California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Amador County  •   is native  •  group by lifeform
1846  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual566 plants
Achyrachaena mollis Blow wives Annual herb 2
Acmispon americanus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 3
Acmispon americanus var. americanus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Acmispon brachycarpus Short podded lotus Annual herb  
Acmispon denticulatus Toothed lotus Annual herb  
Acmispon parviflorus Hill lotus Annual herb  
Acmispon strigosus Strigose lotus Annual herb 3
Acmispon wrangelianus Chilean trefoil Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla Mountain dandelion Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla var. crenulata Annual agoseris Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleura Mountain dandelion Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla Annual agoseris Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla var. turgida Annual agoseris Annual herb  
Agrostis elliottiana Elliott's bentgrass Annual grass  
Agrostis microphylla Little leaf bentgrass Annual grass  
Allophyllum divaricatum Purple false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum integrifolium White allophyllum Annual herb  
Alopecurus saccatus Foxtail Annual grass  
Amaranthus blitoides Prostrate pigweed Annual herb  
Amaranthus powellii Powell's amaranth Annual herb  
Ammannia coccinea Red ammannia Annual herb  
Amsinckia douglasiana Douglas' fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia eastwoodiae Eastwood's fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia intermedia Common fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia menziesii Fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Orange flowered menzies' fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii Small flowered fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia retrorsa Rigid fiddleneck Annual herb  
Anagallis minima Chaffweed Annual herb  
Antirrhinum leptaleum Spurred snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillo-calyculatum Brewer's snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum Wiry snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum ssp. intermedium Wiry snapdragon Annual herb  
Aphanes occidentalis Ladie's mantle Annual, Perennial herb  
Aphyllon purpureum Naked broom rape Annual herb  
Apiastrum angustifolium Wild celery Annual herb  
Aristida oligantha Oldfield three awn Annual grass  
Astragalus gambelianus Loco weed Annual herb  
Blennosperma nanum Yellow carpet Annual herb  
Blennosperma nanum var. nanum Common blennosperma Annual herb  
Blepharipappus scaber Blepharipappus Annual herb  
Bromus orcuttianus Orcutt's brome grass Annual grass 1
Calandrinia ciliata Redmaids Annual herb 6
Calandrinia menziesii Calandrinia Annual herb 6
Callitriche heterophylla var. bolanderi Bolander's water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche heterophylla var. heterophylla Varied leaved water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche marginata Winged water starwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Callitriche palustris Vernal water-starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche verna Water starwort Annual herb  
Calycadenia hooveri Hoover's calycadenia Annual herb  
Calycadenia multiglandulosa Rosin weed Annual herb  
Calycadenia spicata Spicate calycadenia Annual herb  
Calycadenia truncata Rosin weed Annual herb  
Calyptridium umbellatum Pussy toes Annual, Perennial herb 3
Camissonia contorta Contorted sun cup Annual herb  
Camissonia hirtella Hairy sun cups Annual herb  
Camissoniopsis hirtella Hairy sun cup Annual herb  
Campanula exigua Chaparral harebell Annual herb  
Cardamine oligosperma Idaho bittercress Annual, Perennial herb  
Castilleja attenuata Narrow leaved owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja campestris Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja campestris ssp. campestris Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja densiflora Dense flower owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja densiflora ssp. densiflora Dense flower owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja exserta Owl's clover Annual herb 10
Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta Purple owl's clover Annual herb 5
Castilleja lacera Foothill owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja lineariloba Thin lobed owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja rubicundula ssp. lithospermoides Cream sacs Annual herb  
Castilleja tenuis Hairy owl's clover Annual herb  
Centaurium muehlenbergii Monterey centaury Annual herb 2
Centaurium venustum Beautiful centaury Annual herb  
Centromadia fitchii Spikeweed Annual herb  
Centunculus minimus False pimpernel Annual herb  
Chaenactis douglasii Chaenactis Annual, Perennial herb  
Chaenactis glabriuscula Common yellow chaenactis Annual herb 3
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula Common yellow chaenactis Annual herb  
Chamaesyce ocellata Contura creek spurge Annual herb  
Chamaesyce ocellata ssp. ocellata Contura creek sandmat Annual herb  
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamomilla suaveolens Common pineapple weed Annual herb  
Chenopodium berlandieri Pit seed goosefoot Annual herb  
Chorizanthe polygonoides Knotweed spineflower Annual herb  
Chorizanthe polygonoides var. polygonoides Knotweed spineflower Annual herb  
Clarkia affinis Chaparral fairyfan Annual herb  
Clarkia amoena Farewell to spring Annual herb 16
Clarkia arcuata Glandular fairyfan Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba Two lobed clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba ssp. biloba Two lobed clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeae Brandegee's two lobed clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeeae Brandegee's clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia gracilis Graceful clarkia Annual herb 3
Clarkia heterandra California gaura Annual herb  
Clarkia purpurea Purple clarkia Annual herb 9
Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera Purple clarkia Annual herb 4
Clarkia purpurea ssp. viminea Large godetia Annual herb  
Clarkia rhomboidea Tongue clarkia Annual herb 1
Clarkia unguiculata Woodland clarkia Annual herb 18
Clarkia virgata Clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia williamsonii Fort Miller clarkia Annual herb 4
Claytonia exigua Little spring beauty Annual herb  
Claytonia exigua ssp. exigua Viridis Annual herb  
Claytonia parviflora Narrow leaved miner's lettuce Annual herb 2
Claytonia parviflora ssp. grandiflora Large flowered miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora Miner'slettuce Annual herb 1
Claytonia parviflora ssp. utahensis Streambank springbeauty Annual herb 1
Claytonia perfoliata Miner's lettuce Annual herb 5
Claytonia perfoliata ssp. intermontana Miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Claytonia perfoliata ssp. mexicana Southern miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata Claytonia Annual herb  
Claytonia rubra Red stemmed spring beauty Annual herb  
Collinsia bartsiifolia White collinsia Annual herb 1
Collinsia bartsiifolia var. bartsiifolia White chinese houses Annual herb  
Collinsia heterophylla Chinese houses Annual herb 19
Collinsia heterophylla var. heterophylla Purple chinese houses Annual herb  
Collinsia parviflora Few flowered blue eyed mary Annual herb 1
Collinsia sparsiflora Few flowered collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia sparsiflora var. collina Hillside collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia tinctoria Tincture plant Annual herb 1
Collinsia torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. wrightii Wright's collinsia Annual herb  
Collomia grandiflora Large flowered collomia Annual herb 3
Collomia heterophylla Varied leaved collomia Annual herb  
Collomia linearis Narrow leaved collomia Annual herb  
Conyza canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Conyza coulteri Coulter's horseweed Annual herb  
Cordylanthus pilosus Hairy bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus pilosus ssp. hansenii Hansen's bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Crassula connata Sand pygmy weed Annual herb 1
Croton setiger Turkey-mullein Annual herb 4
Croton setigerus Dove weed Annual herb 1
Cryptantha affinis Common cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha ambigua Wilkes' cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha echinella Prickly cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha flaccida Beaked cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha intermedia Common cryptanth Annual herb  
Cryptantha mariposae Mariposa cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha micromeres Small flowered cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha milobakeri Milo baker's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha simulans Pine cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha torreyana Torrey's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cuscuta californica California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta californica var. breviflora California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta occidentalis California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cyperus squarrosus Awned cyperus Annual grass  
Daucus pusillus Wild carrot Annual herb 1
Deschampsia danthonioides Annual hairgrass Annual grass  
Diplacus angustatus Narrow leaved pansy monkeyflower Annual herb 1
Diplacus douglasii Purple mouse ears Annual herb 1
Diplacus kelloggii Kellogg's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus leptaleus Least flowered monkey flower Annual herb  
Diplacus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Diplacus torreyi Torrey's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus viscidus Viscid monkeyflower Annual herb  
Downingia bicornuta Bristled downingia Annual herb  
Downingia bicornuta var. bicornuta Bristled downingia Annual herb  
Downingia bicornuta var. picta Mountain bristled downingia Annual herb  
Eclipta prostrata False daisy Annual herb 1
Elatine brachysperma Short seed waterwort Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine chilensis Chilean waterwort Annual, Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Elatine gracilis Sierra waterwort Annual, Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Elatine rubella Southwestern waterwort Annual herb  
Emmenanthe penduliflora Whispering bells Annual herb 2
Epilobium brachycarpum Willow herb Annual herb 1
Epilobium campestre Smooth boisduvalia Annual herb  
Epilobium densiflorum Willow herb Annual herb  
Epilobium minutum Minute willowherb Annual herb  
Epilobium paniculatum var. jucundum Autumn willowherb Annual herb 1
Epilobium pygmaeum Smooth boisduvalia Annual herb  
Epilobium torreyi Narrow boisduvalia Annual herb  
Eragrostis mexicana Mexican lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis mexicana ssp. virescens Orcutt's eragrostis Annual grass  
Eragrostis pectinacea Tufted lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis pectinacea var. miserrima Desert lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea Tufted lovegrass Annual grass  
Eremocarpus setigerus Turkey mullein Annual herb 4
Erigeron canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Eriogonum hirtiflorum Hairy flowered buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum Wicker buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum var. pedunculatum Goldencarpet buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorum Hairy flowered buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum roseum Wand buckwheat Annual herb 3
Eriogonum spergulinum Wild buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum var. reddingianum Spurry buckwheat Annual herb  
Eryngium pinnatisectum Tuolumne button celery Annual, Perennial herb  
Erythranthe bicolor Yellow and white monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe erubescens Annual herb  
Erythranthe guttata Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 37
