California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Sierra County  •   is native  •  group by lifeform
2241  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual467 plants
Achyrachaena mollis Blow wives Annual herb 2
Acmispon americanus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 3
Acmispon americanus var. americanus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Acmispon parviflorus Hill lotus Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla Mountain dandelion Annual herb  
Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla Annual agoseris Annual herb  
Allophyllum divaricatum Purple false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides ssp. gilioides Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum gilioides ssp. violaceum Dense false gilia Annual herb  
Allophyllum integrifolium White allophyllum Annual herb  
Alopecurus saccatus Foxtail Annual grass  
Amaranthus californicus California amaranth Annual herb  
Amsinckia intermedia Common fiddleneck Annual herb  
Amsinckia menziesii Fiddleneck Annual herb 1
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Orange flowered menzies' fiddleneck Annual herb  
Antirrhinum cornutum Spurred snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillo-calyculatum Brewer's snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillo-calyculatum ssp. intermedium Intermediate sail flower snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum Wiry snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum ssp. breweri Wiry snapdragon Annual herb  
Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum ssp. intermedium Wiry snapdragon Annual herb  
Aphyllon corymbosum Flat topped broom rape Annual herb  
Aphyllon purpureum Naked broom rape Annual herb  
Argemone munita Prickly poppy Annual, Perennial herb 4
Astragalus lentiginosus Freckled milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus Floriferous milk vetch Annual, Perennial herb  
Athysanus pusillus Dwarf athysanus Annual herb  
Beckmannia syzigachne American sloughgrass Annual grass 5
Blepharipappus scaber Blepharipappus Annual herb  
Bromus orcuttianus Orcutt's brome grass Annual grass 1
Bromus vulgaris Common brome Annual grass 1
Bulbostylis capillaris Thread leaf beakseed Annual grass  
Calandrinia ciliata Redmaids Annual herb 6
Calandrinia menziesii Calandrinia Annual herb 6
Callitriche heterophylla var. bolanderi Bolander's water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche heterophylla var. heterophylla Varied leaved water starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche marginata Winged water starwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Callitriche palustris Vernal water-starwort Annual herb  
Callitriche verna Water starwort Annual herb  
Calycadenia mollis Soft calycadenia Annual herb  
Calycadenia truncata Rosin weed Annual herb  
Calyptridium umbellatum Pussy toes Annual, Perennial herb 3
Calyptridium umbellatum var. umbellatum Mt. hood pussypaws Annual, Perennial herb 3
Camissonia andina Plateau evening primrose Annual herb  
Camissonia pusilla Little wiry sun cup Annual herb  
Castilleja campestris Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja campestris ssp. campestris Yellow owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja lacera Foothill owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja lineariloba Thin lobed owl's clover Annual herb  
Castilleja minor Little paintbrush Annual herb 1
Castilleja tenuis Hairy owl's clover Annual herb  
Centaurium venustum Beautiful centaury Annual herb  
Chaenactis douglasii Chaenactis Annual, Perennial herb  
Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii Dusty pincushions Annual, Perennial herb  
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual herb  
Chamomilla occidentalis Western chamomile Annual herb  
Chamomilla suaveolens Common pineapple weed Annual herb  
Chenopodium atrovirens Dark green goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium berlandieri Pit seed goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium hians Gaping goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium incognitum Masked goosefoot Annual herb  
Chorizanthe polygonoides Knotweed spineflower Annual herb  
Cirsium quercetorum Brownie thistle Annual, Perennial herb 1
Clarkia biloba Two lobed clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeae Brandegee's two lobed clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeeae Brandegee's clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia cylindrica Speckled clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia cylindrica ssp. cylindrica Speckled clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia gracilis Graceful clarkia Annual herb 3
Clarkia gracilis ssp. gracilis Graceful clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia lassenensis Lassen clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia mildrediae Mildred's clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia mildrediae ssp. lutescens Mildred's clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia mildrediae ssp. mildrediae Mildred's clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia purpurea Purple clarkia Annual herb 9
Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera Purple clarkia Annual herb 4
