California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Glenn County  •   is not native  •  group by lifeform
448  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual273 plants
  Lifeform: Biennial3 plants
  Lifeform: Perennial130 plants
Acroptilon repens ! Russian knapweed Perennial herb  
Agrostis avenacea ! Pacific bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis capillaris Colonial bentgrass Perennial grass 2
Agrostis gigantea Creeping bentgras Perennial grass 4
Agrostis semiverticillata Beardless rabbitsfoot grass Perennial grass  
Agrostis stolonifera ! Redtop Perennial grass 1
Agrostis viridis Bentgrass Perennial grass  
Arundo donax ! Giant reed Perennial grass 3
Atriplex semibaccata ! Australian saltbush Perennial herb 4
Boehmeria cylindrica Smallspike false nettle Perennial herb  
Bolboschoenus glaucus Tubered bulrush Perennial grass  
Cardamine parviflora Sand bittercress Perennial herb  
Cardaria chalepensis Lens podded hoary cress Perennial herb  
Cardaria draba Heart podded hoary cress Perennial herb  
Cardaria pubescens White top Perennial herb  
Carduus acanthoides ! Spiny plumeless thistle Perennial herb  
Carex pendula ! Hanging sedge Perennial grass 2
Centaurea cineraria Dusty miller Perennial herb 2
Centaurea diffusa ! Diffuse knapweed Perennial herb  
Chondrilla juncea ! Skeleton weed Perennial herb  
Cichorium intybus Chicory Perennial herb 9
Cirsium arvense ! Canada thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium vulgare ! Bullthistle Perennial herb  
Conium maculatum ! Poison hemlock Perennial herb  
Convolvulus arvensis Field bindweed Perennial herb, Vine  
Cortaderia selloana ! Pampas grass Perennial grass 11
Cotula coronopifolia ! Brass buttons Perennial herb 2
Cynara cardunculus ! Cardoon Perennial herb 2
Cynodon dactylon ! Bermuda grass Perennial grass 4
Dactylis glomerata ! Orchardgrass Perennial grass 6
Daucus carota Carrot Perennial herb 2
Dipsacus fullonum ! Wild teasel Perennial herb  
Echinodorus cordifolius Creeping burhead Perennial herb (aquatic) 1
Eichhornia crassipes ! Water hyacinth Perennial herb 1
Eleocharis erythropoda Bald spikerush Perennial grass  
Elymus hispidus Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 6
Elymus ponticus Tall wheat grass Perennial grass 4
Elymus subsecundus Bearded wheatgrass Perennial grass  
Elytrigia elongata Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 2
Elytrigia intermedia Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 4
Elytrigia intermedia ssp. barbulata Barbed intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Elytrigia intermedia ssp. intermedia Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 2
Elytrigia pontica Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Elytrigia pontica ssp. pontica Rush wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Festuca arundinacea ! Reed fescue Perennial grass 7
Foeniculum vulgare ! Fennel Perennial herb 4
Glyceria declinata ! Waxy mannagrass Perennial grass  
Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice Perennial herb 1
Heteranthera limosa Blue mud plantain Perennial herb  
Hirschfeldia incana ! Mustard Perennial herb  
Holcus lanatus ! Common velvetgrass Perennial grass  
Hydrophyllum canadense Bluntleaf waterleaf Perennial herb  
Hypericum mutilum Small flowered st john's wort Perennial herb  
Hypericum perforatum ! Klamathweed Perennial herb 2
Hypochaeris radicata ! Hairy cats ear Perennial herb  
Iris pseudacorus ! Horticultural iris Perennial herb 5
Juncus diffusissimus Slim podded rush Perennial grass  
Juncus usitatus Perennial grass  
Kickxia elatine Sharp point fluellin Perennial herb  
Kickxia spuria Fluellin Perennial herb  
Leontodon taraxacoides Hawkbit Perennial herb  
Leontodon taraxacoides ssp. longirostris Short beaked hawkbit Perennial herb  
Lepidium appelianum ! Hairy whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ! Whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ssp. chalepense Lenspod whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ssp. draba Whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium latifolium ! Perennial pepperweed Perennial herb  
Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica ! Dalmatian toadflax Perennial herb  
Linaria genistifolia Broomleaf toadflax Perennial herb  
Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica Dalmatian toad flax Perennial herb  
Lobularia maritima ! Sweet alyssum Perennial herb 8
Lolium perenne Perennial rye grass Perennial grass 5
Lotus corniculatus Bird's foot trefoil Perennial herb 8
Ludwigia grandiflora Large-flowered primrose-willow Perennial herb  
Ludwigia hexapetala ! Six petal water primrose Perennial herb  
Ludwigia peploides ! Marsh purslane Perennial herb 1
Ludwigia peploides ssp. montevidensis Floating water primrose Perennial herb  
Lythrum salicaria ! Purple loosestrife Perennial herb 1