Erythranthe inconspicua small-flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe laciniata cut-leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe marmorata Stanislaus monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe microphylla Small leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Eschscholzia caespitosa Tufted eschscholzia Annual herb 16
Eschscholzia californica California poppy Annual, Perennial herb 51
Eschscholzia lobbii Frying pans Annual herb 4
Euphorbia crenulata Chinesecaps Annual, Perennial herb  
Euphorbia ocellata Contura creek spurge Annual herb  
Euphorbia serpillifolia Thyme-leafed spurge Annual herb  
Euphorbia spathulata Reticulate seeded spurge Annual herb  
Festuca microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Festuca octoflora Sixweeks grass Annual grass 5
Filago californica California filago Annual herb  
Galium aparine Cleavers Annual herb  
Galium bifolium Low mountain bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium tricornutum Rough bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium triflorum Sweet bedstraw Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum Spreading groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum Small flowered groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum eriospermum Woolly seeded groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum heterozygum Zig zag gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum humile Dwarf groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum ramosissimum Pinyon gayophytum Annual herb  
Gentianopsis simplex Hiker's fringed gentian Annual herb  
Geranium carolinianum Carolina geranium Annual herb  
Gilia capillaris Smooth leaved gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capitata Blue field gilia Annual herb 18
Gilia capitata ssp. mediomontana Blue field gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capitata ssp. pedemontana Blue field gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. bicolor Purple throat gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges gilia Annual herb  
Gilia sinistra Clockwise gilia Annual herb  
Gilia sinistra ssp. sinistra Clockwise gilia Annual herb  
Gilia tricolor Bird's eyes Annual herb 14
Gilia tricolor ssp. diffusa Bird's eyes Annual herb  
Gilia tricolor ssp. tricolor Bird's eyes Annual herb 1
Githopsis diffusa San gabriel bluecup Annual herb  
Githopsis pulchella Largeflower bluecup Annual herb  
Githopsis pulchella ssp. pulchella Sierra bluecup Annual herb  
Githopsis pulchella ssp. serpentinicola Serpentine bluecup Annual herb  
Githopsis pulchella var. glabra Sierra bluecup Annual herb  
Githopsis specularioides Venus' looking glass Annual herb  
Gnaphalium californicum California everlasting Annual, Perennial herb 14
Gnaphalium macounii Macoun's cudweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Gnaphalium palustre Lowland cudweed Annual herb  
Gnaphalium stramineum Cotton batting Annual, Perennial herb 3
Gratiola ebracteata Common hedge hyssop Annual herb  
Helianthus annuus Hairy leaved sunflower Annual herb 16
Helianthus bolanderi Bolander's sunflower Annual, Perennial herb 2
Hemizonella minima Opposite leaved tarweed Annual herb  
Hemizonia fitchii Spikeweed Annual herb  
Hesperevax acaulis Dwarf evax Annual herb  
Hesperevax acaulis var. acaulis Dwarf evax Annual herb  
Hesperevax acaulis var. ambusticola Fire evax Annual herb  
Hesperolinon micranthum Small flower western flax Annual herb  
Heterocodon rariflorum Heterocodon Annual herb  
Heterotheca grandiflora Telegraph weed Annual, Perennial herb 3
Holocarpha virgata Narrow tarplant Annual herb  
Holocarpha virgata ssp. virgata Narrow tarplant Annual herb  
Hordeum depressum Alkali barley Annual grass 3
Hypericum anagalloides Creeping St. John's wort Annual, Perennial herb 1
Isolepis cernua Low bulrush Annual grass 14
Jensia rammii Ramm's madia Annual herb  
Jensia yosemitana Yosemite tarplant Annual herb  
Juncus bufonius Common toad rush Annual grass 6
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Toad rush Annual grass  
Laennecia coulteri Coulter's horseweed Annual herb  
Lagophylla glandulosa Glandular hareleaf Annual herb  
Lagophylla ramosissima Common hareleaf Annual herb  
Lasthenia californica Goldfields Annual herb 12
Lasthenia californica ssp. californica California goldfields Annual herb 2
Lasthenia fremontii Vernal pool goldfields Annual, Perennial herb  
Lasthenia glaberrima Smooth goldfields Annual herb  
Lasthenia gracilis Needle goldfields Annual herb  
Layia fremontii Fremont's tidy tips Annual herb  
Lepidium nitidum Shining pepper grass Annual herb 2
Lepidium nitidum var. nitidum Shining pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium ruderale Roadside pepperweed Annual herb  
Lepidium strictum Peppergrass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum ssp. virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Leptochloa fascicularis Sprangletop Annual grass  
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis Bearded sprangletop Annual grass  
Leptosiphon bicolor True babystars Annual herb  
Leptosiphon ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb 1
Leptosiphon ciliatus ssp. ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb  
Leptosiphon filipes Thread linanthus Annual herb  
Leptosiphon harknessii Harkness' flaxflower Annual herb  
Leptosiphon liniflorus Narrowflower flaxflower Annual herb  
Leptosiphon montanus Mustang clover Annual herb  
Leptosiphon parviflorus Variable linanthus Annual herb 1
Lessingia leptoclada Sierra lessingia Annual herb 1
Lessingia nana Little lessingia Annual herb  
Lilaea scilloides Flowering quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Limnanthes alba White meadowfoam Annual herb 1
Limnanthes alba ssp. alba Typical white meadowfoam Annual herb  
Limnanthes alba ssp. versicolor White meadowfoam Annual herb  
Limnanthes douglasii Common meadow foam Annual herb 7
Limnanthes douglasii ssp. rosea Rosy douglas' meadowfoam Annual herb 3
Limnanthes douglasii ssp. striata Foothill meadowfoam Annual herb  
Limnanthes striata Foothill meadowfoam Annual herb  
Linanthus bicolor True baby stars Annual herb  
Linanthus ciliatus Whisker brush linanthus Annual herb 1
Linanthus filipes Filiform linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus harknessii Harkness linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus liniflorus Flax flowered linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus montanus Mustang clover Annual herb  
Linanthus parviflorus Common linanthus Annual herb 1
Linaria canadensis Toad flax Annual, Perennial herb 1
Linaria canadensis var. texana Toad flax Annual, Perennial herb 1
Lindernia dubia False pimpernel Annual herb  
Logfia filaginoides California cottonrose Annual herb  
Lotus denticulatus Toothed lotus Annual herb  
Lotus humistratus Short podded lotus Annual herb  
Lotus micranthus Hill lotus Annual herb  
Lotus purshianus Bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 6
Lotus purshianus var. purshianus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Lotus strigosus Strigose lotus Annual herb 3
Lotus unifoliolatus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 2
Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb  
Lotus wrangelianus Chilean trefoil Annual herb  
Lupinus benthamii Spider lupine Annual herb 4
Lupinus bicolor Lupine Annual, Perennial herb 15
Lupinus microcarpus Chick lupine Annual herb 8
Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus Chick lupine Annual herb 13
Lupinus microcarpus var. microcarpus Chick lupine Annual herb 3
Lupinus nanus Valley sky lupine Annual herb 11
Lupinus stiversii Harlequin lupine Annual herb 2
Lupinus succulentus Arroyo lupine Annual herb 22
Lysimachia minima Chaffweed Annual herb  
Madia citriodora Lemon scented tarweed Annual herb  
Madia elegans Common madia Annual herb 13
Madia elegans ssp. densifolia Leafy common madia Annual herb 11
Madia elegans ssp. elegans Common madia Annual herb 1
Madia exigua Small tarweed Annual herb  
Madia glomerata Mountain tarweed Annual herb  
Madia gracilis Gumweed Annual herb 1
Madia minima Little tarweed Annual herb  
Madia rammii Ramm's madia Annual herb  
Madia yosemitana Yosemite madia Annual herb  
Malacothrix clevelandii Cleveland's malacothrix Annual herb  
Malacothrix floccifera Woolly malacothrix Annual herb 1
Matricaria discoidea Pineapple weed Annual herb 3
Micranthes bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Micropus californicus Q tips Annual herb 1
Micropus californicus var. californicus Slender cottonweed Annual herb  
Microseris acuminata Sierra foothills microseris Annual herb 1
Microseris campestris San joaquin microseris Annual herb  
Microseris elegans Elegant silverpuffs Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis var. gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Mimetanthe pilosa Snouted monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus angustatus Narrow leaved pansy monkeyflower Annual herb 1
Mimulus bicolor Yellow and white monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus douglasii Purple mouse ears Annual herb 1
Mimulus guttatus Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 36
Mimulus inconspicuus Small flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus kelloggii Kellogg's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus laciniatus Cut leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus leptaleus Least flowered monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus microphyllus Small leaved monkeyflower Annual herb 35
Mimulus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus var. mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus parishii Parish mimulus Annual herb 35
Mimulus pilosus Snouted monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus torreyi Torrey's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus viscidus Viscid monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus viscidus var. viscidus Viscid monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus whipplei Whipple's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Minuartia californica Sandwort Annual herb  
Minuartia douglasii Douglas' sandwort Annual herb  
Monardella breweri Brewer's monardella Annual herb  
Monardella breweri ssp. glandulifera Brewer's monardella Annual herb 1
Monardella breweri ssp. lanceolata Mustang mint Annual herb 1
Monardella breweri ssp. microcephala Brewer's monardella Annual herb 1
Monardella lanceolata Mustang mint Annual herb 1
Monardella lanceolata var. lanceolata Mustang monardella Annual herb  
Montia fontana Water montia Annual herb  
Muhlenbergia filiformis Slender muhly Annual, Perennial grass  
Navarretia breweri Brewer's navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia capillaris Miniature gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata ssp. vividior Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia eriocephala Hoary navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia filicaulis Thin stemmed navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia heterandra Tehama navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta Interwoven navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta ssp. intertexta Interwoven navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea Bridges' pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. bicolor Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leucocephala White headed navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia linearifolia Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia linearifolia ssp. linearifolia Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia mellita Skunk navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia myersii Pincushion navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia myersii ssp. myersii Myers' pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia paradoxiclara Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia paradoxinota Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia prolifera Burr navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia prolifera ssp. lutea Yellow bur navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia prolifera ssp. prolifera Burr navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia pubescens Purple navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia sinistra Alva day's pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra Alva day's gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia squarrosa Skunkweed Annual herb  