Clarkia rhomboidea Tongue clarkia Annual herb 1
Clarkia stellata Lake almanor clarkia Annual herb  
Clarkia williamsonii Fort Miller clarkia Annual herb 4
Claytonia parviflora Narrow leaved miner's lettuce Annual herb 2
Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora Miner'slettuce Annual herb 1
Claytonia parviflora ssp. utahensis Streambank springbeauty Annual herb 1
Claytonia perfoliata Miner's lettuce Annual herb 5
Claytonia perfoliata ssp. intermontana Miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata Claytonia Annual herb  
Claytonia rubra Red stemmed spring beauty Annual herb  
Claytonia rubra ssp. depressa Red stemmed spring beauty Annual herb  
Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra Red stemmed miner's lettuce Annual herb  
Collinsia childii Child's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia linearis Narrow leaf collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia parviflora Few flowered blue eyed mary Annual herb 1
Collinsia sparsiflora Few flowered collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia tinctoria Tincture plant Annual herb 1
Collinsia torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. torreyi Torrey's collinsia Annual herb  
Collinsia torreyi var. wrightii Wright's collinsia Annual herb  
Collomia grandiflora Large flowered collomia Annual herb 3
Collomia heterophylla Varied leaved collomia Annual herb  
Collomia linearis Narrow leaved collomia Annual herb  
Collomia tinctoria Yellow staining collomia Annual herb  
Conyza canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Conyza canadensis var. canadensis Canadian horseweed Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. tenuis Slender bird's beak Annual herb  
Crassula connata Sand pygmy weed Annual herb 1
Croton setiger Turkey-mullein Annual herb 4
Croton setigerus Dove weed Annual herb 1
Cryptantha affinis Common cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha ambigua Wilkes' cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha circumscissa Western forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha echinella Prickly cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha intermedia Common cryptanth Annual herb  
Cryptantha intermedia var. hendersonii Henderson's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha milobakeri Milo baker's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha pterocarya Winged nut forget me not Annual herb  
Cryptantha simulans Pine cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha torreyana Torrey's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cryptantha torreyana var. torreyana Torrey's cryptantha Annual herb  
Cuscuta californica California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta californica var. breviflora California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta californica var. californica Short flowered dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta occidentalis California dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cuscuta subinclusa Canyon dodder Annual herb, Vine (parasitic)  
Cyperus squarrosus Awned cyperus Annual grass  
Deschampsia danthonioides Annual hairgrass Annual grass  
Descurainia incisa Mountain tansy mustard Annual herb  
Diplacus angustatus Narrow leaved pansy monkeyflower Annual herb 1
Diplacus kelloggii Kellogg's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Diplacus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Diplacus torreyi Torrey's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Downingia bacigalupii Bach's downingia Annual herb  
Downingia bicornuta Bristled downingia Annual herb  
Downingia bicornuta var. bicornuta Bristled downingia Annual herb  
Downingia elegans Elegant downingia Annual herb  
Draba albertina Alberta whitlow grass Annual, Perennial herb  
Draba stenoloba var. ramosa Alaska draba Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine brachysperma Short seed waterwort Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine californica California waterwort Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine chilensis Chilean waterwort Annual, Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Elatine gracilis Sierra waterwort Annual, Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Elatine heterandra Mosquito waterwort Annual, Perennial herb  
Elatine rubella Southwestern waterwort Annual herb  
Eleocharis decumbens Decumbent spikerush Annual grass  
Eleocharis engelmannii Engelmann's spikerush Annual grass  
Eleocharis engelmannii var. detonsa Engelmann's spikerush Annual grass  
Eleocharis engelmannii var. engelmannii Engelmann's spikerush Annual grass  
Eleocharis obtusa Broad spiked spikerush Annual grass 3
Eleocharis obtusa var. engelmannii Engelmann's spikerush Annual grass  
Emmenanthe penduliflora Whispering bells Annual herb 2
Emmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora Whispering bells Annual herb  
Epilobium brachycarpum Willow herb Annual herb 1
Epilobium campestre Smooth boisduvalia Annual herb  
Epilobium densiflorum Willow herb Annual herb  
Epilobium minutum Minute willowherb Annual herb  
Epilobium paniculatum var. jucundum Autumn willowherb Annual herb 1
Epilobium pygmaeum Smooth boisduvalia Annual herb  
Epilobium torreyi Narrow boisduvalia Annual herb  
