovalifolium Cushion buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. purpureum Purple cushion buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum panamintense Panamint mountain buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub 2
Eriogonum rosense Rosy buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum rosense var. rosense Rosy buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum rupinum Wyman creek buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub  
Eriogonum saxatile Rock buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum shockleyi Shockley's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum shockleyi var. shockleyi Shockley's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum strictum var. proliferum Blue mountain buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum umbellatum Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb 26
Eriogonum umbellatum var. bahiiforme Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. chlorothamnus Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. covillei Coville's sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. dichrocephalum Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. dumosum Many flowered sulfur flower Perennial herb 3
Eriogonum umbellatum var. modocense Sulphur flower buckwheat Perennial herb 2
Eriogonum umbellatum var. nevadense Sierra sulfur flower Perennial herb 2
Eriogonum umbellatum var. polyanthum Many flowered sulfur flower Perennial herb 6
Eriogonum umbellatum var. smallianum Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. subaridum Desert sulfur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. versicolor Sulphur flowered buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum wrightii Wright's buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub 6
Eriogonum wrightii var. nodosum Wright s buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub  
Eriogonum wrightii var. subscaposum Wright's buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub 3
Erioneuron pulchellum Fluff grass Perennial grass  
Eriophorum criniger Cotton grass Perennial grass  
Eriophorum crinigerum Fringed cottongrass Perennial grass  
Eriophyllum lanatum Wooly sunflower Perennial herb 27
Eriophyllum lanatum var. croceum Sierra woolly sunflower Perennial herb  
Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium Oregon sunshine Perennial herb  
Erysimum argillosum Western wallflower Perennial herb  
Erysimum capitatum Wallflower Perennial herb 11
Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum Contra costa wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. bealianum Western wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. lompocense San luis obispo wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. perenne Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb  
Erysimum capitatum var. purshii Pursh's wallflower Perennial herb  
Erysimum perenne Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb  
Erythranthe cardinalis Cardinal monkey flower Perennial herb 42
Erythranthe lewisii Lewis' monkey flower Perennial herb 12
Erythranthe moschata Musk monkeyflower Perennial herb 1
Erythranthe nasuta Perennial herb  
Erythranthe primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Erythranthe tilingii Larger mountain monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Erythranthe utahensis Utah monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Eucephalus breweri Brewer's aster Perennial herb  
Euphorbia albomarginata Rattlesnake sandmat Perennial herb  
Eurybia integrifolia Thickstem aster Perennial herb  
Euthamia occidentalis Western goldenrod Perennial herb 15
Festuca brachyphylla Alpine fescue Perennial grass 2
Festuca brachyphylla ssp. breviculmis Short leaved fescue Perennial grass 1
Festuca brachyphylla ssp. coloradensis Colorado fescue Perennial grass  
Festuca idahoensis Blue fescue Perennial grass 53
Festuca kingii Spike fescue Perennial grass  
Festuca minutiflora Small flowered fescue Perennial grass  
Festuca roemeri var. klamathensis Idaho fescue Perennial grass 48
Festuca rubra Red fescue Perennial grass 39
Festuca saximontana Rocky mountain fescue Perennial grass 1
Festuca saximontana var. purpusiana Rocky mountain fescue Perennial grass 1
Festuca saximontana var. saximontana Rocky mountain fescue Perennial grass 1
Fimbristylis thermalis Hot springs fimbristylis Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Perennial herb 35
Fragaria virginiana Mountain strawberry Perennial herb 12
Frankenia salina Yerba reuma, alkali heath Perennial herb 11
Frasera albomarginata Desert frasera Perennial herb  
Frasera puberulenta Inyo frasera Perennial herb  
Frasera speciosa Monument plant Perennial herb  
Fritillaria atropurpurea Spotted mountain bells Perennial herb 2
Fritillaria pinetorum Pine woods fritillary Perennial herb  
Galium angustifolium Narrow leaved bedstraw Perennial herb 3
Galium hypotrichium Alpine bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium hypotrichium ssp. ebbettsense Alpine bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium hypotrichium ssp. hypotrichium Alpine bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium hypotrichium ssp. subalpinum Subalpine bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium matthewsii Matthew's bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium multiflorum Many flowered bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium sparsiflorum Sequoia bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium sparsiflorum ssp. sparsiflorum Sequoia bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum Three petaled bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum Threepetal bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum ssp. subbiflorum Threepetal bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum var. pacificum Bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum var. pusillum Small bedstraw Perennial herb  
Gamochaeta ustulata Featherweed Perennial herb 1
Gentiana newberryi Alpine gentian Perennial herb 2
Gentiana newberryi var. newberryi Alpine gentian Perennial herb  
Gentiana newberryi var. tiogana Sierra alpine gentian Perennial herb  
Gentiana prostrata Pygmy gentian Perennial herb  
Geranium californicum California geranium Perennial herb 1
Geranium concinnum California mountain geranium Perennial herb 1
Geranium richardsonii Richardson's geranium Perennial herb  
Geranium viscosissimum Sticky geranium Perennial herb 2
Geum macrophyllum Large leaved avens Perennial herb 8
Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum Largeleaf avens Perennial herb 1
Geum macrophyllum var. perincisum Largeleaf avens Perennial herb  
Geum triflorum Old man's beard Perennial herb 7
Geum triflorum var. ciliatum Prairie-smoke Perennial herb 1
Glaux maritima Sea milk wort Perennial herb  
Glyceria borealis Northern mannagrass Perennial grass 1
Glyceria elata Tall mannagrass Perennial grass 8
Glyceria grandis American mannagrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous) 9
Glyceria striata Fowl mannagrass Perennial grass 8
Glycyrrhiza lepidota Lichorice Perennial herb 3
Gnaphalium canescens Everlasting cudweed Perennial herb 3
Gnaphalium canescens ssp. thermale Small headed cudweed Perennial herb  
Gnaphalium leucocephalum White headed cudweed Perennial herb  
Grindelia camporum Gumweed Perennial herb 14
Grindelia hirsutula Gumweed Perennial herb 12
Grindelia hirsutula var. davyi Davy's gumweed Perennial herb 14
Grindelia nana Idaho gumweed Perennial herb  
Hackelia brevicula Poison canyon stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia floribunda Many flowered stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia micrantha Jessica's stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia mundula Pink stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia nervosa Sierran stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia velutina Velvety stickseed Perennial herb  
Halimolobos jaegeri Jaeger's halimolobos Perennial herb  
Halimolobos virgata Virgate halimolobos Perennial herb  
Hazardia whitneyi Whitney's bristleweed Perennial herb  
Hazardia whitneyi var. whitneyi Whitney's goldenbush Perennial herb  
Helenium bigelovii Bigelow's sneezeweed Perennial herb 8
Helenium puberulum Sneezeweed Perennial herb 11
Helianthus californicus California sunflower Perennial herb 5
Helianthus nuttallii Nuttall's sunflower Perennial herb  
Helianthus nuttallii ssp. nuttallii Nuttall's sunflower Perennial herb  
Heliomeris multiflora Showy goldeneye Perennial herb 1
Heliotropium curassavicum Chinese parsley Perennial herb 9
Heliotropium curassavicum var. oculatum Seaside heliotrope Perennial herb 3
Heracleum lanatum Cow parsnip Perennial herb 20
Heracleum maximum Common cow parsnip Perennial herb 20
Hesperochiron californicus California hesperochiron Perennial herb  
Hesperochiron pumilus Dwarf hesperochiron Perennial herb  
Hesperostipa comata Needle & thread grass Perennial grass 10
Hesperostipa comata ssp. comata Needle & thread grass Perennial grass 1
Hesperostipa comata ssp. intermedia Intermediate needle & thread grass Perennial grass  
Heuchera abramsii Abrams's alumroot Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Heuchera duranii Duran's alumroot Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Heuchera parvifolia Littleleaf alumroot Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Heuchera rubescens Pink alumroot Perennial herb 6
Heuchera rubescens var. alpicola Allum root Perennial herb 6
Heuchera rubescens var. glandulosa Pink alumroot Perennial herb 6
Heuchera rubescens var. rydbergiana Pink alumroot Perennial herb 6
Hieracium albiflorum White flowered hawkweed Perennial herb 1
Hieracium gracile Alpine hawkweed Perennial herb  
Hieracium horridum Shaggy hawkweed Perennial herb  
Hieracium triste Woolly hawkweed Perennial herb  
Hilaria jamesii Galleta Perennial grass 9
Hippuris vulgaris Mare's tail Perennial herb (aquatic) 1
Hordeum brachyantherum Meadow barley Perennial grass 25
Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum Meadow barley Perennial grass 4
Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum Meadow barley Perennial grass 7
Hordeum jubatum Fox tail barley Perennial grass 8
Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatum Foxtail barley, squirreltail barley Perennial grass  
Horkelia fusca Tawny horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca ssp. capitata Dark horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca ssp. parviflora Dusky horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca var. parviflora Tawny horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca var. pseudocapitata Tawny horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia hispidula White mtns. horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkeliella congdonis Congdon's little horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkeliella purpurascens Purple horkelia Perennial herb  
Hosackia crassifolia Broad leaved lotus Perennial herb 6
Hosackia crassifolia var. crassifolia Broad leaved lotus Perennial herb 2
Hosackia oblongifolia Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 2
Hosackia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 1
Hulsea algida High mountain hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea brevifolia Short leaved hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea heterochroma Red rayed hulsea Perennial herb 1
Hulsea vestita Pumice hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea vestita ssp. callicarpha Beautiful hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensis Inyo hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea vestita ssp. parryi Parry's hulsea Perennial herb  
Hulsea vestita ssp. vestita Pumice hulsea Perennial herb  
Hydrophyllum alpestre Alpine breeches Perennial herb  
Hydrophyllum capitatum Ballhead waterleaf Perennial herb  
Hydrophyllum capitatum var. alpinum Woolen breeches Perennial herb  
Hydrophyllum occidentale Western waterleaf Perennial herb 1
Hymenopappus filifolius Columbia cutleaf Perennial herb  
Hymenopappus filifolius var. nanus Dwarf columbia cutleaf Perennial herb  
Hymenoxys cooperi Cooper's goldflower Perennial herb  
Hymenoxys cooperi var. canescens Gray cooper's goldflower Perennial herb  
Hymenoxys hoopesii Owl's claws Perennial herb 10
Hymenoxys lemmonii Lemmon's goldflower Perennial herb  
Hypericum formosum St john's wort Perennial herb  
Hypericum formosum var. scouleri Scouler's st. john's wort Perennial herb 2
Hypericum scouleri Scouler's st john's wort Perennial herb 2
Ionactis alpina Lava aster Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet gilia Perennial herb 7
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. aggregata Scarlet gilia Perennial herb 2