Navarretia subuligera Awl leaved navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia tagetina Marigold navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia viscidula Sticky navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia viscidula ssp. purpurea Sticky pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia vividior Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Nemacladus interior Sierra nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemophila heterophylla Canyon nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila maculata Five spot Annual herb 16
Nemophila menziesii Baby blue eyes Annual herb 17
Nemophila menziesii var. menziesii Baby blue eyes Annual herb  
Nemophila parviflora Small flowered nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila parviflora var. parviflora Small flowered nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pedunculata Meadow nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pulchella Eastwood's nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pulchella var. gracilis Slender nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pulchella var. pulchella Eastwood's baby blue eyes Annual herb  
Nemophila spatulata Sierra nemophila Annual herb  
Nicotiana attenuata Coyote tobacco Annual herb  
Nicotiana bigelovii var. wallacei Indian tobacco Annual herb 1
Nicotiana quadrivalvis Indian tobacco Annual herb 3
Nuttallanthus texanus Blue toadflax Annual, Perennial herb 1
Orthocarpus cuspidatus Broad scaled owl's clover Annual herb 1
Orthocarpus cuspidatus ssp. cryptanthus Short flowered owl's clover Annual herb  
Panicum capillare Old witch grass Annual grass 2
Parvisedum congdonii Congdon's stonecrop Annual herb  
Parvisedum pumilum Sierra stonecrop Annual herb  
Pentachaeta alsinoides Tiny pygmy daisy Annual herb  
Persicaria lapathifolia Common knotweed Annual herb  
Phacelia cicutaria Caterpillar phacelia Annual herb 5
Phacelia cicutaria var. cicutaria Caterpillar phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia eisenii Eisen's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia parryi Parry's phacelia Annual herb 3
Phacelia quickii Quick's phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia racemosa Racemose phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia suaveolens Sweet scented phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia tanacetifolia Tansy leafed phacelia Annual herb 14
Phalaris lemmonii Lemmon's canarygrass Annual grass  
Phlox gracilis Annual phlox Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys austiniae Rebecca austin's allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys bracteatus Bracted allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys canescens Valley popcorn Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys cognatus Popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys fulvus Fulvous popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestris Tawny popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys greenei Greene's allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys hispidulus Harsh allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys nothofulvus Rusty haired popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri Scouler's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus Sleeping popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys shastensis Shasta popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys stipitatus Vernal pool allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus Common vernal pool allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys tenellus Slender popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plantago erecta California plantain Annual herb 6
Platystemon californicus Cream cups Annual herb 2
Plectritis brachystemon Short spurred plectritis Annual herb  
Plectritis ciliosa Long spurred plectritis Annual herb  
Plectritis ciliosa ssp. ciliosa Long spurred plectritis Annual herb  
Plectritis ciliosa ssp. insignis Showy plectritis Annual herb  
Plectritis congesta Sea blush Annual herb 1
Plectritis congesta ssp. brachystemon Shortspur seablush Annual herb  
Plectritis macrocera Plectritis Annual herb  
Poa bolanderi Bolander's bluegrass Annual grass  
Poa howellii Howell's blue grass Annual grass  
Pogogyne serpylloides Thyme leaf mesa mint Annual herb  
Pogogyne zizyphoroides Sacramento mint Annual herb  
Polygonum californicum California knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum lapathifolium Common knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum minimum Little mountain knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides Milkwort knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. kelloggii Kellogg's knotweed Annual herb  
Poteridium annuum Western burnet Annual, Perennial herb  
Pseudobahia heermannii Heermann's golden sunburst Annual herb  
Pseudognaphalium californicum Ladies' tobacco Annual, Perennial herb 14
Pseudognaphalium macounii Macoun's everlasting Annual, Perennial herb  
Psilocarphus brevissimus Woolly marbles Annual herb  
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus Woolly heads Annual herb  
Psilocarphus oregonus Woolly marbles Annual herb  
Psilocarphus tenellus Slender woolly heads Annual herb  
Pterostegia drymarioides Fairy mist Annual herb  
Ranunculus hebecarpus Pubescent fruited buttercup Annual herb  
Ranunculus uncinatus Hooked fruit buttercup Annual, Perennial herb  
Rorippa curvipes Bluntleaf yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes Bluntleaf yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes var. truncata Blunt yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvisiliqua Curvepod yellow cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Saxifraga bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Scirpus cernuus Low clubrush Annual grass 14
Scribneria bolanderi Scribneria Annual grass  
Sedella pumila Sierra mock stonecrop Annual herb  
Sidalcea calycosa Checker mallow Annual herb 3
Sidalcea calycosa ssp. calycosa Checker mallow Annual herb  
Sidalcea hartwegii Hartweg's checkerbloom Annual herb  
Silene antirrhina Sleepy catch fly Annual herb  
Silene californica California indian pink Annual herb 2
Silene verecunda Dolores campion Annual herb  
Solanum americanum White nightshade Annual, Perennial herb 2
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa Grassland stebbinsoseris Annual herb  
Stellaria nitens Shining chickweed Annual herb  
Stephanomeria elata Santa barbara stephanomeria Annual herb  
Stephanomeria virgata Twiggy wreath plant Annual herb 1
Stephanomeria virgata ssp. pleurocarpa Tall stephanomeria Annual herb  
Streptanthus polygaloides Milkwort jewelflower Annual herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus Jewelweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. suffrutescens Bush mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Stylocline gnaphaloides Everlasting stylocline Annual herb  
Symphyotrichum hendersonii Henderson's aster Annual herb  
Thysanocarpus curvipes Common fringe pod Annual herb 2
Thysanocarpus curvipes ssp. curvipes Fringe Pod Annual herb  
Thysanocarpus laciniatus Narrow leaved lacepod Annual herb 1
Thysanocarpus radians Showy fringe pod Annual herb 1
Trichostema lanceolatum Vinegarweed Annual herb 3
Trichostema oblongum Mountain bluecurls Annual herb  
Trifolium albopurpureum Indian clover Annual herb 2
Trifolium albopurpureum var. albopurpureum Indian clover Annual herb 2
Trifolium barbigerum Bearded clover Annual herb  
Trifolium barbigerum var. andrewsii Gray's clover Annual herb  
Trifolium ciliolatum Tree clover Annual herb 6
Trifolium cyathiferum Cup clover Annual herb  
Trifolium depauperatum Dwarf sack clover Annual herb  
Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum Dwarf bladder clover Annual herb  
Trifolium gracilentum Pin point clover Annual herb 4
Trifolium gracilentum var. gracilentum Pin point clover Annual herb 4
Trifolium grayi Gray's clover Annual herb  
Trifolium microcephalum Small head clover Annual herb 4
Trifolium obtusiflorum Creek clover Annual herb 5
Trifolium oliganthum Few flowered clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum Variegated clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum var. major Large variegated clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium variegatum var. variegatum Variegated clover Annual herb  
Trifolium willdenovii Tomcat clover Annual herb 7
Triglochin scilloides Flowering-quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Triphysaria eriantha Butter 'n' eggs Annual herb 1
Triphysaria eriantha ssp. eriantha Butter 'n' eggs Annual herb  
Triphysaria pusilla Little owl's clover Annual herb  
Triphysaria versicolor Yellow owl's clover Annual herb 1
Triphysaria versicolor ssp. faucibarbata Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Triphysaria versicolor ssp. versicolor Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Tropidocarpum gracile Slender tropidocarpum Annual herb  
Uropappus lindleyi Silver puffs Annual herb 1
Verbena bracteata Bracted verbena Annual, Perennial herb  
Veronica peregrina Neckweed Annual herb  
Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis Speedwell Annual herb  
Vulpia microstachys Fescue Annual grass 6
Vulpia microstachys var. ciliata Eastwood fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. confusa Tracy's fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. pauciflora Few flowered fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia octoflora Slender fescue Annual grass 5
Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur Annual herb  
Yabea microcarpa Hedge parsley Annual herb  
Zeltnera davyi Davy's centaury Annual herb 1
Zeltnera muehlenbergii Muehlenberg's centaury Annual herb 2
Zeltnera venusta Charming centaury Annual herb  
  Lifeform: Perennial974 plants
Achillea millefolium Yarrow Perennial herb 72
Achnatherum lemmonii Lemmon's stipa Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum nelsonii Columbia needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum nelsonii ssp. dorei Mountain needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum occidentale Western needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. californicum California needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. occidentale Western needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. pubescens Elmer's needlegrass Perennial grass  
Achnatherum stillmanii Stillman's stipa Perennial grass 1
Achnatherum thurberianum Thurber stipa Perennial grass  
Acmispon argophyllus Silver birds foot trefoil Perennial herb  
Acmispon glaber Deerweed Perennial herb 23
Acmispon glaber var. glaber Deerweed Perennial herb  
Acmispon nevadensis Sierra lotus Perennial herb  
Acmispon nevadensis var. nevadensis Sierra nevada lotus Perennial herb  
Aconitum columbianum Monkshood Perennial herb 4
Aconogonon davisiae Davis knotweed Perennial herb  
Aconogonon phytolaccifolium Pokeweed knotweed Perennial herb  
Adenocaulon bicolor Trail plant Perennial herb  
Agastache urticifolia Horse mint Perennial herb 6
Agoseris glauca var. laciniata False dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris grandiflora Giant mountain dandelion Perennial herb 4
Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora Giant mountain dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris parviflora False dandelion Perennial herb  
Agoseris retrorsa Spear leaved agoseris Perennial herb 1
Agrostis exarata Bentgrass Perennial grass 5
Agrostis humilis Mountain bent grass Perennial grass  
Agrostis idahoensis Colonial bentgrass Perennial grass 3
Agrostis pallens Diego bent grass Perennial grass 15
Agrostis scabra Rough bentgrass Perennial grass 4
Agrostis thurberiana Thurber's bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis variabilis Mountain bentgrass Perennial grass  
Alisma plantago-aquatica Water plantain Perennial herb (aquatic) 5
Alisma triviale Northern water plantain Perennial herb (aquatic) 5
Allium campanulatum Dusky onion Perennial herb (bulb) 2