Eremocarpus setigerus Turkey mullein Annual herb 4
Eriastrum signatum Maroon-spotted Woollystar Annual herb  
Eriastrum sparsiflorum Great basin eriastrum Annual herb  
Erigeron canadensis Canada horseweed Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum Wicker buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolum Golden buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorum Hairy flowered buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum Wild buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum spergulinum var. reddingianum Spurry buckwheat Annual herb  
Eriogonum vimineum Wicker stemmed eriogonum Annual herb 1
Erythranthe bicolor Yellow and white monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe breviflora Short flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe erubescens Annual herb  
Erythranthe floribunda Many flowered monkey flower Annual herb 1
Erythranthe glaucescens shield-bracted monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe guttata Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 37
Erythranthe microphylla Small leaved monkeyflower Annual herb  
Erythranthe pulsiferae Candelabrum monkey flower Annual herb  
Erythranthe rubella Red stemmed himulus Annual herb  
Erythranthe suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Eschscholzia caespitosa Tufted eschscholzia Annual herb 16
Eschscholzia californica California poppy Annual, Perennial herb 51
Eschscholzia hypecoides Leafy stemmed poppy Annual herb  
Euphorbia crenulata Chinesecaps Annual, Perennial herb  
Euphorbia serpillifolia Thyme-leafed spurge Annual herb  
Euphorbia serpillifolia ssp. serpillifolia Thyme leafed spurge Annual, Perennial herb  
Festuca microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Floerkea proserpinacoides False mermaid Annual herb  
Galium aparine Cleavers Annual herb  
Galium bifolium Low mountain bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium triflorum Sweet bedstraw Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum Spreading groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. diffusum Diffuse gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum Small flowered groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum heterozygum Zig zag gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum humile Dwarf groundsmoke Annual herb  
Gayophytum racemosum Black foot gayophytum Annual herb  
Gayophytum ramosissimum Pinyon gayophytum Annual herb  
Gentianella amarella Autumn dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta Autumn dwarf gentian Annual herb  
Gentianopsis holopetala Sierra gentian Annual herb  
Gentianopsis simplex Hiker's fringed gentian Annual herb  
Gilia brecciarum Small gilia Annual herb  
Gilia brecciarum ssp. brecciarum Nevada gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capillaris Smooth leaved gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capitata Blue field gilia Annual herb 18
Gilia capitata ssp. capitata Blue field gilia Annual herb 2
Gilia capitata ssp. mediomontana Blue field gilia Annual herb  
Gilia capitata ssp. pedemontana Blue field gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. bicolor Purple throat gilia Annual herb  
Gilia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges gilia Annual herb  
Gilia sinistra Clockwise gilia Annual herb  
Githopsis specularioides Venus' looking glass Annual herb  
Gnaphalium palustre Lowland cudweed Annual herb  
Gratiola ebracteata Common hedge hyssop Annual herb  
Helianthus annuus Hairy leaved sunflower Annual herb 16
Helianthus bolanderi Bolander's sunflower Annual, Perennial herb 2
Helianthus exilis Serpentine sunflower Annual herb 2
Hemizonella minima Opposite leaved tarweed Annual herb  
Hesperolinon micranthum Small flower western flax Annual herb  
Heterocodon rariflorum Heterocodon Annual herb  
Hypericum anagalloides Creeping St. John's wort Annual, Perennial herb 1
Idahoa scapigera Oldstem idahoa Annual herb  
Jensia rammii Ramm's madia Annual herb  
Juncus bufonius Common toad rush Annual grass 6
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Toad rush Annual grass  
Juncus capillaris Slender stemmed dwarf rush Annual grass  
Juncus hemiendytus Dwarf rush Annual grass  
Juncus hemiendytus var. abjectus Center basin rush Annual grass  
Juncus hemiendytus var. hemiendytus Vernal pool rush Annual grass  
Juncus tiehmii Tiehm's rush Annual grass  
Juncus uncialis Inch high dwarf rush Annual grass  
Lagophylla ramosissima Common hareleaf Annual herb  
Lagophylla ramosissima ssp. ramosissima Common hareleaf Annual herb  
Layia glandulosa White layia Annual herb 5
Lepidium densiflorum Common pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium nitidum Shining pepper grass Annual herb 2
Lepidium ruderale Roadside pepperweed Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii Robinson's pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. medium Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson's pepper grass Annual herb  
Leptosiphon ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb 1
Leptosiphon ciliatus ssp. ciliatus Whiskerbrush Annual herb  
Leptosiphon harknessii Harkness' flaxflower Annual herb  
Leptosiphon liniflorus Narrowflower flaxflower Annual herb  