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. bridgesii Bridge's gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. formosissima Western scarlet gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis arizonica Arizona scarlet gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis congesta Ball headed gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis congesta ssp. congesta Ball headed gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis congesta ssp. montana Mountain ball headed gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis congesta ssp. palmifrons Ball headed gilia Perennial herb  
Iris hartwegii Hartweg's iris Perennial herb 4
Iris missouriensis Western blue flag Perennial herb 25
Iva axillaris Povertyweed Perennial herb  
Iva axillaris ssp. robustior Poverty weed Perennial herb  
Ivesia gordonii Alpine ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia gordonii var. ursinorum Alpine ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia kingii King's mousetail Perennial herb  
Ivesia kingii var. kingii Alkali ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides ssp. lycopodioides Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides ssp. megalopetala Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides ssp. scandularis Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides var. lycopodioides Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides var. megalopetala Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia lycopodioides var. scandularis Clubmoss ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia muirii Granite mousetail Perennial herb  
Ivesia saxosa Rock ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia shockleyi Sky mousetail Perennial herb  
Ivesia shockleyi var. shockleyi Shockley's ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia unguiculata Yosemite ivesia Perennial herb  
Juncus balticus Wire rush Perennial grass 20
Juncus balticus ssp. ater Baltic rush Perennial grass 2
Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis Round fruited toad rush Perennial grass  
Juncus chlorocephalus Green headed rush Perennial grass  
Juncus confusus Colorado rush Perennial grass  
Juncus covillei Coville's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus covillei var. obtusatus Coville's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus drummondii Drummond's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus effusus Common bog rush Perennial grass 44
Juncus ensifolius Sword leaved rush Perennial grass 7
Juncus longistylis Long styled rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus macrandrus Long anthered rush Perennial grass  
Juncus mertensianus Merten's rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus mexicanus Mexican rush Perennial grass 10
Juncus nevadensis Sierra rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus nevadensis var. nevadensis Nevada or sierran rush Perennial grass  
Juncus occidentalis Slender juncus Perennial grass 4
Juncus orthophyllus Straight leaved rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus oxymeris Pointed rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus parryi Parry's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus saximontanus Rocky mountain rush Perennial grass  
Juncus torreyi Torrey's rush Perennial grass 5
Juncus xiphioides Iris leaved rush Perennial grass 16
Kelloggia galioides Kelloggia Perennial herb  
Kobresia bellardii Seep kobresia Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Kobresia myosuroides Bellardi bog sedge Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Kochia americana Red sage Perennial herb  
Koeleria macrantha June grass Perennial grass 28
Lactuca tatarica ssp. pulchella Blue lettuce Perennial herb  
Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella Blue lettuce Perennial herb  
Ladeania lanceolata Lance-leaved scurf-pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. lanceolatus Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis var. nevadensis Sierra nevada pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus polyphyllus Oregon pea Perennial herb  
Lemna gibba Gibbous duckweed Perennial herb  
Lemna minor Smaller duckweed Perennial herb 3
Lemna minuscula Least duckweed Perennial herb  
Lemna minuta Least duckweed Perennial herb  
Lemna trisulca Star duckweed Perennial herb  
Lemna turionifera Turion duckweed Perennial herb  
Lepidium fremontii Desert pepper grass Perennial herb 4
Lepidium fremontii var. fremontii Desert pepper grass Perennial herb 4
Lepidium fremontii var. stipitatum Desert pepper grass Perennial herb 4
Lepidium montanum Mountain pepper grass Perennial herb 1
Lepidium montanum var. canescens Mountain pepper grass Perennial herb 1
Lepidium montanum var. montanum Mountain pepper grass Perennial herb  
Leptosiphon floribundus Many flowered linanthus Perennial herb  
Leptosiphon nuttallii Nuttall's linanthus Perennial herb 2
Leptosiphon nuttallii ssp. nuttallii Nuttall's linanthus Perennial herb 2
Leptosiphon nuttallii ssp. pubescens Nuttall's linanthus Perennial herb  
Leptosiphon pachyphyllus Sierra linanthus Perennial herb  
Lesquerella kingii King's bladderpod Perennial herb  
Lesquerella kingii ssp. kingii King's bladderpod Perennial herb  
Lesquerella kingii ssp. latifolia Limestone bladderpod Perennial herb  
Leucocrinum montanum Sand lily Perennial herb  
Lewisia glandulosa Glandular lewisia Perennial herb 1
Lewisia nevadensis Sierra lewisia Perennial herb 2
Lewisia pygmaea Pigmy bitter root Perennial herb 3
Lewisia rediviva Bitter root Perennial herb 4
Lewisia rediviva var. minor Bitter root Perennial herb  
Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva Bitter root Perennial herb  
Lewisia triphylla Three leaved lewisia Perennial herb  
Leymus cinereus Giant wild rye Perennial grass 8
Leymus condensatus Giant rye grass Perennial grass 34
Leymus mollis American dunegrass Perennial grass 4
Leymus triticoides Alkali rye Perennial grass 31
Ligusticum grayi Gray's lovage Perennial herb  
Lilium kelleyanum Kelley's lily Perennial herb  
Lilium pardalinum California tiger lily Perennial herb 24
Lilium parvum Sierra tiger lily Perennial herb 4
Linanthus floribundus Many flowered linanthus Perennial herb  
Linanthus nuttallii Nuttall's linanthus Perennial herb 2
Linanthus nuttallii ssp. nuttallii Nuttall's linanthus Perennial herb  
Linanthus nuttallii ssp. pubescens Nuttall's hairy linanthus Perennial herb  
Linanthus pachyphyllus Sierra linanthus Perennial herb  
Linum lewisii Lewis' flax Perennial herb 40
Linum lewisii var. alpicola Alpine lewis' flax Perennial herb 1
Linum lewisii var. lewisii Lewis' flax Perennial herb 5
Listera convallarioides Broad lipped twayblade Perennial herb  
Lithophragma bolanderi Hillstar Perennial herb  
Lithophragma glabrum Bulbed woodland star Perennial herb  
Lomatium austiniae Plummer's lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium dissectum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 3
Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 1
Lomatium donnellii Donnell's biscuitroot Perennial herb  
Lomatium foeniculaceum Fennel leaved lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. fimbriatum Fennel leaved lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. inyoense Inyo lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. macdougalii Macdougal's lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium mohavense Mohave wild parsely Perennial herb  
Lomatium multifidum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 1
Lomatium nevadense Nevada lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium nevadense var. nevadense Nevada lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium nevadense var. parishii Parish's lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium plummerae Plummer's lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium rigidum Stiff lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium torreyi Torrey's lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium utriculatum Hog fennel Perennial herb 3
Lotus argophyllus Silver birds foot trefoil Perennial herb 1
Lotus argophyllus var. argophyllus Southern california silver lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus crassifolius Broad leaved lotus Perennial herb 7
Lotus crassifolius var. crassifolius Broad leaved lotus Perennial herb 2
Lotus oblongifolius Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus oblongifolius var. oblongifolius Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 1
Lotus procumbens Silky california broom Perennial herb, Shrub  
Lotus procumbens var. jepsonii Jepson's california broom Perennial herb, Shrub  
Lupinus albicaulis White stemmed lupine Perennial herb 8
Lupinus albicaulis var. albicaulis Sicklekeel lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus andersonii Anderson's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus angustiflorus Narrow flowered lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus apertus Naked lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus arbustus Long spurred lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus argenteus Silvery lupine Perennial herb 7
Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus Silvery lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus argenteus var. heteranthus Silvery lupine Perennial herb 3
Lupinus argenteus var. meionanthus Lake tahoe lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus argenteus var. montigenus Silvery lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus argenteus var. palmeri Palmer's silver lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus breweri Brewer's lupine Perennial herb 2
Lupinus breweri var. breweri Brewer's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus breweri var. bryoides Matted brewer's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus breweri var. grandiflorus Showy brewer's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus covillei Shaggy lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus duranii Mono lake lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus formosus Western lupine Perennial herb 6
Lupinus formosus var. formosus Western lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus gracilentus Slender lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus latifolius Broad leaf lupine Perennial herb 9
Lupinus latifolius var. columbianus Broad leaved lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius Broad leaf lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus Tidy lupine Perennial herb 1
Lupinus lepidus var. confertus Clustered tidy lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. culbertsonii Hockett meadows lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii Lobb's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. ramosus Branched tidy lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. sellulus Stool lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. utahensis Utah tidy lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus leucophyllus Velvet lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus nevadensis Nevada lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus obtusilobus Satin lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus padre-crowleyi Father crowley's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus polyphyllus Bog lupine Perennial herb 27
Lupinus polyphyllus var. burkei Large leaved lupine Perennial herb 6
Lupinus pratensis Inyo meadow lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus pratensis var. eriostachyus Hairy bannered inyo meadow lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus rivularis Riverbank lupine Perennial herb 8
Luzula comosa Hairy wood rush Perennial grass 4
Luzula divaricata Forked wood rush Perennial grass  
Luzula orestera Heath wood rush Perennial grass  
Luzula parviflora Small flowered wood rush Perennial grass 2
Luzula parviflora ssp. fastigiata Forked wood rush Perennial grass  
Luzula parviflora ssp. parviflora Small flowered wood rush Perennial grass  
Luzula spicata Spiked wood rush Perennial grass  
Luzula subcongesta Donner wood rush Perennial grass  
Lycopus americanus Bugleweed Perennial herb 3
Lycopus asper Rough bugleweed Perennial herb  
Lysimachia maritima Sea milkwort Perennial herb  
Lythrum californicum Common loosestrife Perennial herb  
Machaeranthera canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb 1
Machaeranthera canescens var. canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Machaeranthera canescens var. leucanthemifolia Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Machaeranthera canescens var. shastensis Shasta aster Perennial herb  
Maianthemum racemosum Feathery false lily of the valley Perennial herb 19