Allium hyalinum Glassy onion Perennial herb (bulb) 2
Allium obtusum Red sierra onion Perennial herb (bulb) 3
Allium obtusum var. conspicuum Showy red sierra onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium peninsulare Mexicali onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare Mexicali onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium tribracteatum Three bracted onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium validum Swamp onion Perennial herb (bulb) 5
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting Perennial herb 17
Anemone drummondii Drummond's anemone Perennial herb 2
Anemone occidentalis Western anemone Perennial herb 3
Anemone tuberosa Tuber anemone Perennial herb 1
Angelica capitellata Grayswamp whiteheads Perennial herb 2
Antennaria argentea Silvery everlasting Perennial herb  
Antennaria corymbosa Meadowpussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria rosea Rosy everlasting Perennial herb 2
Antennaria rosea ssp. confinis Rosy pussytoes Perennial herb  
Antennaria rosea ssp. rosea Rosy pussytoes Perennial herb  
Aphyllon californicum California orobanche Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon californicum ssp. grayanum Gray's california broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon fasciculatum Clustered broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Aphyllon tuberosum Chaparral broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading dogbane Perennial herb 1
Apocynum cannabinum Indian hemp Perennial herb 12
Aquilegia formosa Columbine Perennial herb 56
Arabis drummondii Drummond's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis eschscholtziana Eschscholtz's hairy rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis glabra Smooth rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis glabra var. furcatipilis Smooth rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis glabra var. glabra Smooth rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis hirsuta Hairy rock cress Perennial herb 1
Arabis hirsuta var. glabrata Mountain rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta Backward splitting holboell's rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis lyallii var. nubigena Lyall's cloud cress Perennial herb  
Arabis microphylla Littleleaf rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis microphylla var. microphylla Small leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis platysperma Broad seeded rock cress Perennial herb  
Arabis platysperma var. howellii Howell's rockcress Perennial herb  
Arabis pycnocarpa Creamflower rockcress Perennial herb 1
Arabis sparsiflora Sicklepod rock cress Perennial herb 2
Arabis sparsiflora var. arcuata Elegant rockress Perennial herb  
Arceuthobium abietinum Fir dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium californicum Sugar pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium campylopodum Pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium cyanocarpum Blue berry dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium divaricatum Western dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium littorum Seashore dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium monticola Mountain dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium occidentale Digger pine dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium siskiyouense Siskiyou dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense Hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense ssp. mertensianae Mountain hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arceuthobium tsugense ssp. tsugense Hemlock dwarf mistletoe Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Arenaria kingii ssp. compacta King's sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria kingii var. glabrescens King's smooth sandwort Perennial herb  
Arenaria pumicola var. californica Pumice sandwort Perennial herb  
Arnica fulgens Hillside arnica Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Arnica mollis Cordilleran arnica Perennial herb 1
Arnica nevadensis Sierra arnica Perennial herb 1
Arnica tomentella Recondite arnica Perennial herb 1
Artemisia douglasiana California mugwort Perennial herb 35
Artemisia ludoviciana Silver wormwood Perennial herb 17
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta Western mugwort Perennial herb  
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Silver wormwood Perennial herb 3
Asarum hartwegii Hartweg's wild ginger Perennial herb 4
Asarum lemmonii Lemmon's wild ginger Perennial herb 6
Asclepias cordifolia Purple milkweed Perennial herb 9
Asclepias fascicularis narrow leaf milkweed Perennial herb 34
Asclepias speciosa Showy milkweed Perennial herb 42
Asclepias vestita Woolly milkweed Perennial herb  
Aster alpigenus var. andersonii Alpine aster Perennial herb 1
Aster ascendens Long leaved aster Perennial herb  
Aster breweri Brewer's aster Perennial herb  
Aster chilensis California aster Perennial herb 41
Aster eatonii Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Aster foliaceus Leafy aster Perennial herb 1
Aster foliaceus var. parryi Parry's aster Perennial herb 1
Aster integrifolius Entire leaved aster Perennial herb  
Aster lanceolatus ssp. hesperius Western lance leaf aster Perennial herb  
Aster occidentalis Western mountain aster Perennial herb 1
Aster occidentalis var. occidentalis Western mountain aster Perennial herb  
Aster radulinus Rough leaved aster Perennial herb 3
Astragalus austiniae Austin's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus bolanderi Bolander's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Astragalus purshii Pursh's sheeppod Perennial herb 3
Astragalus whitneyi Whitney's milk vetch Perennial herb 1
Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi Whitney's milk vetch Perennial herb  
Asyneuma prenanthoides California harebell Perennial herb 2
Baccharis douglasii Salt marsh baccharis Perennial herb 15
Baccharis glutinosa Salt Marsh baccharis Perennial herb 28
Balsamorhiza macrolepis Big scale balsam root Perennial herb 1
Balsamorhiza sagittata Arrow leaved balsamroot Perennial herb 6
Bistorta bistortoides American bistort Perennial herb  
Boechera arcuata Arching rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera divaricarpa Spreadingpod rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera howellii Howell's rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera microphylla Small-leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera microphylla var. microphylla Small-leaved rock cress Perennial herb  
Boechera paupercula Small-flowered rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera platysperma Pioneer rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera pratincola Meadow rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera retrofracta Reflexed rockcress Perennial herb  
Boechera sparsiflora Sicklepod rockcress Perennial herb 2
Boechera stricta Drummond's rockcress Perennial herb  
Bolandra californica Sierra bolandra Perennial herb  
Boykinia occidentalis Western boykinia Perennial herb 6
Brickellia californica California brickellia Perennial herb 16
Brodiaea appendiculata Hoover's brodiaea Perennial herb 1
Brodiaea californica var. californica California brodiaea Perennial herb 1
Brodiaea coronaria Harvest brodiaea Perennial herb (bulb) 3
Brodiaea coronaria ssp. coronaria Harvest brodiaea Perennial herb (bulb) 3
Brodiaea elegans Harvest brodiaea Perennial herb 6
Brodiaea elegans ssp. elegans Harvest brodiaea Perennial herb 1
Brodiaea minor Low brodiaea Perennial herb 2
Brodiaea nana Dwarf brodiaea Perennial herb  
Brodiaea purdyi Purdy's brodiaea Perennial herb 2
Bromus carinatus California bromegrass Perennial grass 19
Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California brome Perennial grass 19
Bromus carinatus var. marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus grandis Tall brome Perennial grass  
Bromus laevipes Narrow flowered brome Perennial grass 4
Bromus marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus California brome Perennial grass 19
Bromus sitchensis var. marginatus Mountain brome Perennial grass 6
Bromus suksdorfii Suksdorf's bromegrass Perennial grass 1
Callitriche heterophylla Water starwort Perennial herb  
Calochortus albus White fairy lantern Perennial herb 6
Calochortus clavatus Club haired mariposa Perennial herb 1
Calochortus clavatus var. avius Pleasant valley mariposa lily Perennial herb (bulb)  
Calochortus coeruleus Blue star tulip Perennial herb 1
Calochortus leichtlinii Leichtlin's mariposa lily Perennial herb 2
Calochortus luteus Yellow mariposa Perennial herb 5
Calochortus minimus Sierra mariposa Perennial herb  
Calochortus monophyllus Yellow star tulip Perennial herb 3
Calochortus nudus Naked mariposa lily Perennial herb 1
Calochortus superbus Yellow mariposa Perennial herb 5
Calochortus tolmiei Hairy star tulip Perennial herb 5
Calochortus venustus Butterfly mariposa lily Perennial herb 6
Calyptridium monospermum One seeded pussypaws Perennial herb  
Calystegia malacophylla Morning glory Perennial herb  
Calystegia malacophylla ssp. malacophylla Sierra morning glory Perennial herb  
Calystegia occidentalis Bush morning glory Perennial herb 2
Calystegia occidentalis ssp. fulcrata Sonora morning glory Perennial herb  
Calystegia occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Modoc morning glory Perennial herb  
Campanula prenanthoides Nodding harebell Perennial herb 2
Cardamine californica milkmaids Perennial herb  
Carex abrupta Abrupt beaked sedge Perennial grass  
Carex amplectens Clasping bract sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex athrostachya Slender leaved sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex barbarae Valley sedge Perennial grass 24
Carex bella Southwestern showy sedge Perennial grass  
Carex brainerdii Brainerd's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex breweri Brewer's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex constanceana Contance's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex davyi Davy's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex densa Sedge Perennial grass 8
Carex deweyana Dewey sedge Perennial grass 5
Carex deweyana ssp. leptopoda Dewey's taper fruit sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex douglasii Douglas sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex dudleyi Dudley's sedge Perennial grass 8
Carex feta Green sheathed sedge Perennial grass  
Carex fracta Fragile sheathed sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex garberi Garber's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex hassei Hasse's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex helleri Heller's sedge Perennial grass  
Carex heteroneura Variable nerved sedge Perennial grass  
Carex infirminervia Perennial grass  
Carex lenticularis Lakeshore sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex lenticularis var. impressa Lakeshore sedge Perennial grass  
Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpa Fat fruited sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex leptopoda Slender-footed sedge Perennial grass 5
Carex mariposana Mariposa sedge Perennial grass  
Carex microptera Small wing sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex multicaulis Forest sedge Perennial grass  
Carex multicostata Many ribbed sedge Perennial grass  
Carex nervina Sierra nerved sedge Perennial grass  
Carex nudata Torrent sedge Perennial grass 14
Carex praegracilis Field sedge Perennial grass 29
Carex rossii Ross' sedge Perennial grass 1
Carex senta Rough sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex specifica Narrow fruit sedge Perennial grass  
Carex straminiformis Straw like sedge Perennial grass  
Carex subfusca Brown sedge Perennial grass 8
Carex tumulicola Split awn sedge Perennial grass 26
Carex vesicaria Blister sedge Perennial grass 3
Carex vesicaria var. vesicaria Inflated sedge Perennial grass 2
Carex whitneyi Whitney's sedge Perennial grass  
Castilleja affinis Indian paintbrush Perennial herb 1
Castilleja affinis ssp. affinis Coast indian paintbrush Perennial herb 1
Castilleja applegatei Wavy leaf paintbrush Perennial herb 2