Lilaea scilloides Flowering quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Limnanthes alba White meadowfoam Annual herb 1
Limnanthes alba ssp. versicolor White meadowfoam Annual herb  
Limosella acaulis Stemless mudwort Annual herb  
Limosella aquatica Northern mudwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Linanthus ciliatus Whisker brush linanthus Annual herb 1
Linanthus harknessii Harkness linanthus Annual herb  
Linanthus liniflorus Flax flowered linanthus Annual herb  
Lindernia dubia False pimpernel Annual herb  
Lindernia dubia var. anagallidea False pimpernel Annual herb  
Lotus micranthus Hill lotus Annual herb  
Lotus purshianus Bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 6
Lotus purshianus var. purshianus Spanish lotus Annual herb 1
Lotus unifoliolatus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb 2
Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus American bird's foot trefoil Annual herb  
Lupinus bicolor Lupine Annual, Perennial herb 15
Lupinus microcarpus Chick lupine Annual herb 8
Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus Chick lupine Annual herb 13
Lupinus nanus Valley sky lupine Annual herb 11
Madia elegans Common madia Annual herb 13
Madia elegans ssp. elegans Common madia Annual herb 1
Madia exigua Small tarweed Annual herb  
Madia glomerata Mountain tarweed Annual herb  
Madia gracilis Gumweed Annual herb 1
Madia minima Little tarweed Annual herb  
Madia rammii Ramm's madia Annual herb  
Madia sativa Coastal tarweed Annual herb  
Malacothrix clevelandii Cleveland's malacothrix Annual herb  
Malacothrix floccifera Woolly malacothrix Annual herb 1
Matricaria discoidea Pineapple weed Annual herb 3
Matricaria occidentalis Valley mayweed Annual herb  
Mentzelia dispersa Scattered blazing star Annual herb  
Mentzelia montana Mountain blazing star Annual herb  
Micranthes bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Micropus californicus Q tips Annual herb 1
Microsteris gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis var. gracilis Slender phlox Annual herb  
Microsteris gracilis var. humilior Slender phlox Annual herb  
Mimulus angustatus Narrow leaved pansy monkeyflower Annual herb 1
Mimulus bicolor Yellow and white monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus breviflorus Short flowered monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus breweri Brewer's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus floribundus Many flowered monkey flower Annual herb 1
Mimulus glaucescens Shield bracted monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus guttatus Yellow monkey flower Annual, Perennial herb (rhizomatous) 36
Mimulus kelloggii Kellogg's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus layneae Layne's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus microphyllus Small leaved monkeyflower Annual herb 35
Mimulus nanus Dwarf monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus nanus var. mephiticus Skunky monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus parishii Parish mimulus Annual herb 35
Mimulus pulsiferae Candelabrum monkey flower Annual herb  
Mimulus rubellus Red stemmed himulus Annual herb  
Mimulus suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Mimulus torreyi Torrey's monkeyflower Annual herb  
Minuartia douglasii Douglas' sandwort Annual herb  
Monardella breweri Brewer's monardella Annual herb  
Monardella breweri ssp. glandulifera Brewer's monardella Annual herb 1
Monardella breweri ssp. lanceolata Mustang mint Annual herb 1
Monardella breweri ssp. microcephala Brewer's monardella Annual herb 1
Monardella lanceolata Mustang mint Annual herb 1
Monardella lanceolata var. glandulifera Mustang monardella Annual herb  
Monardella lanceolata var. lanceolata Mustang monardella Annual herb  
Monolepis nuttalliana Nuttall's poverty weed Annual herb  
Monolopia lanceolata Common monolopia Annual herb 3
Montia fontana Water montia Annual herb  
Montia linearis Narrow leaved water chickweed Annual herb  
Muhlenbergia filiformis Slender muhly Annual, Perennial grass  
Myosurus apetalus Mouse tail Annual herb  
Myosurus apetalus var. borealis Bristly mousetail Annual herb  
Myosurus minimus Little mouse tail Annual herb  
Nama aretioides Purple nama Annual herb  
Nama aretioides var. californicum California purple nama Annual herb  
Navarretia breweri Brewer's navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia capillaris Miniature gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia crystallina Johnson's navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata Mountain navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta Interwoven navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta ssp. intertexta Interwoven navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia intertexta ssp. propinqua Great basin navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea Bridges' pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. bicolor Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges' gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia leucocephala White headed navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia leucocephala ssp. minima Little white navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia linearifolia Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia paradoxiclara Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia paradoxinota Navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia prolifera Burr navarretia Annual herb  