Maianthemum stellatum Starry false lily of the valley Perennial herb 17
Malacothrix saxatilis Cliff aster Perennial herb 6
Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia Short leaved cliff aster Perennial herb 1
Melica bulbosa Oniongrass Perennial grass 1
Melica californica California melic Perennial grass 25
Melica fugax Small onion grass Perennial grass  
Melica harfordii Harford's melic Perennial grass 2
Melica imperfecta Coast range melic Perennial grass 20
Melica spectabilis Purple onion grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Melica stricta Nodding melica Perennial grass  
Melica stricta var. stricta Rock melicgrass Perennial grass  
Melica torreyana Torrey's melica Perennial grass 11
Mentha arvensis American wild mint Perennial herb 6
Mentha canadensis Wild mint Perennial herb 6
Mentzelia laevicaulis Giant blazingstar Perennial herb 6
Mentzelia oreophila Mountain loving blazing star Perennial herb  
Mentzelia torreyi Torrey's blazing star Perennial herb  
Mertensia ciliata Ciliate lungwort Perennial herb  
Mertensia ciliata var. stomatechoides Streamside bluebells Perennial herb  
Mertensia oblongifolia Sagebrush bluebells Perennial herb  
Mertensia oblongifolia var. nevadensis Sagebrush bluebells Perennial herb  
Mertensia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia Sagebrush bluebells Perennial herb  
Micranthes aprica Sierra saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes marshallii Marshall's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes nidifica Peak saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes odontoloma Brook saxifrage Perennial herb 1
Micranthes oregana Bog saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes tolmiei Tolmie's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Microseris nutans Nodding microceris Perennial herb  
Mimulus cardinalis Cardinal monkey flower Perennial herb 42
Mimulus glabratus Roundleaf monkeyflower Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Mimulus glabratus ssp. utahensis Utah monkeyflower Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Mimulus glabratus var. glabratus Roundleaf monkeyflower Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Mimulus lewisii Lewis' monkey flower Perennial herb 12
Mimulus moschatus Musk monkeyflower Perennial herb 1
Mimulus primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Mimulus primuloides ssp. primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus primuloides var. pilosellus Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus primuloides var. primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus tilingii Larger mountain monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Minuartia nuttallii Nuttall sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii ssp. fragilis Brittle sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii ssp. gracilis Nuttall's sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii var. fragilis Nuttall sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii var. gracilis Nuttall sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia obtusiloba Alpine sandwort Perennial herb 1
Minuartia rubella Red seeded sandwort Perennial herb 1
Minuartia stricta Granite sandwort Perennial herb  
Mirabilis alipes Winged four o'clock Perennial herb  
Mirabilis bigelovii Bigelow's desert four o'clock Perennial herb 3
Mirabilis bigelovii var. bigelovii Pale stemmed four o clock Perennial herb 1
Mirabilis bigelovii var. retrorsa Wishbone Perennial herb  
Mirabilis laevis Desert wishbone bush Perennial herb 3
Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa Wishbone bush Perennial herb  
Mirabilis laevis var. villosa Wishbone bush Perennial herb 3
Mirabilis multiflora Giant four o'clock Perennial herb 8
Mirabilis multiflora var. glandulosa Giant four o'clock Perennial herb  
Mirabilis multiflora var. pubescens Desert four o'clock Perennial herb  
Mitella breweri Brewer's miterwort Perennial herb  
Mitella pentandra Alpine bishop's cap Perennial herb 1
Moehringia macrophylla Large leaved sandwort Perennial herb  
Monardella beneolens Sweet smelling monardella Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Monardella glauca Grey monardella Perennial herb 1
Monardella linoides Narrow leaved monardella Perennial herb 7
Monardella linoides ssp. anemonoides Narrow leaved monardella Perennial herb 1
Monardella linoides ssp. linoides Flax like monardella Perennial herb 1
Monardella linoides ssp. sierrae Narrow leaved monardella Perennial herb  
Monardella odoratissima Mountain monardella Perennial herb 21
Monardella odoratissima ssp. glauca Mountain mint Perennial herb 1
Monardella odoratissima ssp. odoratissima Mountain monardella Perennial herb  
Monardella odoratissima ssp. pallida Pale mountain monardella Perennial herb  
Monardella odoratissima ssp. parvifolia Matted mountain monardella Perennial herb  
Monardella villosa Coyote mint Perennial herb 29
Montia chamissoi Spring beauty Perennial herb  
Muhlenbergia andina Foxtail muhly Perennial grass  
Muhlenbergia asperifolia Scratchgrass Perennial grass 1
Muhlenbergia jonesii Jones' muhly Perennial grass  
Muhlenbergia montana Mountain muhly Perennial grass 3
Muhlenbergia richardsonis Richardson's muhly Perennial grass  
Muilla coronata Crowned muilla Perennial herb (bulb)  
Muilla transmontana Great basin muilla Perennial herb  
Myosotis laxa Forget me not Perennial herb  
Myriophyllum sibiricum Siberian water milfoil Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Myriophyllum verticillatum Verticillate milfoil Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Nama rothrockii Rothrock's nama Perennial herb  
Nassella pulchra Purple needlegrass Perennial grass 43
Nasturtium officinale Watercress Perennial herb (aquatic) 3
Nitrophila occidentalis Western nitrophila Perennial herb  
Nothocalais alpestris Alpine prairie dandelion Perennial herb  
Nuphar polysepala Rocky mountain pond-lily Perennial herb (aquatic) 3
Oenanthe sarmentosa Water parsley Perennial herb 8
Oenothera caespitosa Fragrant evening primrose Perennial herb 8
Oenothera caespitosa ssp. marginata Large white desert primrose Perennial herb  
Oenothera californica California evening primrose Perennial herb 6
Oenothera californica ssp. avita California evening primrose Perennial herb  
Oenothera californica ssp. californica California evening primrose Perennial herb  
Oenothera cespitosa Fragrant evening-primrose Perennial herb 8
Oenothera cespitosa ssp. crinita Cespitose evening-primrose Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Oenothera cespitosa ssp. marginata Fragrant evening-primrose Perennial herb  
Oenothera elata Evening primrose Perennial herb 18
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima Evening primrose Perennial herb 3
Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri Evening primrose Perennial herb 18
Oenothera xylocarpa Wood fruit evening primrose Perennial herb  
Oreostemma alpigenum Tundra aster Perennial herb 3
Oreostemma alpigenum var. andersonii Tundra aster Perennial herb 1
Orobanche californica California orobanche Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche californica ssp. feudgei California broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche fasciculata Clustered broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche ludoviciana var. arenosa Suksdorf's broom rape Perennial herb  
Orobanche uniflora Naked broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche uniflora var. purpurea Naked broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orthilia secunda One sided wintergreen Perennial herb  
Osmorhiza berteroi Sweet cicely Perennial herb 3
Osmorhiza chilensis Western sweet cicely Perennial herb 3
Osmorhiza occidentalis Western sweet cicely Perennial herb 2
Oxypolis occidentalis Western cow bane Perennial herb  
Oxyria digyna Alpine mountain sorrel Perennial herb  
Oxytropis borealis Boreal locoweed Perennial herb  
Oxytropis borealis var. australis Boreal locoweed Perennial herb  
Oxytropis borealis var. viscida Sticky oxytropis Perennial herb  
Oxytropis deflexa Nodding locoweed Perennial herb  
Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea Blue pendent pod oxytrope Perennial herb  
Oxytropis parryi Parry's loco weed Perennial herb  
Packera cana Woolly groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera multilobata Lobeleaf groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera pauciflora Alpine groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera pseudaurea Falsegold groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera pseudaurea var. pseudaurea Falsegold groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera streptanthifolia Rocky mountain groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera streptanthifolia var. streptanthifolia Rocky mountain groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera subnuda Buek's groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera subnuda var. subnuda Cleftleaf groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera werneriifolia Hoary groundsel Perennial herb  
Paeonia brownii Peony Perennial herb 1
Panicum acuminatum var. fasciculatum Pacific panic grass Perennial grass  
Parnassia californica Grass of parnassus Perennial herb  
Parnassia palustris Marsh grass of parnassus Perennial herb  
Parnassia parviflora Small flower parnassia Perennial herb  
Pascopyrum smithii Western wheat grass Perennial grass 4
Paspalum distichum Knot grass Perennial grass 2
Pectiantia breweri Brewer's miterwort Perennial herb  
Pectiantia pentandra Alpine mitrewort Perennial herb 1
Pedicularis attollens Attol lousewort Perennial herb  
Pedicularis crenulata Scalloped leaved lousewort Perennial herb 1
Pedicularis groenlandica Elephant head lousewort Perennial herb 2
Pedicularis semibarbata Pine woods lousewort Perennial herb  
Penstemon barnebyi Barneby's beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon cinicola Ash beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon davidsonii Davidson's penstemon Perennial herb 8
Penstemon davidsonii var. davidsonii Davidson's beardtongue Perennial herb 2
Penstemon deustus Rock penstemon Perennial herb 2
Penstemon deustus var. pedicellatus Hot rock beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon eatonii Eaton firecracker Perennial herb 28
Penstemon eatonii var. eatonii Eaton's penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon floridus Rose penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon floridus var. floridus Rose penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon grinnellii Grinnell's beardtongue Perennial herb 10
Penstemon grinnellii var. scrophularioides Grinnell's beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon heterodoxus Sierra penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon heterodoxus var. cephalophorus Sierra beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon heterodoxus var. heterodoxus Sierra beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon humilis Low beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon humilis ssp. humilis Low beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon humilis var. humilis Low beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon monoensis Mono penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon newberryi Mountain pride Perennial herb 15
Penstemon newberryi var. newberryi Newberry's penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon palmeri Palmer's penstemon Perennial herb 21
Penstemon palmeri var. palmeri Palmer's penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon papillatus Inyo beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon patens Lone pine beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon procerus Small flowered penstemon Perennial herb 7
Penstemon procerus var. formosus Western small flowered penstemon Perennial herb 3
Penstemon rostriflorus Bridge's penstemon Perennial herb 8
Penstemon rupicola Rock penstemon Perennial herb 4
Penstemon rydbergii Rydberg's penstemon Perennial herb 24
Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis Meadow beardtongue Perennial herb 1
Penstemon speciosus Showy penstemon Perennial herb 13
Pericome caudata Tailed pericome Perennial herb  
Perideridia bolanderi Bolander's yampah Perennial herb 2
Perideridia bolanderi ssp. bolanderi Bolander's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia howellii Howell's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia lemmonii Lemmon's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia parishii Parish's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia Parish's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia parishii ssp. parishii Parish's yampah Perennial herb  
Persicaria amphibia Water smartweed Perennial herb (aquatic) 2