Castilleja applegatei ssp. pallida Brewer's indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja applegatei ssp. pinetorum Pine wavy leaf paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja foliolosa Texas paintbrush Perennial herb 3
Castilleja inflata Indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja miniata Great red paintbrush Perennial herb 6
Castilleja miniata ssp. miniata Scarlet indian paintbrush Perennial herb  
Castilleja subinclusa Franciscan paint brush Perennial herb 1
Castilleja subinclusa ssp. subinclusa Long leaf paintbrush Perennial herb 1
Cephalanthera austiniae Phantom orchid Perennial herb  
Chamerion angustifolium Fireweed Perennial herb 14
Chamerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum Fireweed Perennial herb 2
Chimaphila menziesii Little prince's pine Perennial herb  
Chlorogalum angustifolium Narrow leaved soaproot Perennial herb 1
Chlorogalum grandiflorum Red hills soaproot Perennial herb (bulb)  
Chlorogalum pomeridianum Amole Perennial herb 19
Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum Common soaproot Perennial herb 2
Circaea alpina Small enchanter's nightshade Perennial herb  
Circaea alpina ssp. pacifica Pacific enchanter's nightshade Perennial herb  
Cirsium andersonii Anderson's thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium occidentale Western thistle Perennial herb 10
Cirsium occidentale var. californicum California thistle Perennial herb  
Claytonia lanceolata Western spring beauty Perennial herb  
Clematis lasiantha Pipestem Perennial herb, Vine 27
Clematis ligusticifolia Creek clematis Perennial herb, Vine 33
Comandra umbellata Bastard toadflax Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Comandra umbellata ssp. californica Bastard toadflax Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Corallorhiza maculata Summer coral root Perennial herb  
Corallorhiza striata Striped coral root Perennial herb  
Crepis acuminata Tall hawksbeard Perennial herb  
Cryptantha humilis Low oreocarya Perennial herb  
Cymopterus terebinthinus Turpentine cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cymopterus terebinthinus var. californicus Turpentine cymopterus Perennial herb  
Cynoglossum grande Houndstongue Perennial herb 5
Cyperus eragrostis Tall cyperus Perennial grass 13
Cyperus esculentus Nut grass Perennial grass  
Cyperus niger Brown cyperus Perennial grass  
Damasonium californicum California damsonium Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Danthonia californica California oatgrass Perennial grass 21
Danthonia californica var. americana American oatgrass Perennial grass 21
Danthonia unispicata One spiked oatgrass Perennial grass  
Darmera peltata Umbrella plant Perennial herb 14
Datisca glomerata Durango root Perennial herb 3
Delphinium depauperatum Few flowered larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium glaucum Sierra larkspur Perennial herb 3
Delphinium gracilentum Meadow larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium hansenii Hansen's larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium hansenii ssp. hansenii Hansen's larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium nuttallianum Nuttall's larkspur Perennial herb 2
Delphinium patens Spreading larkspur Perennial herb  
Delphinium variegatum Royal larkspur Perennial herb 1
Delphinium variegatum ssp. variegatum Royal larkspur Perennial herb  
Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted hair grass Perennial grass 48
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa Tufted hairgrass Perennial grass 23
Deschampsia elongata Hairgrass Perennial grass 17
Descurainia incana Mountain tansy mustard Perennial herb  
Dicentra chrysantha Golden eardrops Perennial herb 5
Dicentra formosa Pacific bleedinghearts Perennial herb 24
Dichelostemma capitatum Blue dicks Perennial herb 16
Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum Wild hyacinth Perennial herb 2
Dichelostemma congestum Fork toothed ookow Perennial herb 7
Dichelostemma multiflorum Many flowered brodiaea Perennial herb 6
Dichelostemma volubile Twining brodiaea Perennial herb 10
Dieteria canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb 1
Dieteria canescens var. canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Dipterostemon capitatus Blue dicks Perennial herb 16
Dipterostemon capitatus ssp. capitatus Perennial herb 2
Disporum hookeri Fairy bells Perennial herb 11
Dodecatheon alpinum Alpine shooting star Perennial herb 1
Dodecatheon clevelandii Padre's shooting star Perennial herb 8
Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. patulum Padre's shooting star Perennial herb  
Dodecatheon hendersonii Shooting star Perennial herb 11
Doellingeria breweri Perennial herb  
Draba novolympica Trelease's draba Perennial herb  
Draba oligosperma Few seeded draba Perennial herb  
Draba oligosperma var. oligosperma Few seeded draba Perennial herb  
Draba paysonii var. treleasei Trelease's draba Perennial herb  
Draperia systyla Violet draperia Perennial herb  
Drymocallis glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb 14
Drymocallis glandulosa var. glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Drymocallis glandulosa var. reflexa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Drymocallis lactea Perennial herb 1
Drymocallis lactea var. lactea Sierran woodbeauty Perennial herb  
Dudleya cymosa Rock lettuce Perennial herb 19
Dudleya cymosa ssp. cymosa Canyon dudleya Perennial herb 3
Ehrendorferia chrysantha Golden eardrops Perennial herb 5
Eleocharis acicularis Needle spikerush Perennial grass 2
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis Needle spike rush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis bolanderi Bolander's spikerush Perennial grass  
Eleocharis macrostachya Spike rush Perennial grass 19
Elymus Xhansenii Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass 14
Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus California squirreltail Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides Squirreltail Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides var. californicus Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass  
Elymus elymoides var. elymoides Squirrel tail grass Perennial grass  
Elymus glaucus Blue wildrye Perennial grass 32
Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus Blue wild rye Perennial grass 1
Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii Western rye grass Perennial grass 1
Elymus multisetus Big squirreltail grass Perennial grass 12
Elymus sierrae Sierra wildrye Perennial grass  
Elymus trachycaulus Slender wheatgrass Perennial grass 9
Elymus triticoides Beardless wild rye Perennial grass 29
Epilobium angustifolium ssp. angustifolium Fireweed Perennial herb 2
Epilobium angustifolium ssp. circumvagum Fireweed Perennial herb 1
Epilobium canum California fuchsia Perennial herb 52
Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium California fushia Perennial herb 5
Epilobium ciliatum Slender willow herb Perennial herb 2
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum Willow herb Perennial herb 2
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum Glandular willowherb Perennial herb 1
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. watsonii Willow herb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. fastigiatum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. glaberrimum Smooth willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium halleanum Hairy willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hallianum Hall's willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hornemannii Hornemann's willowherb Perennial herb  
Epilobium hornemannii ssp. hornemannii Hornemann's willow herb Perennial herb  
Epilobium oregonense Slimstem willowweed Perennial herb  
Epipactis gigantea Stream orchid Perennial herb 17
Eremogone kingii King's sandwort Perennial herb 1
Eremogone kingii var. glabrescens King's smooth sandwort Perennial herb  
Erigeron algidus Stalked fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri Brewer's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron breweri var. breweri Brewer's daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron foliosus Leafy daisy Perennial herb  
Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus Thread stemmed fleabane Perennial herb, Shrub  
Erigeron foliosus var. hartwegii Hartweg's fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron glacialis Wandering fleabane Perennial herb 3
Erigeron glacialis var. glacialis Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron inornatus Rayless fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus Fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron peregrinus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb 3
Erigeron peregrinus var. callianthemus Wandering fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Perennial herb  
Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Perennial herb  
Eriogonum apricum Ione buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum apricum var. apricum Ione buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum apricum var. prostratum Irish hill buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum incanum Frosted buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum lobbii Lobb's buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum ovalifolium Oval leaved eriogonum Perennial herb 4
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale Cushion buckwheat Perennial herb 1
Eriogonum umbellatum Sulphur buckwheat Perennial herb 26
Eriogonum umbellatum var. dumosum Many flowered sulfur flower Perennial herb 3
Eriogonum umbellatum var. furcosum Desert sulfur buckwheat Perennial herb  
Eriogonum umbellatum var. modocense Sulphur flower buckwheat Perennial herb 2
Eriogonum umbellatum var. nevadense Sierra sulfur flower Perennial herb 2
Eriogonum umbellatum var. polyanthum Many flowered sulfur flower Perennial herb 6
Eriogonum wrightii Wright's buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub 6
Eriogonum wrightii var. subscaposum Wright's buckwheat Perennial herb, Shrub 3
Eriophyllum lanatum Wooly sunflower Perennial herb 27
Eriophyllum lanatum var. achillaeoides Yarrow leaved woolly sunflower Perennial herb 2
Eriophyllum lanatum var. achilleoides Yarrow leaved woolly sunflower Perennial herb 2
Eriophyllum lanatum var. croceum Sierra woolly sunflower Perennial herb  
Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum Large flowered woolly sunflower Perennial herb 1
Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium Oregon sunshine Perennial herb  
Eryngium aristulatum var. aristulatum Jepson's button celery Perennial herb  
Eryngium castrense Great valley button celery Perennial herb  
Eryngium jepsonii Perennial herb  
Erysimum capitatum Wallflower Perennial herb 11
Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum Contra costa wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. bealianum Western wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. lompocense San luis obispo wallflower Perennial herb 1
Erysimum capitatum var. perenne Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb  
Erysimum perenne Sanddune wallflower Perennial herb  
Erythranthe cardinalis Cardinal monkey flower Perennial herb 41
Erythranthe lewisii Lewis' monkey flower Perennial herb 12
Erythranthe moschata Musk monkeyflower Perennial herb 1
Erythranthe nasuta Perennial herb  
Erythranthe pardalis Pennell's panther Perennial herb  
Erythranthe primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Erythranthe tilingii Larger mountain monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Eucephalus breweri Brewer's aster Perennial herb  
Eurybia integrifolia Thickstem aster Perennial herb  
Eurybia radulina Roughleaf aster Perennial herb 3
Euthamia occidentalis Western goldenrod Perennial herb 15
Festuca occidentalis Western fescue Perennial grass 8
Festuca rubra Red fescue Perennial grass 39
Festuca viridula Mountain bunch fescue Perennial grass  
Fragaria virginiana Mountain strawberry Perennial herb 12
Frasera speciosa Monument plant Perennial herb  
Fritillaria micrantha Brown bells Perennial herb  