Navarretia propinqua Annual herb  
Navarretia sinistra Alva day's pincushionplant Annual herb  
Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra Alva day's gilia Annual herb  
Navarretia subuligera Awl leaved navarretia Annual herb  
Nemacladus capillaris Common nemacladus Annual herb  
Nemophila heterophylla Canyon nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila maculata Five spot Annual herb 16
Nemophila parviflora Small flowered nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila parviflora var. austiniae Rebecca austin's nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila pedunculata Meadow nemophila Annual herb  
Nemophila spatulata Sierra nemophila Annual herb  
Neoholmgrenia andina Plateau evening primrose Annual herb  
Nicotiana attenuata Coyote tobacco Annual herb  
Oenothera deltoides Desert lantern Annual herb 6
Oenothera deltoides ssp. piperi Piper's desert lantern Annual herb  
Orobanche corymbosa Flat topped broom rape Annual herb  
Orthocarpus cuspidatus Broad scaled owl's clover Annual herb 1
Orthocarpus cuspidatus ssp. copelandii Copeland's owl's clover Annual herb  
Orthocarpus cuspidatus ssp. cryptanthus Short flowered owl's clover Annual herb  
Orthocarpus luteus Yellow owl's clover Annual herb 1
Parvisedum pumilum Sierra stonecrop Annual herb  
Pectocarya pusilla Little pectocarya Annual herb  
Phacelia bicolor Twocolor phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia bicolor var. bicolor Two colored phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia curvipes Washoe phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia humilis Low phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia humilis var. humilis Low phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia imbricata var. bernardina Bernadina Phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia imbricata var. imbricata Imbricate Phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia linearis Thread leaf phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia racemosa Racemose phacelia Annual herb  
Phacelia vallicola Mariposa phacelia Annual herb  
Phlox gracilis Annual phlox Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys bracteatus Bracted allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys cognatus Popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys cusickii Cusick's popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys greenei Greene's allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys hispidulus Harsh allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys hispidus Cascade popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys reticulatus Reticulate popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri Scouler's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. cusickii Cusick's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus Sleeping popcornflower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys scriptus Scribe's allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys stipitatus Vernal pool allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus Common vernal pool allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys tenellus Slender popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys tener Slender allocarya Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys torreyi Torrey's popcorn flower Annual herb  
Plagiobothrys torreyi var. diffusus Torrey's popcornflower Annual herb  
Plantago erecta California plantain Annual herb 6
Plectritis brachystemon Short spurred plectritis Annual herb  
Plectritis congesta ssp. brachystemon Shortspur seablush Annual herb  
Plectritis macrocera Plectritis Annual herb  
Poa bolanderi Bolander's bluegrass Annual grass  
Poa howellii Howell's blue grass Annual grass  
Polemonium micranthum Annual sky pilot Annual herb  
Polygonum californicum California knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii Douglas' knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. johnstonii Knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum douglasii ssp. spergulariiforme Spurry knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum minimum Little mountain knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum parryi Parry's knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides Milkwort knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. confertiflorum Dense knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. esotericum Modoc county knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. kelloggii Kellogg's knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum sawatchense Knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum sawatchense ssp. sawatchense Knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum spergulariiforme Spurry knotweed Annual herb  
Porterella carnosula Porterella Annual herb  
Potentilla rivalis Brook cinquefoil Annual, Perennial herb  
Poteridium annuum Western burnet Annual, Perennial herb  
Psilocarphus brevissimus Woolly marbles Annual herb  
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus Woolly heads Annual herb  