Persicaria punctata Dotted smartweed Perennial herb 4
Petalonyx nitidus Shiny leaf sandpaper plant Perennial herb  
Phacelia cinerea Ashy phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia hastata White leafed phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata ssp. compacta Timberline phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata ssp. hastata Mountain phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata var. compacta Timberline phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata var. hastata Mountain phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia heterophylla Varileaf phacelia Perennial herb 1
Phacelia heterophylla ssp. virgata Varied leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia heterophylla var. virgata Varied leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hydrophylloides Water leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia mutabilis Changeable phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia ramosissima Branching phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia ramosissima var. eremophila Branching phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia ramosissima var. latifolia Branching phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia ramosissima var. ramosissima Branching phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia ramosissima var. subglabra Branching phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phalacroseris bolanderi Bolander's mock dandelion Perennial herb  
Phalaris arundinacea Reed canarygrass Perennial grass 8
Phleum alpinum Timothy grass Perennial grass 2
Phlox austromontana Southern mountain phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox caespitosa Tufted phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox condensata Condensed phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox diffusa Spreading phlox Perennial herb 3
Phlox dispersa High sierra phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox dolichantha Big bear valley phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox douglasii Douglas' phlox Perennial herb 1
Phlox douglasii ssp. rigida Stiff douglas' phlox Perennial herb 1
Phlox hoodii Spiny phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox hoodii ssp. canescens Hood's phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox hoodii ssp. lanata Carpet phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox longifolia Longleaf phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox longifolia ssp. brevifolia Longleaf phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox pulvinata Carpet phlox Perennial herb 1
Phlox speciosa Showy phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox stansburyi Cold desert phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox stansburyi ssp. stansburyi Cold-desert phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox stansburyi var. brevifolia Cold-desert phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox viridis ssp. compacta Green phlox Perennial herb  
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides Dagger pod Perennial herb 1
Phragmites australis Common reed Perennial grass 1
Physaria cordiformis Perennial herb  
Physaria kingii King's bladderpod Perennial herb  
Physaria kingii ssp. kingii King's bladderpod Perennial herb  
Physaria kingii ssp. latifolia Limestone bladderpod Perennial herb  
Physaria ludoviciana Silver bladderpod Perennial herb  
Physaria occidentalis Western bladderpod Perennial herb  
Piperia unalascensis Alaska piperia Perennial herb  
Piptatherum micranthum Small flowered rice grass Perennial grass  
Plagiobothrys nitens Shiny nutlet popcorn flower Perennial herb  
Plantago eriopoda Hairy fruited plantain Perennial herb  
Platanthera dilatata Scentbottle Perennial herb  
Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys Sierra bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera hyperborea Green flowered bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera leucostachys White flowered bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera sparsiflora Bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera tescamnis Green flowered bog orchid Perennial herb  
Pleiacanthus spinosus Thorn skeletonweed Perennial herb  
Pleuraphis jamesii Galleta Perennial grass 9
Pleuricospora fimbriolata Fringed pinesap Perennial herb (mycoparasitic)  
Poa abbreviata Short bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa abbreviata ssp. marshii Marsh's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa abbreviata ssp. pattersonii Patterson's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa ampla Western blue grass Perennial grass 15
Poa cusickii Cusick's bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa cusickii ssp. cusickii Cusick's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa cusickii ssp. epilis Skyline bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa cusickii ssp. pallida Skyline blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa fendleriana Muttongrass Perennial grass 4
Poa fendleriana ssp. fendleriana Muttongrass Perennial grass  
Poa fendleriana ssp. longiligula Fendler's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa glauca Glaucous bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa glauca ssp. rupicola Timberline blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa juncifolia Western blue grass Perennial grass 14
Poa keckii Keck's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa leptocoma Marsh bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa leptocoma ssp. leptocoma Bog blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa lettermanii Letterman's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa nevadensis Sierra blue grass Perennial grass 14
Poa pattersonii Patterson's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa pratensis ssp. agassizensis Agassiz kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa pringlei Pringle's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa secunda Pine bluegrass Perennial grass 17
Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia Rush blue grass Perennial grass 14
Poa secunda ssp. secunda Sandberg's bluegrass Perennial grass 18
Poa stebbinsii Stebbins' blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa wheeleri Hooker's bluegrass Perennial grass 1
Podistera nevadensis Sierra podistera Perennial herb  
Polemonium chartaceum Mason's sky pilot Perennial herb  
Polemonium eximium Showy sky pilot Perennial herb  
Polemonium occidentale Great polemonium Perennial herb 3
Polemonium occidentale ssp. occidentale Western polemonium Perennial herb 2
Polemonium pulcherrimum Sky pilot Perennial herb 3
Polemonium pulcherrimum var. pulcherrimum Sky pilot Perennial herb  
Polyctenium fremontii Fremont's polyctenium Perennial herb  
Polyctenium fremontii var. confertum Flat pod polyctenium Perennial herb  
Polyctenium williamsiae Williams's combleaf Perennial herb  
Polygala cornuta Sierra milkwort Perennial herb  
Polygala cornuta var. cornuta Sierra milkwort Perennial herb  
Polygala intermontana Great basin milkwort Perennial herb, Shrub  
Polygala subspinosa Spiny milkwort Perennial herb  
Polygonum amphibium Water smartweed Perennial herb 2
Polygonum amphibium var. emersum Water smartweed Perennial herb (aquatic) 1
Polygonum amphibium var. stipulaceum Water smartweed Perennial herb 1
Polygonum bistortoides Western knotweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum punctatum Punctate smartweed Perennial herb 4
Polygonum shastense Shasta knotweed Perennial herb  
Potamogeton berchtoldii Narrow leaved pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton filiformis Slender leaved pondweed Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Potamogeton foliosus Leafy pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton foliosus ssp. foliosus Leafy pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton foliosus var. foliosus Pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton gramineus Grass leaf pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton illinoensis Pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton latifolius Nevada pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton nodosus Pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton pectinatus Fennel pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton praelongus White stemmed pondweed Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Potamogeton pusillus Small pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton pusillus var. pusillus Small pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus Narrow leaved pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton richardsonii Richardson's pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potamogeton robbinsii Robbins's pondweed Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Potentilla anserina Silver weed cinquefoil Perennial herb 16
Potentilla anserina ssp. anserina Silver weed cinquefoil Perennial herb 3
Potentilla biennis Biennial cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla breweri Brewer's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla bruceae Bruce's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla concinna Alpine cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla concinna var. proxima Elegant cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla diversifolia Varileaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla diversifolia var. diversifolia Varileaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla drummondii Drummond's cinquefoil Perennial herb 2
Potentilla drummondii ssp. breweri Brewer's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla drummondii ssp. bruceae Bruce's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla drummondii ssp. drummondii Drummond's cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla flabellifolia Fan leaved cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa Gland cinquefoil Perennial herb 14
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. ashlandica Mountain cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. hansenii Hansen's cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. nevadensis Nevada cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. pseudorupestris False rock loving cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. reflexa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glaucophylla Blueleaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glaucophylla var. glaucophylla Blueleaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla gracilis Northwest cinquefoil Perennial herb 15
Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri Elmer's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata Slender cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla gracilis var. flabelliformis Cupform leaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla gracilis var. gracilis Slender cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla gracilis var. pulcherrima White leaved cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla grayi Gray's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla jepsonii Jepson's cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla millefolia Cut leaf cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla morefieldii Morefield's cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla newberryi Newberry's cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pensylvanica Pennsylvania cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pensylvanica var. ovium Pennsylvania cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pensylvanica var. pensylvanica Pennsylvania cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pensylvanica var. strigosa Pennsylvania cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pseudosericea Pennsylvania cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla pulcherrima Beautiful cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Primula fragrans Scented shooting star Perennial herb  
Primula jeffreyi Sierra shooting star Perennial herb 3
Primula pauciflora Beautiful shootingstar Perennial herb 6
Primula subalpina Sierra shooting star Perennial herb  
Primula suffrutescens Sierran primrose Perennial herb  
Primula tetrandra Alpine shooting star Perennial herb 2
Pseudognaphalium canescens Wright's cudweed Perennial herb 2
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. canescens Wright's cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum White cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudognaphalium stramineum Cottonbatting plant Perennial herb 4
Pseudognaphalium thermale Small headed cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudoroegneria spicata Bluebunch wheatgrass Perennial grass 4
Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata Bent grass Perennial grass 3
Psoralidium lanceolatum Scurf pea Perennial herb  
Pterospora andromedea Pine drops Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Ptilagrostis kingii King's ricegrass Perennial grass  
Puccinellia californica Sierra nevada alkali grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Puccinellia grandis Alaska alkali grass Perennial grass  
Puccinellia lemmonii Lemmon's alkali grass Perennial grass  
Puccinellia nutkaensis Alaska alkali grass Perennial grass  
Puccinellia nuttalliana Nuttall's alkali grass Perennial grass 1
Pyrola asarifolia Bog wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia Bog wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola dentata Toothed wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola minor Lesser wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola picta White veined shinleaf Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma apargioides Alpine pyrrocoma Perennial herb 1
Pyrrocoma lanceolata Intermountain pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma lanceolata var. lanceolata Intermountain pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma racemosa Racemose pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma racemosa var. paniculata Panicled pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma racemosa var. racemosa Racemose pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma racemosa var. sessiliflora Racemose pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma uniflora Single headed pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Pyrrocoma uniflora var. uniflora Single headed pyrrocoma Perennial herb  
Raillardella argentea Silky raillardella Perennial herb  
Raillardella scaposa Green leaved raillardella Perennial herb  
Ranunculus alismifolius Common water plantain buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismellus Slender buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius Water plantain buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus andersonii Anderson's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus aquatilis white water butter cup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. capillaceus Threadleaf crowfoot Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus white water butter cup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. subrigidus Longbeak buttercup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus cymbalaria Alkali buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus cymbalaria var. saximontanus Rocky mountain buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus eschscholtzii Eschscholtz's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. eschscholtzii Eschscholtz's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. oxynotus Eschscholtz's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. suksdorfii Suksdorf's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus flammula Spearwort Perennial herb 1
Ranunculus glaberrimus Smooth buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus glaberrimus var. ellipticus Narrow leaved smooth buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus hydrocharoides Frog's bit buttercup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus longirostris Longbeak buttercup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus occidentalis Western buttercup Perennial herb 6
Ranunculus occidentalis var. ultramontanus Western buttercup Perennial herb  
Rhodiola integrifolia Ledge stonecrop Perennial herb 1
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia Ledge stonecrop Perennial herb  
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Water cress Perennial herb (aquatic) 3
Rudbeckia californica California cone flower Perennial herb 6
Rumex californicus California dock Perennial herb  
Rumex lacustris Lake dock Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Rumex occidentalis Western dock Perennial herb 1
Rumex paucifolius Few leaved dock Perennial herb  
Rumex salicifolius Willow leaved dock Perennial herb 6
Rumex salicifolius var. denticulatus Smooth valved willow dock Perennial herb  
Rumex salicifolius var. lacustris Lake dock Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Rumex salicifolius var. triangulivalvis Willow dock Perennial herb  
Rumex triangulivalvis Willow dock Perennial herb  
Rumex utahensis Toothed willow dock Perennial herb  
Ruppia cirrhosa Ditch grass Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ruppia maritima Ditch grass Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Sabulina stricta bog sandwort Perennial herb  
Sagina saginoides Alpine pearlwort Perennial herb  
Sagittaria cuneata Tule potato Perennial herb 1
Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple sanicle Perennial herb  
Sarcodes sanguinea Snow plant Perennial herb (mycoparasitic)  
Saxifraga aprica Sierra saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga hyperborea Pygmy saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga marshallii Marshall's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga nidifica Peak saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga nidifica var. nidifica Peak saifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga odontoloma Brook saxifrage Perennial herb 1
Saxifraga oregana Bog saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga rivularis Weak saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga tolmiei Tolmie's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Schoenoplectus acutus Hardstem bulrush Perennial grass 26
Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis Tule Perennial grass 2
Schoenoplectus americanus Chairmaker's bulrush Perennial grass 17
Schoenoplectus pungens Common threesquare Perennial grass 2
Schoenoplectus pungens var. badius Common threesquare Perennial grass  
Schoenoplectus pungens var. longispicatus Common threesquare Perennial grass 2
Scirpus acutus var. occidentalis Hard stemmed tule Perennial grass 2
Scirpus americanus American tule Perennial grass 17
Scirpus clementis Yosemite bulrush Perennial grass  
Scirpus maritimus Prairie bulrush Perennial grass 15
Scirpus microcarpus Small fruited bulrush Perennial grass 20
Scirpus nevadensis Great basin bulrush Perennial grass  
Scirpus pumilus Dwarf bulrush Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Scirpus pungens Three square Perennial grass 2
Scirpus robustus Big bulrush Perennial grass 10
Scrophularia atrata Black flowered figwort Perennial herb 5
Scrophularia californica California bee plant Perennial herb 31
Scrophularia californica ssp. floribunda Common california figwort Perennial herb 31
Scrophularia desertorum Desert figwort Perennial herb  
Scrophularia lanceolata Mountain figwort Perennial herb 1
Sedum lanceolatum Lance leaf stonecrop Perennial herb 4
Sedum niveum Davidson's stonecrop Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 1
Sedum obtusatum Sierra stonecrop Perennial herb 7
Sedum obtusatum ssp. boreale Small flowered sierra stonecrop Perennial herb 1
Sedum obtusatum ssp. obtusatum Sierra stonecrop Perennial herb  
Sedum pinetorum Pine city sedum Perennial herb 1
Sedum roseum ssp. integrifolium Rosy stonecrop Perennial herb  
Sedum stenopetalum Narrow leaf stonecrop Perennial herb 9
Senecio aronicoides Butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio canus Woolly ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio clarkianus Clark's ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio cymbalarioides Cleft leaved groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio fremontii Fremont's groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis Western fremont's groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio hydrophiloides Sweet marsh ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio hydrophilus Alkali marsh ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus Mountain butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus Columbia mountain butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus var. major Lambstongue groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio multilobatus Basin butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio pattersonensis Mono ragwort Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Senecio pauciflorus Rayless alpine ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio pseudaureus var. pseudaureus Streambank butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio scorzonella Sierra ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio serra Tall ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio serra var. serra Tall ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio spartioides Broom groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio streptanthifolius Cleft leaved groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio triangularis Groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio werneriifolius Alpine rock butterweed Perennial herb  
Setaria gracilis Perennial foxtail Perennial grass  
Setaria parviflora Marsh bristlegrass Perennial grass  
Sibbaldia procumbens Sibbaldia Perennial herb  
Sidalcea covillei Owens valley checkerbloom Perennial herb  
Sidalcea malviflora Wild hollyhock Perennial herb 20
Sidalcea multifida Cut leaf checker mallow Perennial herb  
Sidalcea oregana Oregon checker mallow Perennial herb 4
Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata Oregon checker mallow Perennial herb 1
Silene bernardina Palmer's campion Perennial herb  
Silene menziesii Menzies' campion Perennial herb  
Silene oregana Oregon campion Perennial herb  
Silene sargentii Sargent's campion Perennial herb 1
Sisyrinchium bellum Blue eyed grass Perennial herb 63
Sisyrinchium halophilum Nevada blue eyed grass Perennial herb  
Sisyrinchium idahoense Idaho blue eyed grass Perennial herb 5
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. idahoense Idaho blue eyed grass Perennial herb 1
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. occidentale Idaho blue eyed grass Perennial herb  
Sium suave Hemlock water parsnip Perennial herb 1
Smilacina racemosa Western false solomon's seal Perennial herb 19
Smilacina stellata Star flowered false solomon's seal Perennial herb 17
Solanum xanti Nightshade Perennial herb, Shrub 14
Solidago californica Oreja de liebre Perennial herb 27
Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod Perennial herb 16
Solidago canadensis ssp. elongata Canada goldenrod Perennial herb 4
Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa Rough canada goldenrod Perennial herb 1
Solidago confinis Southern goldenrod Perennial herb 4
Solidago elongata West coast canada goldenrod Perennial herb 4
Solidago lepida var. salebrosa Western goldenrod Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 1
Solidago multiradiata Northern goldenrod Perennial herb 1
Solidago spectabilis Showy goldenrod Perennial herb 3
Solidago velutina ssp. californica Oreja de liebre Perennial herb 27
Sparganium angustifolium Narrow leaved bur reed Perennial herb 2
Sparganium emersum Emersed bur-reed Perennial herb 2
Sparganium emersum ssp. emersum Emersed bur reed Perennial herb 2
Spartina gracilis Alkali cord grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Sphaeralcea ambigua Desert mallow Perennial herb 29
Sphaeralcea ambigua var. ambigua Apricot mallow Perennial herb 2
Sphaeralcea ambigua var. rosacea Rosy apricot mallow Perennial herb  
Sphaeralcea ambigua var. rugosa Desert globemallow Perennial herb  
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia Gooseberryleaf globemallow Perennial herb, Shrub 1
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia ssp. grossulariifolia Gooseberry leaved globemallow Perennial herb, Shrub 1
Sphaeromeria cana Tansy Perennial herb  
Sphaeromeria potentilloides Cinquefoil tansy Perennial herb  
Sphaeromeria potentilloides var. nitrophila Cinquefoil tansy Perennial herb  
Sphaeromeria potentilloides var. potentilloides Cinquefoil tansy Perennial herb  
Sphenopholis obtusata Prairie wedge grass Perennial grass  
Sphenosciadium capitellatum Grayswamp whiteheads Perennial herb 2
Spiranthes porrifolia Western ladies tresses Perennial herb  
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Ladies' tresses Perennial herb  
Spirodela polyrhiza Giant duckmeat Perennial herb  
Spirodela polyrrhiza Giant duckmeat Perennial herb  
Sporobolus airoides Alkali sacaton Perennial grass 21
Sporobolus cryptandrus Sand dropseed Perennial grass 11
Stachys albens Cobwebby hedge nettle Perennial herb 11
Stanleya pinnata Prince's plume Perennial herb, Shrub 7
Stanleya pinnata var. inyoensis Inyo prince's plume Perennial herb, Shrub 2
Stanleya pinnata var. pinnata Prince's plume Perennial herb, Shrub 2