Galium bolanderi Bolander's bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum Three petaled bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum Threepetal bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum ssp. subbiflorum Threepetal bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum var. pacificum Bedstraw Perennial herb  
Galium trifidum var. pusillum Small bedstraw Perennial herb  
Gentiana calycosa Rainier pleated gentian Perennial herb  
Gentiana newberryi Alpine gentian Perennial herb 2
Gentiana newberryi var. tiogana Sierra alpine gentian Perennial herb  
Geum triflorum Old man's beard Perennial herb 7
Glyceria elata Tall mannagrass Perennial grass 8
Glyceria occidentalis Waxy mannagrass Perennial grass (aquatic) 2
Glycyrrhiza lepidota Lichorice Perennial herb 3
Gnaphalium canescens Everlasting cudweed Perennial herb 3
Gnaphalium canescens ssp. beneolens Cudweed Perennial herb 1
Gnaphalium canescens ssp. thermale Small headed cudweed Perennial herb  
Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake plantain Perennial herb 4
Grindelia camporum Gumweed Perennial herb 14
Grindelia camporum var. camporum Great valley gumweed Perennial herb 1
Grindelia hirsutula Gumweed Perennial herb 12
Grindelia hirsutula var. davyi Davy's gumweed Perennial herb 13
Grindelia nana Idaho gumweed Perennial herb  
Hackelia floribunda Many flowered stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia nervosa Sierran stickseed Perennial herb  
Hackelia velutina Velvety stickseed Perennial herb  
Hazardia whitneyi Whitney's bristleweed Perennial herb  
Helenium bigelovii Bigelow's sneezeweed Perennial herb 8
Helenium puberulum Sneezeweed Perennial herb 11
Helianthella californica California helianthella Perennial herb 5
Helianthella californica var. nevadensis California helianthella Perennial herb 1
Heliotropium curassavicum Chinese parsley Perennial herb 9
Heliotropium curassavicum var. oculatum Seaside heliotrope Perennial herb 3
Heracleum lanatum Cow parsnip Perennial herb 20
Heracleum maximum Common cow parsnip Perennial herb 20
Hieracium albiflorum White flowered hawkweed Perennial herb 1
Hieracium argutum Hawkweed Perennial herb  
Hieracium horridum Shaggy hawkweed Perennial herb  
Hoita orbicularis Creeping leather root Perennial herb 3
Holozonia filipes Holozonia Perennial herb  
Hordeum brachyantherum Meadow barley Perennial grass 25
Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum Meadow barley Perennial grass 4
Horkelia californica California horkelia Perennial herb 9
Horkelia californica ssp. dissita California horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia californica var. elata California horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca Tawny horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca ssp. parviflora Dusky horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia fusca var. parviflora Tawny horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia parryi Parry's horkelia Perennial herb 1
Horkelia tridentata Three toothed horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia tridentata ssp. tridentata Three toothed horkelia Perennial herb  
Horkelia tridentata var. tridentata Three toothed horkelia Perennial herb  
Hosackia gracilis Harlequin lotus Perennial herb 10
Hosackia incana Woolly lotus Perennial herb  
Hosackia oblongifolia Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 2
Hosackia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 1
Hosackia stipularis Stipulate lotus Perennial herb  
Hosackia stipularis var. stipularis Stipulate lotus Perennial herb  
Hulsea heterochroma Red rayed hulsea Perennial herb 1
Hydrophyllum occidentale Western waterleaf Perennial herb 1
Hypericum concinnum Gold wire Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet gilia Perennial herb 7
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. aggregata Scarlet gilia Perennial herb 2
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. formosissima Western scarlet gilia Perennial herb  
Ipomopsis congesta Ball headed gilia Perennial herb  
Iris hartwegii Hartweg's iris Perennial herb 4
Iris hartwegii ssp. columbiana Tuolumne iris Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Iris hartwegii ssp. hartwegii Hartweg's iris Perennial herb 1
Iris missouriensis Western blue flag Perennial herb 25
Ivesia gordonii Alpine ivesia Perennial herb  
Ivesia santolinoides Mouse tail ivesia Perennial herb  
Jepsonia heterandra Foothill jepsonia Perennial herb  
Juncus articulatus Jointed rush Perennial grass 2
Juncus articulatus ssp. articulatus Jointed rush Perennial grass  
Juncus balticus Wire rush Perennial grass 20
Juncus brachyphyllus Short leaved rush Perennial grass  
Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis Round fruited toad rush Perennial grass  
Juncus chlorocephalus Green headed rush Perennial grass  
Juncus confusus Colorado rush Perennial grass  
Juncus covillei Coville's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus drummondii Drummond's rush Perennial grass  
Juncus effusus Common bog rush Perennial grass 43
Juncus effusus ssp. pacificus Pacific rush Perennial grass 6
Juncus effusus var. exiguus Common bog rush Perennial grass  
Juncus effusus var. gracilis Slender common rush Perennial grass  
Juncus effusus var. pacificus Pacific bog rush Perennial grass 6
Juncus ensifolius Sword leaved rush Perennial grass 7
Juncus exiguus Klamath or weak rush Perennial grass  
Juncus laccatus Shiny rush Perennial grass  
Juncus mexicanus Mexican rush Perennial grass 10
Juncus nevadensis Sierra rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus occidentalis Slender juncus Perennial grass 5
Juncus oxymeris Pointed rush Perennial grass 1
Juncus tenuis Slender rush Perennial grass 9
Kelloggia galioides Kelloggia Perennial herb  
Koeleria macrantha June grass Perennial grass 28
Kumlienia hystricula Waterfall false buttercup Perennial herb  
Lathyrus jepsonii Tule pea Perennial herb 2
Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus California tule pea Perennial herb 1
Lathyrus nevadensis Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. lanceolatus Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Sierra pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus nevadensis var. nevadensis Sierra nevada pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus sulphureus Sulpher pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus sulphureus var. argillaceus Dubious pea Perennial herb  
Leersia oryzoides Rice cutgrass Perennial grass 2
Lemna minor Smaller duckweed Perennial herb 3
Lewisia kelloggii Kellogg's lewisia Perennial herb  
Lewisia kelloggii ssp. hutchisonii Sierra valley lewisia Perennial herb  
Lewisia kelloggii ssp. kelloggii Kellogg's lewisia Perennial herb  
Lewisia nevadensis Sierra lewisia Perennial herb 2
Lewisia triphylla Three leaved lewisia Perennial herb  
Leymus triticoides Alkali rye Perennial grass 30
Ligusticum grayi Gray's lovage Perennial herb  
Lilium humboldtii Humboldt's lily Perennial herb 8
Lilium humboldtii ssp. humboldtii Humboldt's lily Perennial herb (bulb) 1
Lilium pardalinum California tiger lily Perennial herb 24
Lilium parvum Sierra tiger lily Perennial herb 4
Lilium washingtonianum Washington lily Perennial herb 6
Lilium washingtonianum ssp. washingtonianum Typical washington lily Perennial herb 1
Linum lewisii Lewis' flax Perennial herb 39
Linum lewisii var. alpicola Alpine lewis' flax Perennial herb 1
Linum lewisii var. lewisii Lewis' flax Perennial herb 5
Listera convallarioides Broad lipped twayblade Perennial herb  
Lithophragma affine Common woodland star Perennial herb 1
Lithophragma bolanderi Hillstar Perennial herb  
Lithophragma parviflorum Pink woodland star Perennial herb 1
Lithophragma parviflorum var. parviflorum Pink woodland star Perennial herb  
Lithophragma tenellum Woodland star Perennial herb  
Lomatium caruifolium Caraway leaved lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium Caraway leaved lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium dissectum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 3
Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 1
Lomatium multifidum Fern leaved lomatium Perennial herb 1
Lomatium nevadense Nevada lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium nevadense var. nevadense Nevada lomatium Perennial herb  
Lomatium utriculatum Hog fennel Perennial herb 2
Lomatium vaginatum Sheathed lomatium Perennial herb  
Lotus argophyllus Silver birds foot trefoil Perennial herb 1
Lotus formosissimus Coast lotus Perennial herb 10
Lotus incanus Woolly lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus nevadensis Sierra lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus nevadensis var. nevadensis Sierra nevada lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus oblongifolius Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus oblongifolius var. oblongifolius Narrow leaved lotus Perennial herb 1
Lotus scoparius Deerweed Perennial herb 23
Lotus scoparius var. scoparius Deerweed Perennial herb  
Lotus stipularis Stipulate lotus Perennial herb  
Lotus stipularis var. stipularis Stipulate lotus Perennial herb  
Ludwigia peploides ssp. peploides Floating water primrose Perennial herb  
Lupinus adsurgens Drew's silky lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus albicaulis White stemmed lupine Perennial herb 8
Lupinus albicaulis var. shastensis Shasta lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus andersonii Anderson's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus angustiflorus Narrow flowered lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus argenteus Silvery lupine Perennial herb 7
Lupinus argenteus var. meionanthus Lake tahoe lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus fulcratus Green stipuled lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus grayi Gray's lupine Perennial herb 3
Lupinus latifolius Broad leaf lupine Perennial herb 9
Lupinus latifolius var. columbianus Broad leaved lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius Broad leaf lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus Tidy lupine Perennial herb 1
Lupinus lepidus var. confertus Clustered tidy lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii Lobb's lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus lepidus var. sellulus Stool lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus polyphyllus Bog lupine Perennial herb 27
Lupinus polyphyllus var. burkei Large leaved lupine Perennial herb 6
Lupinus polyphyllus var. pallidipes Pale meadow lupine Perennial herb  
Lupinus polyphyllus var. polyphyllus Meadow lupine Perennial herb 1
Lupinus rivularis Riverbank lupine Perennial herb 8
Luzula comosa Hairy wood rush Perennial grass 4
Lysimachia latifolia Pacific starflower Perennial herb 2
Lythrum californicum Common loosestrife Perennial herb  
Machaeranthera canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb 1
Machaeranthera canescens var. canescens Hoary aster Perennial herb  
Maianthemum racemosum Feathery false lily of the valley Perennial herb 19
Maianthemum stellatum Starry false lily of the valley Perennial herb 17
Malvella leprosa Alkali mallow Perennial herb 3
Marah fabacea California man-root Perennial herb, Vine 7
Marah fabaceus Manroot Perennial herb, Vine 7
Marah fabaceus var. agrestis Wild cucumber Perennial herb, Vine 5
Marah fabaceus var. fabaceus California manroot Perennial herb, Vine 5
Marah watsonii Watson's wild cucumber Perennial herb, Vine  
Melica aristata Awned melic Perennial grass 1
Melica bulbosa Oniongrass Perennial grass 1
Melica californica California melic Perennial grass 25
Melica harfordii Harford's melic Perennial grass 2
Melica subulata Alaska melic Perennial grass 1
Melica torreyana Torrey's melica Perennial grass 11
Mentha arvensis American wild mint Perennial herb 6
Mertensia ciliata Ciliate lungwort Perennial herb  
Mertensia ciliata var. stomatechoides Streamside bluebells Perennial herb  
Mertensia oblongifolia Sagebrush bluebells Perennial herb  
Mertensia oblongifolia var. nevadensis Sagebrush bluebells Perennial herb  
Micranthes aprica Sierra saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes californica Greene's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes integrifolia Smooth leaf saxifrage Perennial herb  
Micranthes odontoloma Brook saxifrage Perennial herb 1
Micranthes tolmiei Tolmie's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Microseris nutans Nodding microceris Perennial herb  
