California Native Plant Link Exchange

Clematis ligusticifolia - Creek clematis

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None of the links on this page are sponsored.
Nursery and Seed Sources
Contra Costa Annie's Annuals • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
Richmond 94805 wholesale, retail, mail order
San Francisco Bay Natives  PROFILE 
San Francisco 94114 mostly retail; mailorder
Santa Clara CNPS SCV Nursery  PROFILE 
Los Altos Hills, 94022 CNPS Santa Clara Valley N...
Sonoma California Flora Nursery • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
Fulton 95439
Santa Clara Capital Wholesale Nursery  PROFILE 
San Jose 95148
Alameda East Bay Wilds  PROFILE 
Oakland 94621
Los Angeles El Nativo Growers  PROFILE 
Azusa 91702
Orange Flowerdale Nursery  PROFILE 
Santa Ana 92705
San Mateo Go Native  PROFILE 
Montara 94037 wholesale
Lake Growing Natives  PROFILE 
Middletown 95461
Santa Barbara Growing Solutions Restoration Education Institute  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93130 seeds, wholesale, source ...
Marin Larner Seeds  PROFILE 
Bolinas 94924 seeds
San Diego Moosa Creek Nursery • 1/04/2019  PROFILE 
Valley Center 92082 wholesale
Marin Mostly Natives Nursery  PROFILE 
Point Reyes Station 94856
Napa Napa CNPS • 5/15/2020  PROFILE 
Napa 94559 May 2020 plant sale
Contra Costa Native Here Nursery  PROFILE 
Berkeley 94708 Retail, plants native to Alameda...
Sonoma North Coast Native Nursery  PROFILE 
Petaluma 94953
San Bernardino Oak Hills Nursery  PROFILE 
Herperia 92344
Solano Putah Creek Natives  PROFILE 
Winters source-identified, wholes...
Placer Restoration Resources  PROFILE 
Rocklin 95765
San Diego Rincon Tribal Nursery  PROFILE 
Valley Center 92082
Humboldt Rolling River Nursery  PROFILE 
Orleans 95556
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Nursery  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93105
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Natives  PROFILE 
Gaviota 93117 wholesale
Contra Costa The Watershed Nursery  PROFILE 
Richmond 94804 Specilizing in site speci...
Los Angeles Theodore Payne Foundation • 4/23/2019  PROFILE 
Sun Valley 91352
Alameda University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley  PROFILE 
Berkeley, CA 94720 A large collection of CA....
Sonoma Urban Tree Farm  PROFILE 
Fulton 95439
San Mateo Yerba Buena Nursery • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
Woodside 94062
Outside California:
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery  PROFILE 
Tucson AZ 85713
Fourth Corner Nurseries  PROFILE 
Bellingham, WA 98226
Plants of the Southwest  PROFILE 
Santa Fe NM 87501
Wallace Hansen Nursery  PROFILE 
Salem, OR 97301 horticulture, drawings
Willamette Gardens  PROFILE 
Corvallis, OR 97333 wholesale, retail
• Inventory page scan date
Ventura  PROFILE 
Ojai 93023
Perennial herb, Vine
likely (FAC)
Minor, Dermatitis
What plants grow with Clematis ligusticifolia ?
Placer Eisley Nursery  PROFILE 
Auburn 95603
San Luis Obispo Las Pilitas Native Nursery  PROFILE 
Santa Margarita 93453
Native Plant Network  PROFILE 
Moscow, ID propagation protocols
Univ of Washington, Forest Resources  PROFILE 
Seattle, WA propagation, restoration

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