Stellaria calycantha Northern bogwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria crispa Ruffled starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes Longstalk starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes Chickweed, starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes var. longipes Long stalked starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria obtusa Obtuse starwort Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Stellaria umbellata Umbellate chickweed Perennial herb  
Stenotus acaulis Stemless mock goldenweed Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria lactucina Large flowered stephanomeria Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria parryi Parry rock pink Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria pauciflora Wire lettuce Perennial herb 1
Stephanomeria pauciflora var. pauciflora Wire lettuce Perennial herb 1
Stephanomeria spinosa Thorny skeleton plant Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria tenuifolia Narrow leaved wire lettuce Perennial herb  
Stipa arida Mormon needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa comata Needle-and-thread Perennial grass 10
Stipa comata var. comata Needle & thread grass Perennial grass 1
Stipa comata var. intermedia Intermediate needle & thread grass Perennial grass  
Stipa coronata Crested needle grass Perennial grass 7
Stipa divaricata Small-flowered rice grass Perennial grass  
Stipa hymenoides Indian rice grass Perennial grass 15
Stipa kingii King's ricegrass Perennial grass  
Stipa latiglumis Wide-glumed needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa lemmonii Lemmon's needle grass Perennial grass 1
Stipa lettermanii Letterman's needle grass Perennial grass 1
Stipa nelsonii Mountain needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa nelsonii var. dorei Mountain needle grass Perennial grass 4
Stipa nevadensis Nevada needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa occidentalis Western needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Stipa occidentalis var. californica California needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa occidentalis var. occidentalis Western needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa occidentalis var. pubescens Common western needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa parishii Parish's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Stipa parishii var. parishii Parish's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Stipa pinetorum Pinewoods needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa pulchra Purple needle grass Perennial grass 43
Stipa speciosa Desert needle grass Perennial grass 8
Stipa thurberiana Thurber's needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa webberi Webber's needle grass Perennial grass  
Streptanthus cordatus Heartleaf jewelflower Perennial herb  
Streptanthus cordatus var. cordatus Heartleaf jewelflower Perennial herb  
Streptanthus cordatus var. duranii Duran's jewelflower Perennial herb  
Streptanthus oliganthus Masonic mtn. jewel flower Perennial herb  
Stuckenia filiformis Fineleaf pondweed Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Stuckenia filiformis ssp. alpina Fineleaf pondweed Perennial herb  
Stuckenia pectinata Sago pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Stuckenia striata Broadleaf pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Suaeda moquinii Bush seepweed Perennial herb 3
Suaeda nigra Bush seepweed Perennial herb 3
Swertia albomarginata White margined green gentian Perennial herb  
Swertia puberulenta Inyo green gentian Perennial herb  
Swertia radiata Giant frasera Perennial herb  
Swertia radiata var. radiata Elkweed Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum ascendens Western aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum bracteolatum Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum campestre Western meadow aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum campestre var. bloomeri Bloomer's aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum campestre var. campestre Western meadow aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum eatonii Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum foliaceum Alpine leafybract aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. apricum Alpine leafybract aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. parryi Parry's aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum White panicle aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium Western lance leaf aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum spathulatum Western mountain aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. intermedium Larger western mountain aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum Western mountain aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. yosemitanum Western bog aster Perennial herb  
Taraxia subacaulis Long leaved suncup Perennial herb  
Taraxia tanacetifolia Tansy leaf evening primrose Perennial herb  
Tauschia parishii Parish's tauschia Perennial herb  
Thalictrum alpinum Alpine meadow rue Perennial herb  
Thalictrum fendleri Fendler's meadow rue Perennial herb 10
Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri Fendler's meadow rue Perennial herb  
Thalictrum fendleri var. polycarpum Torrey's meadow rue Perennial herb 13
Thalictrum occidentale Western meadow rue Perennial herb 6
Thalictrum polycarpum Fendler's meadow-rue Perennial herb 13
Thalictrum sparsiflorum Few flowered meadow rue Perennial herb  
Thelypodium brachycarpum Short podded thelypodium Perennial herb  
Thelypodium integrifolium Entire leaved thelypodium Perennial herb  
Thelypodium integrifolium ssp. complanatum Lavender entire leaved thelypodium Perennial herb  
Thelypodium laciniatum Feathery thelypodium Perennial herb 1
Thelypodium milleflorum Yarrow leaf thelypodium Perennial herb  
Tiquilia plicata Plicate coldenia Perennial herb  
Tonestus peirsonii Peirson's haplopappus Perennial herb  
Torreyochloa erecta Upright mannagrass Perennial grass  
Torreyochloa pallida Pale false mannagrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Torreyochloa pallida var. pauciflora Mannagrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Townsendia condensata Hairy townsendia Perennial herb  
Townsendia leptotes Common townsendia Perennial herb  
Townsendia scapigera Tufted townsendia Perennial herb  
Toxicoscordion fremontii Fremont's star lily Perennial herb 5
Toxicoscordion paniculatum Foothill deathcamas Perennial herb 2
Toxicoscordion venenosum Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb  
Toxicoscordion venenosum var. venenosum Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb  
Transberingia bursifolia Virgate halimolobos Perennial herb  
Transberingia bursifolia ssp. virgata Virgate halimolobos Perennial herb  
Triantha occidentalis Western false asphodel Perennial herb  
Tricardia watsonii Three hearts Perennial herb  
Trichophorum clementis Yosemite bulrush Perennial grass  
Trichophorum pumilum Rolland's bulrush Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Trifolium andersonii Anderson's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium andersonii ssp. andersonii Anderson's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium andersonii ssp. beatleyae Beatley's five-leaved clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium andersonii var. andersonii Anderson's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium andersonii var. beatleyae Beatley's five leaved clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium dedeckerae Dedecker's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium kingii King's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium kingii ssp. dedeckerae Dedecker's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium kingii var. productum King's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes Long stalked clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes ssp. atrorubens Longstalk clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes ssp. elmeri Elmer's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes ssp. hansenii Hansen's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes var. elmeri Elmer's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes var. longipes Long stalked clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes var. nevadense Mountain clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium macilentum var. dedeckerae Dedecker's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum Carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum ssp. grantianum Grant's carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum ssp. monanthum Carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum ssp. tenerum Delicate carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum var. grantianum Grant's carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum var. monanthum Mountain carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium productum Productive clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium wormskioldii Cow clover Perennial herb 8
Triglochin concinna Arrow grass Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Triglochin concinna var. debilis Slender arrow grass Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Triglochin maritima Seaside arrow grass Perennial herb (aquatic) 5
Triglochin palustris Marsh arrow grass Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Trimorpha acris var. debilis Northern daisy Perennial herb  
Trimorpha lonchophylla Spearleaved northern daisy Perennial herb  
Trisetum canescens Nodding trisetum Perennial grass  
Trisetum cernuum Nodding oatgrass Perennial grass  
Trisetum cernuum var. projectum Nodding oatgrass Perennial grass  
Trisetum projectum Perennial grass  
Trisetum spicatum Narrow oatgrass Perennial grass  
Trisetum wolfii Beardless oatgrass Perennial grass  
Triteleia ixioides Pretty face Perennial herb 7
Triteleia ixioides ssp. anilina Mountain pretty face Perennial herb 1
Triteleia montana Slender triplet lily Perennial herb  
Turritis glabra Tower rockcress Perennial herb  
Typha domingensis Cattail Perennial herb 5
Typha latifolia Broadleaf cattail Perennial herb (aquatic) 22
Urtica dioica Stinging nettle Perennial herb 11
Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis Nettle Perennial herb  
Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea Stinging nettle Perennial herb 6
Utricularia macrorhiza Common bladderwort Perennial herb  
Valeriana californica California valerian Perennial herb  
Valeriana occidentalis Western valerian Perennial herb  
Valeriana pubicarpa Mountain valerian Perennial herb  
Veratrum californicum California false hellebore Perennial herb 3
Veratrum californicum var. californicum California corn lily Perennial herb  
Veronica americana American brooklime Perennial herb 6
Veronica serpyllifolia Thymeleaf speedwell Perennial herb  
Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa Sprawling speedwell Perennial herb  
Veronica wormskjoldii American alpine speedwell Perennial herb  
Vicia americana American vetch Perennial herb, Vine 4
Vicia americana ssp. americana American vetch Perennial herb, Vine  
Vicia americana var. americana Vetch Perennial herb, Vine  
Viola adunca Western dog violet Perennial herb 18
Viola aurea Golden violet Perennial herb  
Viola bakeri Baker's violet Perennial herb 1
Viola macloskeyi Macloskey's violet Perennial herb 1
Viola nephrophylla Leconte violet Perennial herb  
Viola pinetorum Pine violet Perennial herb 2
Viola pinetorum ssp. pinetorum Pine violet Perennial herb  
Viola praemorsa Astoria violet Perennial herb 1
Viola praemorsa ssp. praemorsa Astoria violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea Goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. aurea Golden violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. dimorpha Goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. integrifolia Smooth leaved violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. mesophyta Goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. mohavensis Mojave goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. venosa Desert violet Perennial herb  
Viola sororia Common blue violet Perennial herb 2
Viola sororia ssp. affinis Northern bog violet Perennial herb  
Wyethia elata Hall's wyethia Perennial herb 1
Wyethia helenioides Whitehead wyethia Perennial herb 2
Wyethia mollis Woolly mule's ears Perennial herb 9
Xylorhiza tortifolia Mojave woodyaster Perennial herb 4
Xylorhiza tortifolia var. tortifolia Desert aster Perennial herb  
Zannichellia palustris Horned pondweed Perennial herb  
Zigadenus fremontii Fremont's death camas Perennial herb 5
Zigadenus paniculatus Sand corn Perennial herb 2