Microseris sylvatica Sylvan scorzonella Perennial herb 1
Mimulus cardinalis Cardinal monkey flower Perennial herb 41
Mimulus lewisii Lewis' monkey flower Perennial herb 12
Mimulus moschatus Musk monkeyflower Perennial herb 1
Mimulus primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Mimulus primuloides ssp. primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus primuloides var. pilosellus Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus primuloides var. primuloides Primrose monkeyflower Perennial herb  
Mimulus tilingii Larger mountain monkeyflower Perennial herb 3
Minuartia nuttallii Nuttall sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii ssp. gracilis Nuttall's sandwort Perennial herb  
Minuartia nuttallii var. gracilis Nuttall sandwort Perennial herb  
Mitella breweri Brewer's miterwort Perennial herb  
Monardella antonina San antonio hills monardella Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 5
Monardella antonina ssp. antonina San antonio hills monardella Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 4
Monardella antonina ssp. benitensis San Benito monardella Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 3
Monardella glauca Grey monardella Perennial herb 1
Monardella odoratissima Mountain monardella Perennial herb 21
Monardella odoratissima ssp. glauca Mountain mint Perennial herb 1
Monardella odoratissima ssp. pallida Pale mountain monardella Perennial herb  
Monardella siskiyouensis Siskiyou coyote mint Perennial herb 3
Monardella villosa Coyote mint Perennial herb 29
Monardella villosa ssp. globosa Robust monardella Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 3
Monardella villosa ssp. villosa Coyote mint Perennial herb 5
Monardella villosa var. subglabra Coyote mint Perennial herb 3
Montia chamissoi Spring beauty Perennial herb  
Montia parvifolia Showy rock montia Perennial herb 4
Muhlenbergia richardsonis Richardson's muhly Perennial grass  
Nassella cernua Nodding needlegrass Perennial grass 24
Nassella lepida Small flowered stipa Perennial grass 24
Nassella pulchra Purple needlegrass Perennial grass 43
Nasturtium officinale Watercress Perennial herb (aquatic) 3
Oenanthe sarmentosa Water parsley Perennial herb 8
Oenothera elata Evening primrose Perennial herb 18
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima Evening primrose Perennial herb 3
Oreostemma alpigenum Tundra aster Perennial herb 3
Oreostemma alpigenum var. andersonii Tundra aster Perennial herb 1
Orobanche bulbosa Chaparral broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche californica California orobanche Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche californica ssp. grayana Gray's california broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche fasciculata Clustered broomrape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche uniflora Naked broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Orobanche uniflora var. purpurea Naked broom rape Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Osmorhiza berteroi Sweet cicely Perennial herb 3
Osmorhiza brachypoda California sweet cicely Perennial herb  
Osmorhiza chilensis Western sweet cicely Perennial herb 3
Osmorhiza occidentalis Western sweet cicely Perennial herb 2
Packera cana Woolly groundsel Perennial herb  
Packera pauciflora Alpine groundsel Perennial herb  
Paeonia brownii Peony Perennial herb 1
Panicum acuminatum Western witch grass Perennial grass  
Panicum acuminatum var. fasciculatum Pacific panic grass Perennial grass  
Pectiantia breweri Brewer's miterwort Perennial herb  
Pedicularis attollens Attol lousewort Perennial herb  
Pedicularis densiflora Indian warrior Perennial herb 1
Pedicularis semibarbata Pine woods lousewort Perennial herb  
Penstemon azureus Blue penstemon Perennial herb 12
Penstemon azureus var. angustissimus Azure penstemon Perennial herb 4
Penstemon azureus var. azureus Azure penstemon Perennial herb 2
Penstemon davidsonii Davidson's penstemon Perennial herb 8
Penstemon heterodoxus Sierra penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon heterodoxus var. heterodoxus Sierra beardtongue Perennial herb  
Penstemon heterophyllus Foothill penstemon Perennial herb 42
Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyi Purdy's foothill penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon laetus Mountain blue penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon laetus var. laetus Mountain blue penstemon Perennial herb  
Penstemon newberryi Mountain pride Perennial herb 15
Penstemon newberryi var. newberryi Newberry's penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon procerus Small flowered penstemon Perennial herb 7
Penstemon roezlii Regel's mountain penstemon Perennial herb 1
Penstemon rydbergii Rydberg's penstemon Perennial herb 23
Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis Meadow beardtongue Perennial herb 1
Penstemon speciosus Showy penstemon Perennial herb 13
Perideridia bacigalupii Bacigalupi's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia bolanderi Bolander's yampah Perennial herb 2
Perideridia bolanderi ssp. involucrata Bolander's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia kelloggii Yampah Perennial herb 5
Perideridia lemmonii Lemmon's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia parishii Parish's yampah Perennial herb  
Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia Parish's yampah Perennial herb  
Persicaria hydropiperoides Water pepper Perennial herb  
Persicaria punctata Dotted smartweed Perennial herb 4
Phacelia egena Rock phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia hastata White leafed phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata ssp. compacta Timberline phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata ssp. hastata Mountain phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata var. compacta Timberline phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hastata var. hastata Mountain phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia heterophylla Varileaf phacelia Perennial herb 1
Phacelia heterophylla ssp. virgata Varied leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia heterophylla var. virgata Varied leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia hydrophylloides Water leaf phacelia Perennial herb  
Phacelia imbricata Imbricate phacelia Perennial herb 3
Phacelia mutabilis Changeable phacelia Perennial herb  
Phlox condensata Condensed phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox diffusa Spreading phlox Perennial herb 3
Phlox speciosa Showy phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox speciosa ssp. occidentalis Western showy phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox stansburyi Cold desert phlox Perennial herb  
Phlox viridis ssp. compacta Green phlox Perennial herb  
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides Dagger pod Perennial herb 1
Piperia elongata Dense flowered rein orchid Perennial herb  
Piperia transversa Mountain piperia Perennial herb  
Platanthera dilatata Scentbottle Perennial herb  
Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys Sierra bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera leucostachys White flowered bog orchid Perennial herb  
Platanthera sparsiflora Bog orchid Perennial herb  
Pleuricospora fimbriolata Fringed pinesap Perennial herb (mycoparasitic)  
Pleuropogon californicus Semaphore grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Pleuropogon californicus var. californicus Annual semaphoregrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Poa ampla Western blue grass Perennial grass 14
Poa cusickii Cusick's bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa cusickii ssp. cusickii Cusick's blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa cusickii ssp. epilis Skyline bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa juncifolia Western blue grass Perennial grass 13
Poa leptocoma Marsh bluegrass Perennial grass  
Poa leptocoma ssp. leptocoma Bog blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa nevadensis Sierra blue grass Perennial grass 13
Poa pratensis ssp. agassizensis Agassiz kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa secunda Pine bluegrass Perennial grass 17
Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia Rush blue grass Perennial grass 13
Poa secunda ssp. secunda Sandberg's bluegrass Perennial grass 17
Poa tenerrima Delicate blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa wheeleri Hooker's bluegrass Perennial grass 1
Polemonium californicum California polemonium Perennial herb 2
Polemonium pulcherrimum Sky pilot Perennial herb 3
Polygala cornuta Sierra milkwort Perennial herb  
Polygala cornuta var. cornuta Sierra milkwort Perennial herb  
Polygonum bistortoides Western knotweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum davisiae Davis knotweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum hydropiperoides Water pepper Perennial herb  
Polygonum newberryi Newberry's smartweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum phytolaccifolium Pokeweed knotweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum punctatum Punctate smartweed Perennial herb 4
Polygonum shastense Shasta knotweed Perennial herb  
Potentilla bruceae Bruce's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla drummondii Drummond's cinquefoil Perennial herb 2
Potentilla drummondii ssp. bruceae Bruce's cinquefoil Perennial herb 1
Potentilla glandulosa Gland cinquefoil Perennial herb 15
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. glandulosa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. nevadensis Nevada cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. reflexa Sticky cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Potentilla gracilis Northwest cinquefoil Perennial herb 15
Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata Slender cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Primula clevelandii Padre's shooting star Perennial herb 7
Primula clevelandii var. patula Padre's shooting star Perennial herb  
Primula hendersonii Mosquito bill Perennial herb 11
Primula suffrutescens Sierran primrose Perennial herb  
Primula tetrandra Alpine shooting star Perennial herb 2
Prosartes hookeri Drops of gold Perennial herb 11
Prosartes hookeri var. hookeri Drops of gold Perennial herb 6
Prunella vulgaris Self heal Perennial herb 18
Pseudognaphalium beneolens Cudweed Perennial herb 1
Pseudognaphalium canescens Wright's cudweed Perennial herb 2
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. beneolens Wright's cudweed Perennial herb 1
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. canescens Wright's cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. thermale Wright's cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudognaphalium stramineum Cottonbatting plant Perennial herb 3
Pseudognaphalium thermale Small headed cudweed Perennial herb  
Pseudostellaria jamesiana Tubered starwort Perennial herb  
Pterospora andromedea Pine drops Perennial herb (parasitic)  
Puccinellia californica Sierra nevada alkali grass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Puccinellia nuttalliana Nuttall's alkali grass Perennial grass 1
Pyrola aphylla Leafless wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola dentata Toothed wintergreen Perennial herb  
Pyrola picta White veined shinleaf Perennial herb  
Ranunculus alismifolius Common water plantain buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius Water plantain buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus aquatilis white water butter cup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. capillaceus Threadleaf crowfoot Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus white water butter cup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus aquatilis var. subrigidus Longbeak buttercup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus californicus Common buttercup Perennial herb 11
Ranunculus eschscholtzii Eschscholtz's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. oxynotus Eschscholtz's buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus flammula Spearwort Perennial herb 1