Psilocarphus oregonus Woolly marbles Annual herb  
Psilocarphus tenellus Slender woolly heads Annual herb  
Ranunculus uncinatus Hooked fruit buttercup Annual, Perennial herb  
Rigiopappus leptocladus Wire weed Annual herb  
Rorippa curvipes var. truncata Blunt yellow cress Annual herb  
Rorippa curvisiliqua Curvepod yellow cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Rotala ramosior Lowland rotala Annual herb  
Sagina decumbens Trailing pearlwort Annual herb  
Sagina decumbens ssp. occidentalis Western pearlwort Annual herb  
Saxifraga bryophora Bud saxifrage Annual herb  
Sclerolinon digynum Digynum flax Annual herb  
Sedella pumila Sierra mock stonecrop Annual herb  
Sidalcea calycosa Checker mallow Annual herb 3
Sidalcea calycosa ssp. calycosa Checker mallow Annual herb  
Sidalcea hartwegii Hartweg's checkerbloom Annual herb  
Silene antirrhina Sleepy catch fly Annual herb  
Silene californica California indian pink Annual herb 2
Silene verecunda Dolores campion Annual herb  
Streptanthus polygaloides Milkwort jewelflower Annual herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus Jewelweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. suffrutescens Bush mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus Mountain jewelflower Annual, Perennial herb  
Subularia aquatica Waterawlwort Annual herb  
Subularia aquatica ssp. americana Water awlwort Annual herb  
Subularia aquatica var. americana American awlwort Annual herb  
Symphyotrichum hendersonii Henderson's aster Annual herb  
Thelypodium crispum Wavy leaved thelypodium Annual, Perennial herb  
Thysanocarpus curvipes Common fringe pod Annual herb 2
Thysanocarpus curvipes ssp. curvipes Fringe Pod Annual herb  
Trichostema oblongum Mountain bluecurls Annual herb  
Trifolium albopurpureum var. dichotomum Clover Annual herb  
Trifolium ciliolatum Tree clover Annual herb 6
Trifolium cyathiferum Cup clover Annual herb  
Trifolium depauperatum Dwarf sack clover Annual herb  
Trifolium dichotomum Branched indian clover Annual herb  
Trifolium microcephalum Small head clover Annual herb 4
Trifolium variegatum Variegated clover Annual herb 1
Trifolium willdenovii Tomcat clover Annual herb 7
Triglochin scilloides Flowering-quillwort Annual herb (aquatic)  
Uropappus lindleyi Silver puffs Annual herb 1
Verbena bracteata Bracted verbena Annual, Perennial herb  
Veronica peregrina Neckweed Annual herb  
Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis Speedwell Annual herb  
Vulpia microstachys Fescue Annual grass 6
Vulpia microstachys var. ciliata Eastwood fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. confusa Tracy's fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. microstachys Small fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia microstachys var. pauciflora Few flowered fescue Annual grass  
Zeltnera venusta Charming centaury Annual herb  
  Lifeform: Biennial2 plants
Descurainia incisa ssp. incisa Mountain tansy mustard Biennial herb  
Erigeron divergens Diffuse daisy Biennial, Perennial herb 4
  Lifeform: Perennial1405 plants
  Lifeform: Fern51 plants
  Lifeform: Shrub268 plants
  Lifeform: Tree41 plants
Abies concolor White fir Tree 22
Abies magnifica Magnificant silver fir Tree 3
Abies magnifica var. magnifica California red fir Tree  
Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf maple Tree 53
Alnus rhombifolia White alder Tree 39
Arbutus menziesii Madrono Tree 36
Calocedrus decurrens Incense cedar Tree 40
Cornus sessilis Western cornelian cherry Tree 6
Juniperus grandis Sierra juniper Tree  
Juniperus occidentalis Western juniper Tree 2
Juniperus occidentalis var. australis Sierra juniper Tree  
Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western juniper Tree 2
Pinus attenuata Knobcone pine Tree 6
Pinus contorta Lodgepole pine Tree 30
Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana Lodgepole pine Tree 4
Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine Tree 17
Pinus lambertiana Sugar pine Tree 13
Pinus monophylla Single leaf pinyon Tree 10
Pinus monticola Western white pine Tree 10
Pinus ponderosa Yellow pine Tree 29
Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa North plateau ponderosa pine Tree 2
Pinus ponderosa var. washoensis Washoe pine Tree  
Pinus sabiniana Gray pine Tree 29
Pinus washoensis Washoe pine Tree  
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Black cottonwood Tree 27
Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen Tree 28
Populus trichocarpa Black cottonwood Tree 27
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir Tree 31
Quercus chrysolepis Gold cup live oak Tree 24
Quercus chrysolepis var. nana Canyon live oak Tree 24
Quercus douglasii Blue oak Tree 27
Quercus garryana Oregon oak Tree 25
Quercus garryana var. breweri Oregon oak Tree 2
Quercus kelloggii California black oak Tree 24
Quercus lobata Valley oak Tree 40
Salix laevigata Polished willow Tree 17
Salix lasiandra Pacific willow Tree 20
Salix lasiandra var. lasiandra Pacific willow Tree 6
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Shining willow Tree 6
Taxus brevifolia California yew Tree 11
Tsuga mertensiana Patton spruce Tree 13
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Sierra County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.