Zigadenus venenosus Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb 2
Zigadenus venenosus var. venenosus Death camas Perennial herb  
  Lifeform: Fern57 plants
Adiantum aleuticum Five finger fern Fern 9
Argyrochosma jonesii Jones' false cloak fern Fern  
Aspidotis densa Lace fern Fern 1
Athyrium distentifolium Fern  
Athyrium distentifolium var. americanum American alpine lady fern Fern  
Athyrium filix-femina Common ladyfern Fern 19
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. cyclosorum Subarctic ladyfern Fern  
Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum Western lady fern Fern 1
Azolla filiculoides Mosquito fern Fern  
Azolla mexicana Mexican mosquito fern Fern  
Azolla microphylla Mexican mosquito fern Fern  
Botrychium ascendens Upswept moonwort Fern (rhizomatous)  
Botrychium crenulatum Scalloped moonwort Fern (rhizomatous)  
Botrychium lineare Narrowleaf grapefern Fern  
Botrychium lunaria Common moonwort Fern (rhizomatous)  
Botrychium minganense Mingan moonwort Fern (rhizomatous)  
Botrychium paradoxum Paradox moonwort Fern  
Botrychium simplex Little grape fern Fern  
Botrychium simplex var. compositum Little grapefern Fern  
Botrychium simplex var. simplex Least moonwort Fern  
Botrychium yaaxudakeit Giant moonwort Fern  
Cheilanthes covillei Coville's lip fern Fern 4
Cheilanthes gracillima Lace lip fern Fern 1
Cheilanthes intertexta Coastal lipfern Fern  
Cryptogramma acrostichoides American parsley fern Fern  
Cryptogramma cascadensis Cascade parsely fern Fern  
Cystopteris fragilis Brittle fern Fern 1
Dryopteris arguta Wood fern Fern 7
Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Fern (rhizomatous) 5
Equisetum arvense Common horsetail Fern 6
Equisetum hyemale Scouringrush horsetail Fern 31
Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine Giant scouring rush Fern 7
Equisetum hyemale var. affine Scouringrush horsetail Fern 4
Equisetum laevigatum Smooth scouring rush Fern 2
Equisetum telmateia Giant horsetail Fern 3
Equisetum telmateia ssp. braunii Giant horsetail Fern 1
Equisetum telmateia var. braunii Giant horsetail Fern 1
Isoetes bolanderi Bolander's quillwort Fern  
Isoetes bolanderi var. pygmaea Bolander's quillwort Fern  
Isoetes howellii Quillwort Fern  
Isoetes occidentalis Western quillwort Fern  
Myriopteris covillei Coville's lip fern Fern 4
Myriopteris gracillima Lace lip fern Fern 1
Myriopteris intertexta Coastal lip fern Fern  
Pellaea breweri Brewer's cliff brake Fern  
Pellaea bridgesii Bridges' cliff brake Fern 1
Pellaea mucronata Bird's foot fern Fern 2
Pentagramma triangularis Gold back fern Fern 3
Pentagramma triangularis ssp. semipallida Pale gold back fern Fern 3
Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis Gold back fern Fern  
Pilularia americana Pillwort Fern  
Polystichum kruckebergii Kruckeberg's sword fern Fern (rhizomatous)  
Pteridium aquilinum Western brackenfern Fern 5
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Western bracken fern Fern  
Selaginella watsonii Watson's spike moss Fern (mosslike)  
Woodsia oregana Cliff fern Fern  
Woodsia scopulina Cliff fern Fern  
  Lifeform: Shrub359 plants
Acamptopappus shockleyi Shockley's goldenhead Shrub  
Acer glabrum Mountain maple Tree, Shrub 11
Acer glabrum var. diffusum Mountain maple Tree, Shrub  
Acer glabrum var. glabrum Rocky mountain maple Tree, Shrub  
Acer glabrum var. greenei Greene's mountain maple Tree, Shrub  
Acer glabrum var. torreyi Torrey's mountain maple Tree, Shrub  
Allenrolfea occidentalis Iodine bush Shrub  
Alnus incana Gray alder Tree, Shrub 6
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia Creek alder Tree, Shrub 9
Ambrosia dumosa Burro weed Shrub 8
Ambrosia salsola Burrobrush Shrub 6
Ambrosia salsola var. salsola Burrobrush Shrub  
Amelanchier alnifolia Service berry Shrub 31
Amelanchier alnifolia var. pumila Dwarf service berry Shrub  
Amelanchier pallida Pallid service berry Shrub 3
Amelanchier utahensis Pale leaved serviceberry Shrub 10
Amelanchier utahensis ssp. utahensis Utah service berry Shrub  
Amelanchier utahensis var. utahensis Utah serviceberry Shrub  
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood manzanita Shrub 6
Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. cushingiana Cushing manzanita Shrub  
Arctostaphylos nevadensis Pine mat manzanita Shrub 6
Arctostaphylos nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Pine-mat manzanita Shrub  
Arctostaphylos patula Green leaf manzanita Shrub 14
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick Shrub 49
Arida carnosa Shrubby alkali aster Shrub  
Artemisia arbuscula Black sagebrush Shrub 6
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. arbuscula Low sagebrush Shrub 1
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. thermopola Warm springs low sagebrush Shrub  
Artemisia cana Silver sagebrush Shrub 5
Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi Bolander's silver sagebrush Shrub  
Artemisia nova Black sagebrush Shrub 4
Artemisia rothrockii Rothrock sagebrush Shrub  
Artemisia spinescens Budsage Shrub  
Artemisia tridentata Common sagebrush Shrub 26
Artemisia tridentata ssp. parishii Parish's sagebrush Shrub 1
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata Big sagebrush Shrub 3
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana Mountain sagebrush Shrub 8
Atriplex canescens Hoary saltbush Shrub 22
Atriplex canescens ssp. canescens Shadscale Shrub 1
Atriplex canescens var. canescens Fourwing saltbush Shrub 1
Atriplex confertifolia Spiny saltbush Shrub 8
Atriplex lentiformis Big saltbush Shrub 35
Atriplex lentiformis ssp. torreyi Torrey's saltbush Shrub  
Atriplex parryi Parry's saltbush Shrub  
Atriplex polycarpa Cattle spinach Shrub 10
Baccharis sergiloides Desert baccharis Shrub 1
Berberis aquifolium Mountain grape Shrub 46
Berberis aquifolium var. repens Creeping oregon grape Shrub 30
Betula occidentalis Water birch Tree, Shrub 22
Brickellia longifolia Willow leaved brickellia Shrub  
Brickellia longifolia var. multiflora Longleaf brickellbush Shrub  
Brickellia microphylla Little leaved brickellia Shrub  
Brickellia microphylla var. microphylla Littleleaf brickellbush Shrub  
Brickellia multiflora Gum leaved brickellia Shrub  
Cassiope mertensiana Western moss heather Shrub 1
Cassiope mertensiana ssp. californica California moss heather Shrub  
Ceanothus cordulatus Snow bush Shrub 7
Ceanothus cuneatus Buck brush Shrub 24
Ceanothus greggii Desert ceanothus Shrub 3
Ceanothus greggii var. vestitus California lilac Shrub  
Ceanothus leucodermis Chaparral whitethorn Shrub 8
Ceanothus pauciflorus Mojave ceanothus Shrub  
Ceanothus velutinus Tobacco brush, snowbrush Tree, Shrub 11
Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus Tobacco brush Tree, Shrub 11
Ceanothus vestitus Mojave ceanothus Shrub  
Cercocarpus betuloides Birch leaf mountain mahogany Tree, Shrub 46
Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides Birch leaf mountain mahogany Tree, Shrub 2
Cercocarpus intricatus Little leaved mountain mahogany Shrub  
Cercocarpus ledifolius Desert mountainmahogany Tree, Shrub 18
Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intercedens Curl leaf mountain mahogany Tree, Shrub  
Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intermontanus Curl leaved mountain mahogany Tree, Shrub  
Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatus Little leaved mountain mahogany Shrub  
Cercocarpus ledifolius var. ledifolius Curl leaf mountain mahogany Tree, Shrub  
Chamaebatiaria millefolium Fern bush Shrub 6
Chrysolepis sempervirens Sierra chinquapin Shrub 2
Chrysothamnus humilis Truckee rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus Common rabbitbrush Shrub 25
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. albicaulis Rubber rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. ceruminosus Sharp bracted rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis Gray rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. hololeucus Common rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. leiospermus Common rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. mohavensis Mohave common rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus parryi Parry's rabbit brush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. asper Rough parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. monocephalus Single headed parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. nevadensis Nevada parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. vulcanicus Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus teretifolius Terete leaved rubberbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Green rabbitbrush Shrub 5
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. axillaris Sticky leaved rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. lanceolatus Sticky leaved rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. latifolius Sticky leaved rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. puberulus Sticky leaved rabbitbrush Shrub  
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. viscidiflorus Sticky leaved rabbitbrush Shrub  
Coleogyne ramosissima Black brush Shrub 3
Cornus nuttallii Mountain dogwood Shrub 25
Cornus sericea American dogwood Shrub 43
Cornus sericea ssp. sericea Red osier dogwood Shrub 34
Cupressus macnabiana Macnab's cypress Tree, Shrub 7
Cylindropuntia echinocarpa Silver cholla Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Dasiphora fruticosa Shrubby cinquefoil Shrub 13
Dedeckera eurekensis July gold Shrub  
Dendromecon rigida Bush poppy Shrub 15
Echinocereus engelmannii Calico cactus Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Encelia actoni Acton encelia Shrub 2
Ephedra aspera Mormon tea Shrub  
Ephedra fasciculata Clokey ephedra Shrub  
Ephedra fasciculata var. clokeyi Clokey's ephedra Shrub  
Ephedra fasciculata var. fasciculata Arizona ephedra Shrub  
Ephedra nevadensis Nevada ephedra Shrub 10
Ephedra viridis Green ephedra Shrub 12
Ericameria albida White flowered rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria bloomeri Bloomer's goldenbrush Shrub  
Ericameria cooperi Cooper's goldenbush Shrub 3
Ericameria cooperi var. cooperi Cooper goldenbush Shrub 3
Ericameria cuneata Rock goldenbush Shrub 2
Ericameria cuneata var. cuneata Rock goldenbush Shrub 1
Ericameria discoidea Rayless goldenbush Shrub  
Ericameria discoidea var. discoidea Whitestem goldenbush Shrub  
Ericameria linearifolia Interior goldenbush Shrub 6
Ericameria nana Dwarf goldenbush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa Rubber rabbitbrush Shrub 25
Ericameria nauseosa var. ceruminosa Sharp bracted rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa var. hololeuca Common rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa var. leiosperma Common rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa var. mohavensis Mojave rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa var. oreophila Rubber rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria nauseosa var. speciosa Rubber rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi var. aspera Rough parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi var. aspra Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi var. monocephala Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi var. nevadensis Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria parryi var. vulcanica Parry's rabbitbrush Shrub  
Ericameria suffruticosa Heath goldenrod Shrub  
Ericameria teretifolia Green rabbitbrush Shrub  
Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat Shrub 44
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum California buckwheat Shrub 6
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium California buckwheat Shrub 3
Eriogonum heermannii Heerman buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum heermannii var. argense Heermann's buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum heermannii var. humilius Heermann's buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum marifolium Marum leaved buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum microthecum Slender buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum microthecum var. alpinum Alpine slender buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum microthecum var. ambiguum Obscure buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum microthecum var. laxiflorum Bush eriogonum Shrub  
Eriogonum nudum Naked buckwheat Shrub 16
Eriogonum nudum var. deductum Naked buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum nudum var. nudum Nude buckwheat Shrub 1
Eriogonum nudum var. pauciflorum Long trumpet Shrub  
Eriogonum nudum var. scapigerum Naked buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum nudum var. westonii Weston's buckwheat Shrub  