Ranunculus glaberrimus Smooth buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus hystriculus Waterfall false buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus longirostris Longbeak buttercup Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Ranunculus occidentalis Western buttercup Perennial herb 6
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western buttercup Perennial herb  
Rhodiola integrifolia Ledge stonecrop Perennial herb 1
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia Ledge stonecrop Perennial herb  
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Water cress Perennial herb (aquatic) 3
Rudbeckia californica California cone flower Perennial herb 6
Rudbeckia californica var. californica California cone flower Perennial herb  
Rumex californicus California dock Perennial herb  
Rumex occidentalis Western dock Perennial herb 1
Rumex paucifolius Few leaved dock Perennial herb  
Rumex salicifolius Willow leaved dock Perennial herb 6
Rumex salicifolius var. denticulatus Smooth valved willow dock Perennial herb  
Rumex salicifolius var. salicifolius Willow dock Perennial herb 6
Rumex utahensis Toothed willow dock Perennial herb  
Rupertia physodes Common rupertia Perennial herb 1
Sagittaria cuneata Tule potato Perennial herb 1
Sagittaria latifolia Broad leaf arrowhead Perennial herb (aquatic) 11
Salvia sonomensis Sonoma sage Perennial herb 19
Sanicula bipinnata Poison sanicle Perennial herb  
Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple sanicle Perennial herb  
Sanicula crassicaulis Pacific sanicle Perennial herb 2
Sanicula tuberosa Turkey pea Perennial herb  
Sarcodes sanguinea Snow plant Perennial herb (mycoparasitic)  
Saxifraga aprica Sierra saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga californica Greene's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga fallax California saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga integrifolia Smooth leaf saxifrage Perennial herb  
Saxifraga odontoloma Brook saxifrage Perennial herb 1
Saxifraga tolmiei Tolmie's saxifrage Perennial herb  
Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis Tule Perennial grass 2
Scirpus acutus var. occidentalis Hard stemmed tule Perennial grass 2
Scirpus congdonii Congdon's bulrush Perennial grass  
Scirpus microcarpus Small fruited bulrush Perennial grass 19
Scrophularia californica California bee plant Perennial herb 30
Scrophularia desertorum Desert figwort Perennial herb  
Scutellaria bolanderi Bolander's skullcap Perennial herb  
Scutellaria bolanderi ssp. bolanderi Bolander's skullcap Perennial herb  
Scutellaria californica California skullcap Perennial herb 4
Scutellaria tuberosa Danny's scullcap Perennial herb 1
Sedum lanceolatum Lance leaf stonecrop Perennial herb 4
Sedum obtusatum Sierra stonecrop Perennial herb 7
Sedum obtusatum ssp. obtusatum Sierra stonecrop Perennial herb  
Sedum roseum ssp. integrifolium Rosy stonecrop Perennial herb  
Senecio canus Woolly ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus Mountain butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus Columbia mountain butterweed Perennial herb  
Senecio integerrimus var. major Lambstongue groundsel Perennial herb  
Senecio pauciflorus Rayless alpine ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio triangularis Groundsel Perennial herb  
Sidalcea asprella Harsh checker mallow Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Sidalcea asprella ssp. asprella Harsh checkerbloom, sierra foothills checkerbloom Perennial herb  
Sidalcea glaucescens Glaucous checker mallow Perennial herb  
Sidalcea malviflora Wild hollyhock Perennial herb 20
Sidalcea malviflora ssp. asprella Harsh checker mallow Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Sidalcea reptans Sierra checker mallow Perennial herb  
Silene bernardina Palmer's campion Perennial herb  
Silene bridgesii Bridges' campion Perennial herb  
Silene douglasii Douglas' campion Perennial herb 1
Silene invisa Short petaled campion Perennial herb  
Silene laciniata Cardinal catchfly Perennial herb 6
Silene laciniata ssp. californica California indian pink Perennial herb 2
Silene lemmonii Lemmon's catchfly Perennial herb  
Sisyrinchium bellum Blue eyed grass Perennial herb 64
Smilacina racemosa Western false solomon's seal Perennial herb 19
Smilacina stellata Star flowered false solomon's seal Perennial herb 17
Solanum xanti Nightshade Perennial herb, Shrub 14
Solidago californica Oreja de liebre Perennial herb 27
Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod Perennial herb 16
Solidago canadensis ssp. elongata Canada goldenrod Perennial herb 4
Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa Rough canada goldenrod Perennial herb 1
Solidago elongata West coast canada goldenrod Perennial herb 4
Solidago sparsiflora Great basin goldenrod Perennial herb 5
Solidago velutina Threenerve goldenrod Perennial herb 9
Solidago velutina ssp. californica Oreja de liebre Perennial herb 27
Sparganium angustifolium Narrow leaved bur reed Perennial herb 2
Sparganium natans Small bur reed Perennial herb (rhizomatous)  
Sphenopholis obtusata Prairie wedge grass Perennial grass  
Sphenosciadium capitellatum Grayswamp whiteheads Perennial herb 2
Spiranthes porrifolia Western ladies tresses Perennial herb  
Sporobolus airoides Alkali sacaton Perennial grass 21
Stachys ajugoides Hedge nettle Perennial herb 7
Stachys ajugoides var. rigida Hedge nettle Perennial herb  
Stachys bergii Berg's hedgenettle Perennial herb  
Stachys mexicana Mexican hedgenettle Perennial herb  
Stachys rigida Rough hedgenettle Perennial herb 3
Stachys rigida var. quercetorum Rough hedgenettle Perennial herb  
Stachys stricta Sonoma hedge nettle Perennial herb  
Stellaria crispa Ruffled starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes Longstalk starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes Chickweed, starwort Perennial herb  
Stellaria longipes var. longipes Long stalked starwort Perennial herb  
Stenotus acaulis Stemless mock goldenweed Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria lactucina Large flowered stephanomeria Perennial herb  
Stephanomeria tenuifolia Narrow leaved wire lettuce Perennial herb  
Stipa cernua Nodding needle grass Perennial grass 24
Stipa lemmonii Lemmon's needle grass Perennial grass 1
Stipa lepida Foothill needle grass Perennial grass 24
Stipa nelsonii Mountain needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa nelsonii var. dorei Mountain needle grass Perennial grass 4
Stipa occidentalis Western needlegrass Perennial grass 1
Stipa occidentalis var. californica California needle grass Perennial grass  
Stipa pulchra Purple needle grass Perennial grass 43
Stipa stillmanii Stillman's needle grass Perennial grass 1
Stipa thurberiana Thurber's needle grass Perennial grass  
Swertia radiata Giant frasera Perennial herb  
Swertia radiata var. radiata Elkweed Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum ascendens Western aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum bracteolatum Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum chilense Pacific aster Perennial herb 37
Symphyotrichum chilense var. chilense Pacific aster Perennial herb 15
Symphyotrichum eatonii Eaton's aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum foliaceum Alpine leafybract aster Perennial herb 2
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. parryi Parry's aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum White panicle aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium Western lance leaf aster Perennial herb  
Symphyotrichum spathulatum Western mountain aster Perennial herb 1
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum Western mountain aster Perennial herb  
Tauschia hartwegii Hartweg's umbrellawort Perennial herb 1
Thalictrum fendleri Fendler's meadow rue Perennial herb 10
Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri Fendler's meadow rue Perennial herb  
Thalictrum fendleri var. polycarpum Torrey's meadow rue Perennial herb 13
Thalictrum polycarpum Fendler's meadow-rue Perennial herb 13
Torreyochloa erecta Upright mannagrass Perennial grass  
Torreyochloa pallida Pale false mannagrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Torreyochloa pallida var. pauciflora Mannagrass Perennial grass (rhizomatous)  
Toxicoscordion exaltatum Giant death camas Perennial herb  
Toxicoscordion paniculatum Foothill deathcamas Perennial herb 2
Toxicoscordion venenosum Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb  
Toxicoscordion venenosum var. venenosum Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb  
Trientalis latifolia Western star flower Perennial herb 2
Trifolium longipes Long stalked clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes ssp. hansenii Hansen's clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes var. longipes Long stalked clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium longipes var. nevadense Mountain clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum Carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum ssp. monanthum Carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum ssp. parvum Small carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium monanthum var. monanthum Mountain carpet clover Perennial herb  
Trifolium wormskioldii Cow clover Perennial herb 8
Trillium angustipetalum Narrow petaled wakerobin Perennial herb 3
Trillium chloropetalum Giant wakerobin Perennial herb 7
Trisetum canescens Nodding trisetum Perennial grass  
Trisetum cernuum var. projectum Nodding oatgrass Perennial grass  
Trisetum projectum Perennial grass  
Trisetum spicatum Narrow oatgrass Perennial grass  
Triteleia hyacinthina Wild hyacinth Perennial herb 9
Triteleia ixioides Pretty face Perennial herb 7
Triteleia ixioides ssp. anilina Mountain pretty face Perennial herb 1
Triteleia ixioides ssp. unifolia Prettyface Perennial herb  
Triteleia laxa Ithuriel's spear Perennial herb 13
Turritis glabra Tower rockcress Perennial herb  
Typha domingensis Cattail Perennial herb 5
Typha latifolia Broadleaf cattail Perennial herb (aquatic) 22
Urtica dioica Stinging nettle Perennial herb 11
Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea Stinging nettle Perennial herb 6
Valeriana californica California valerian Perennial herb  
Veratrum californicum California false hellebore Perennial herb 3
Veratrum californicum var. californicum California corn lily Perennial herb  
Verbena lasiostachys Western vervain Perennial herb 18
Verbena lasiostachys var. lasiostachys Vervain Perennial herb 18
Veronica americana American brooklime Perennial herb 6
Veronica serpyllifolia Thymeleaf speedwell Perennial herb  
Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa Sprawling speedwell Perennial herb  
Vicia americana American vetch Perennial herb, Vine 4
Vicia americana ssp. americana American vetch Perennial herb, Vine  
Vicia americana var. americana Vetch Perennial herb, Vine  
Viola adunca Western dog violet Perennial herb 18
Viola bakeri Baker's violet Perennial herb 1
Viola douglasii Douglas' violet Perennial herb 2
Viola glabella Stream violet Perennial herb 12
Viola lobata Moose horn violet Perennial herb  
Viola lobata ssp. lobata Moose horn violet Perennial herb  
Viola macloskeyi Macloskey's violet Perennial herb 1
Viola pinetorum Pine violet Perennial herb 2
Viola pinetorum ssp. pinetorum Pine violet Perennial herb  
Viola praemorsa Astoria violet Perennial herb 1
Viola praemorsa ssp. linguifolia Astoria violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea Goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. integrifolia Smooth leaved violet Perennial herb  
Viola purpurea ssp. mesophyta Goosefoot violet Perennial herb  
Viola sheltonii Shelton's violet Perennial herb  
Wyethia angustifolia Narrow leaved mule ears Perennial herb 11
Wyethia helenioides Whitehead wyethia Perennial herb 2
Wyethia mollis Woolly mule's ears Perennial herb 8
Zigadenus exaltatus Giant death camas Perennial herb  
Zigadenus paniculatus Sand corn Perennial herb 2
Zigadenus venenosus Meadow deathcamas Perennial herb 2
Zigadenus venenosus var. venenosus Death camas Perennial herb  
  Lifeform: Fern44 plants
  Lifeform: Shrub213 plants
  Lifeform: Tree45 plants
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Amador County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.