Marrubium vulgare ! White horehound Perennial herb 4
Medicago sativa Alfalfa Perennial herb 3
Mentha Xpiperita Peppermint Perennial herb 1
Mentha pulegium ! Pennyroyal Perennial herb 6
Myosotis latifolia ! Wide leaved forget me not Perennial herb  
Myriophyllum spicatum ! Water milfoil Perennial herb  
Nymphaea odorata Water lily Perennial herb  
Paspalum dilatatum Dallis grass Perennial grass  
Phalaris aquatica ! Harding grass Perennial grass 1
Phytolacca americana ! Pokeweed Perennial herb 2
Piptatherum miliaceum Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Plantago lanceolata ! Ribwort Perennial herb  
Plantago major Common plantain Perennial herb 2
Poa bulbosa Bulbous blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa pratensis ! Kentucky blue grass Perennial grass 2
Poa pratensis ssp. angustifolia Narrow leaved kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis Kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Polypogon interruptus Ditch beard grass Perennial grass  
Polypogon viridis Water beard grass Perennial grass  
Potamogeton crispus ! Crispate leaved pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Reseda luteola Dyer's mignonette Perennial herb  
Rhaponticum repens ! Russian knapweed Perennial herb  
Rumex acetosella ! Sheep sorrel Perennial herb 1
Rumex conglomeratus Green dock Perennial herb  
Rumex crispus ! Curly dock Perennial herb 4
Rumex obtusifolius Broadleaf dock Perennial herb  
Rumex pulcher Fiddleleaf dock Perennial herb  
Saxifraga virginiensis Early saxifrage Perennial herb  
Schoenoplectus mucronatus Bog bulrush Perennial grass  
Scirpus mucronatus Bog bulrush Perennial grass  
Senecio jacobaea ! Tansy ragwort Perennial herb  
Setaria sphacelata African bristlegrass Perennial grass  
Silene vulgaris Common campion Perennial herb 1
Solanum carolinense ! Carolina horse nettle Perennial herb  
Solanum elaeagnifolium Horse nettle Perennial herb  
Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass Perennial grass  
Sporobolus indicus Smutgrass Perennial grass  
Stipa miliacea Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Stipa miliacea var. miliacea ! Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. squamatum Eastern annual saltmarsh aster Perennial herb  
Taraxacum officinale Red seeded dandelion Perennial herb 1
Thinopyrum intermedium Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Thinopyrum ponticum Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Tragopogon dubius Goat's beard Perennial herb  
Tragopogon porrifolius Salsify Perennial herb  
Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry clover Perennial herb 6
Trillium sessile Toadshade Perennial herb 7
Typha angustifolia Narrow leaf cattail Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Verbascum blattaria Moth mullein Perennial herb 1
Verbascum thapsus ! Woolly mullein Perennial herb 3
Veronica anagallis-aquatica Water speedwell Perennial herb  
Vinca major ! Vinca Perennial herb 4
  Lifeform: Shrub22 plants
Alhagi maurorum ! Camel thorn Shrub  
Alhagi pseudalhagi Camel thorn Shrub  
Boehmeria nivea False nettle Shrub (stem succulent)  
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud Tree, Shrub 67
Cytisus scoparius ! Scotch broom Shrub 1
Genista monspessulana ! French broom Shrub  
Holodiscus dumosus Rockspirea Shrub 40
Nicotiana glauca ! Tree tobacco Tree, Shrub 2
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Vine, Shrub 10
Punica granatum Pomegranate Shrub 14
Pyracantha koidzumii Taiwan firethorn Shrub 3
Rosa canina Dog rose Shrub  
Rosa multiflora Multiflora rose Shrub, Vine 1
Rubus armeniacus ! Himalayan blackberry Shrub  
Rubus discolor Blackberry Shrub  
Rubus pensilvanicus Pennsylvania blackberry Vine, Shrub  
Scutellaria angustifolia Narrowleaf skullcap Shrub 5
Senecio lugens Small blacktip ragwort Shrub  
Sesbania punicea ! Rattlebox Shrub 1
Solanum aviculare ! New zealand nightshade Shrub 1
Tamarix parviflora Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Tamarix ramosissima ! Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
  Lifeform: Tree16 plants
Acer saccharinum Silver maple Tree 6
Ailanthus altissima ! Tree of heaven Tree 2
Catalpa bignonioides Southern catalpa Tree 1
Eucalyptus camaldulensis ! Red gum Tree 2
Eucalyptus globulus ! Blue gum Tree 4
Ficus carica ! Common fig Tree 1
Juglans regia English walnut Tree 1
Morus alba Mulberry Tree 8
Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine Tree 9
Populus deltoides Eastern cottonwood Tree 3
Populus nigra Lombardy poplar Tree 5
Prunus cerasifera ! Cherry plum Tree 8
Prunus dulcis Almond Tree  
Robinia pseudoacacia ! Black locust Tree 6
Salix babylonica Weeping willow Tree 6
Salix nigra Black willow Tree 7
  Lifeform: Vine3 plants
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Glenn County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.