Eriogonum nummulare Round leaf buckwheat Shrub  
Forestiera pubescens Desert olive Shrub 5
Frangula californica California coffeeberry Shrub 52
Frangula californica ssp. californica California coffeeberry Shrub 44
Frangula californica ssp. cuspidata Sierra hoary coffeeberry Shrub  
Frangula californica ssp. tomentella Hoary coffeeberry Shrub 13
Frangula rubra Red buckthorn Shrub 3
Frangula rubra ssp. rubra Red buckthorn Shrub 3
Frangula rubra ssp. yosemitana Yosemite buckthorn Shrub  
Gaultheria humifusa Alpine wintergreen Shrub  
Gaultheria ovatifolia Western wintergreen Shrub 1
Glossopetalon spinescens Nevada greasewood Shrub  
Glossopetalon spinescens var. aridum Spiny greasebush Shrub  
Grayia spinosa Hop sage Shrub 7
Grusonia pulchella Sagebrush cholla Shrub (stem succulent)  
Gutierrezia microcephala Sticky snakeweed Shrub (stem succulent)  
Hecastocleis shockleyi Shockley's prickleleaf Shrub  
Hesperocyparis macnabiana Macnab cypress Tree, Shrub 7
Holodiscus discolor Oceanspray Shrub 42
Holodiscus discolor var. discolor Oceanspray Shrub 2
Holodiscus discolor var. glabrescens Rock spiraea Shrub 40
Holodiscus discolor var. microphyllus Small-leaf creambush Shrub 1
Holodiscus microphyllus Oceanspray Shrub 40
Holodiscus microphyllus var. glabrescens Rock spiraea Shrub 40
Holodiscus microphyllus var. microphyllus Little leaf creambush Shrub 40
Hymenoclea salsola Burrobrush Shrub 6
Hymenoclea salsola var. salsola Burrobrush Shrub  
Ipomopsis tenuituba Narrow tube ipomopsis Shrub (stem succulent)  
Jamesia americana Fivepetal cliffbush Shrub  
Jamesia americana var. rosea Rosy petalled cliffbush Shrub  
Juniperus communis Common juniper Shrub 14
Juniperus communis var. depressa Common juniper Shrub 2
Juniperus communis var. jackii Common juniper Shrub 2
Juniperus communis var. saxatilis Common juniper Shrub 2
Juniperus osteosperma Utah juniper Tree, Shrub 2
Kalmia polifolia Mountain laurel Shrub 2
Kalmia polifolia ssp. microphylla Bog laurel Shrub 2
Keckiella breviflora Gaping keckiella Shrub 4
Keckiella breviflora var. glabrisepala Hairless gaping keckiella Shrub  
Keckiella rothrockii Rothrock's keckiella Shrub  
Keckiella rothrockii var. rothrockii Rothrock's keckiella Shrub  
Krascheninnikovia lanata Winter fat Shrub 11
Larrea tridentata Creosote bush Shrub 17
Ledum glandulosum Western labrador tea Shrub 1
Leptodactylon pungens Prickly phlox Shrub  
Leucosyris carnosa Shrubby alkali aster Shrub  
Linanthus pungens Granite prickly phlox Shrub  
Lonicera conjugialis Purpleflower honeysuckle Shrub 3
Lonicera involucrata Coast twinberry Shrub 42
Lonicera involucrata var. involucrata Twinberry Shrub 3
Lonicera involucrata var. ledebourii Coast twinberry Shrub 2
Lupinus albifrons Silver bush lupine Shrub 35
Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons Silver bush lupine Shrub 5
Lupinus albifrons var. austromontanus Shrub  
Lupinus albifrons var. collinus Silver bush lupine Shrub 8
Lupinus excubitus var. austromontanus Southern montane grape lupine Shrub  
Lycium andersonii Anderson thornbush Shrub 7
Lycium cooperi Cooper's box thorn Shrub 2
Machaeranthera carnosa Shrubby alkali aster Shrub  
Malacothamnus hallii Hall's bush mallow Shrub 15
Menodora spinescens Spiny desert olive Shrub  
Menodora spinescens var. spinescens Spiny desert olive Shrub  
Monardella follettii Follett's monardella Shrub 1
Opuntia basilaris Beavertail Shrub (stem succulent) 10
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris Beavertail cactus Shrub (stem succulent) 1
Opuntia echinocarpa Staghorn cholla Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Opuntia erinacea Old man cactus Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Opuntia erinacea var. erinacea Grizzly pear Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Opuntia erinacea var. utahensis Utah prickly pear Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Opuntia polyacantha Plains pricklypear Shrub (stem succulent) 3
Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea Grizzlybear pricklypear Shrub (stem succulent) 2
Opuntia polyacantha var. hystricina Grizzlybear pricklypear Shrub (stem succulent)  
Opuntia pulchella Beautiful cholla Shrub (stem succulent)  
Petrophyton caespitosum Rock spiraea Shrub 2
Petrophyton caespitosum ssp. caespitosum Rock spiraea Shrub  
Petrophytum caespitosum Mat rockspirea Shrub 2
Petrophytum caespitosum ssp. caespitosum Rock spiraea Shrub  
Philadelphus microphyllus Little leaf mock orange Shrub 7
Phoradendron juniperinum Mistletoe Shrub (parasitic)  
Phoradendron libocedri Incense cedar mistletoe Shrub (parasitic)  
Phyllodoce breweri Brewer's mountain heather Shrub  
Physocarpus alternans Dwarf ninebark Shrub  
Physocarpus capitatus Ninebark Shrub 40
Polygala acanthoclada Milkwort Shrub  
Potentilla fruticosa Shrubby cinquefoil Shrub 13
Prunus andersonii Desert peach Tree, Shrub 7
Prunus emarginata Bitter cherry Tree, Shrub 15
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Tree, Shrub 30
Prunus virginiana var. demissa Western choke cherry Tree, Shrub 11
Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa Black chokecherry Tree, Shrub 9
Psorothamnus arborescens Mojave indigo bush Shrub 1
Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius Little leaved mojave indigo bush Shrub  
Psorothamnus emoryi Emory's indigo bush Shrub  
Psorothamnus fremontii Fremont's indigo bush Shrub  
Psorothamnus polydenius Dotted dalea Shrub  
Purshia mexicana var. stansburyana Stansbury's antelope brush Shrub  
Purshia stansburyana Stansbury's antelope brush Shrub  
Purshia tridentata Antelope bush Shrub 18
Purshia tridentata var. glandulosa Antelope brush Shrub 3
Purshia tridentata var. tridentata Antelope bitterbrush Shrub 18
Quercus vacciniifolia Huckleberry oak Shrub 5
Quercus wislizeni Interior live oak Tree, Shrub 23
Quercus wislizeni var. wislizeni Interior live oak Tree, Shrub 3
Rhamnus californica Coffee berry Shrub 63
Rhamnus rubra Sierra coffeeberry Shrub 3
Rhamnus rubra ssp. rubra Sierra coffeeberry Shrub  
Rhamnus tomentella Hoary coffeeberry Shrub 10
Rhamnus tomentella ssp. cuspidata Sierra hoary coffeeberry Shrub  
Rhamnus tomentella ssp. tomentella Chaparral coffee berry Shrub 6
Rhododendron columbianum Western labrador tea Shrub 1
Rhododendron neoglandulosum Western labrador tea Shrub 1
Rhododendron occidentale Western azalea Tree, Shrub 23
Ribes aureum Golden currant Shrub 52
Ribes aureum var. aureum Golden currant Shrub 7
Ribes cereum Wax currant Shrub 16
Ribes cereum var. cereum Wax currant Shrub 2
Ribes cereum var. inebrians Mountain wax currant Shrub  
Ribes inerme White stemmed gooseberry Shrub 2
Ribes inerme var. inerme White stemmed gooseberry Shrub  
Ribes lacustre Swamp currant Shrub 6
Ribes lasianthum Alpine gooseberry Shrub  
Ribes menziesii Gooseberry Shrub 6
Ribes montigenum Mountain gooseberry Shrub 2
Ribes nevadense Mountain pink currant Shrub 11
Ribes roezlii Sierra gooseberry Shrub 10
Ribes velutinum Desert gooseberry Shrub  
Ribes viscosissimum Sticky currant Shrub  
Rosa californica California wild rose Shrub 53
Rosa woodsii Woods' rose Shrub 28
Rosa woodsii ssp. gratissima Mojave rose Shrub  
Rosa woodsii ssp. ultramontana Interior rose Shrub 4
Rosa woodsii var. glabrata Woods' rose Shrub 1
Rosa woodsii var. gratissima Tehachapi rose Shrub 2
Rosa woodsii var. ultramontana Wild rose Shrub 4
Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry Vine, Shrub 38
Salix arctica Arctic willow Shrub 2
Salix boothii Booth's willow Shrub  
Salix brachycarpa Shortfruit willow Shrub  
Salix brachycarpa ssp. brachycarpa Short fruited willow Shrub  
Salix brachycarpa var. brachycarpa Shortfruit willow Shrub  
Salix drummondiana Drummond's willow Shrub  
Salix eastwoodiae Mountain willow Shrub 1
Salix exigua Narrowleaf willow Tree, Shrub 26
Salix exigua var. exigua Narrowleaf willow Tree, Shrub 2
Salix exigua var. hindsiana Sandbar willow Tree, Shrub 25
Salix geyeriana Geyer's willow Shrub 2
Salix hindsiana Sandbar willow Tree, Shrub 25
Salix jepsonii Jepson's willow Shrub  
Salix lasiandra var. caudata Shining willow Shrub  
Salix lasiolepis Arroyo willow Tree, Shrub 24
Salix lemmonii Lemmon's willow Shrub 2
Salix ligulifolia Strapleaf willow Shrub  
Salix lucida Shining willow Tree, Shrub 19
Salix lucida ssp. caudata Shining willow Shrub  
Salix lutea Yellow willow Shrub 1
Salix melanopsis Dusky willow Tree, Shrub 4
Salix nivalis Snow willow Shrub  
Salix orestera Sierra willow Shrub  
Salix petrophila Alpine willow Tree, Shrub 2
Salix planifolia Diamondleaf willow Shrub  
Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia Tea leaved willow Shrub  
Salix reticulata ssp. nivalis Snow willow Shrub  
Salix scouleriana Scouler willow Tree, Shrub 17
Salvia dorrii Dorr's sage Shrub 10
Salvia dorrii var. dorrii Dorr's sage Shrub 2
Salvia dorrii var. pilosa Hairy sage Shrub  
Sambucus mexicana Elderberry Tree, Shrub 41
Sambucus nigra Black elderberry Shrub 14
Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea Blue elderberry Shrub 61
Sambucus racemosa Red elderberry Shrub 31
Sambucus racemosa var. microbotrys Red elderberry Shrub 3
Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa Red elderberry Shrub 5
Sarcobatus baileyi Bailey's greasewood Shrub  
Sarcobatus vermiculatus Greasewood Shrub 3
Sarcocornia utahensis Utah glasswort Shrub  
Sclerocactus polyancistrus Mojave fish hook cactus Shrub (stem succulent)  
Senecio flaccidus Shrubby ragwort Shrub 6
Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis Mono groundsel Shrub  
Shepherdia argentea Buffalo berry Tree, Shrub 11
Solanum umbelliferum Blue witch Shrub 11
Sorbus californica California mountain ash Shrub 1
Sorbus scopulina Mountain ash Shrub 7
Sorbus sitchensis Western mountain ash Tree, Shrub 5
Spiraea densiflora Dense flowered spiraea Shrub 17
Spiraea densiflora ssp. splendens Mountain spirea Shrub 5
Spiraea splendens Rose meadowsweet Shrub 17
Symphoricarpos acutus Creeping snowberry Shrub 17
Symphoricarpos albus Common snowberry Shrub 43
Symphoricarpos hesperius Creeping snowberry Shrub 17
Symphoricarpos longiflorus Desert snowberry Shrub 1
Symphoricarpos mollis Snowberry Shrub 18
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius Mountain snowberry Shrub 3
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. parishii Parish's snowberry Shrub  
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. rotundifolius Snowberry Shrub  
Tetradymia axillaris Catclaw horsebrush Shrub 2
Tetradymia axillaris var. axillaris Catclaw horsebrush Shrub  
Tetradymia axillaris var. longispina Catclaw horsebrush Shrub  
Tetradymia canescens Gray horsebrush Shrub 1
Tetradymia comosa Cotton thorn Shrub 2
Tetradymia glabrata Little leaf horsebrush Shrub  
Tetradymia spinosa Spiny horsebrush Shrub (stem succulent) 3
Tetradymia tetrameres Four parted horsebrush Shrub (stem succulent)  
Vaccinium cespitosum Dwarf bilberry Shrub 2
Vaccinium uliginosum Blueberry Shrub 2
Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. occidentale Western blueberry Shrub 2
  Lifeform: Tree34 plants
Abies concolor White fir Tree 22
Abies concolor var. lowiana California white fir Tree  
Abies magnifica Magnificant silver fir Tree 3
Abies magnifica var. magnifica California red fir Tree  
Alnus rhombifolia White alder Tree 39
Juniperus grandis Sierra juniper Tree  
Juniperus occidentalis Western juniper Tree 2
Juniperus occidentalis var. australis Sierra juniper Tree  
Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western juniper Tree 2
Pinus albicaulis Whitebark pine Tree 1
Pinus contorta Lodgepole pine Tree 30
Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana Lodgepole pine Tree 4
Pinus flexilis Limber pine Tree 6
Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine Tree 17
Pinus longaeva Bristlecone pine Tree 7
Pinus monophylla Single leaf pinyon Tree 10
Pinus monticola Western white pine Tree 10
Pinus ponderosa Yellow pine Tree 29
Populus angustifolia Narrow leaved cottonwood Tree 2
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Black cottonwood Tree 27
Populus fremontii Fremont cottonwood Tree 32
Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii Cottonwood Tree 4
Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen Tree 28
Populus trichocarpa Black cottonwood Tree 27
Quercus chrysolepis Gold cup live oak Tree 24
Quercus kelloggii California black oak Tree 24
Salix gooddingii Gooding's willow Tree 7
Salix laevigata Polished willow Tree 17
Salix lasiandra Pacific willow Tree 20
Salix lasiandra var. lasiandra Pacific willow Tree 6
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Shining willow Tree 6
Tsuga heterophylla Western hemlock Tree 14
Tsuga mertensiana Patton spruce Tree 13
Yucca brevifolia Joshua tree Tree 15
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Mono County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.