California Native Plant Link Exchange Profile of  San Joaquin County ALL COUNTY PROFILES SEARCH for Plants

CNPS Chapter: North San Joaquin

Sources of Native Plants
San Joaquin County
Delta Bluegrass  PROFILE 
Stockton 95215 native sod blends
Valley Transplants Nursery  PROFILE 
Acampo 95220 native seed plugs
Sacramento County
Cornflower Farms  PROFILE 
Elk Grove 95759 wholesale, retail
Village Nurseries  PROFILE 
Sacramento 95827
Amador County
Calaveras County
Stanislaus County
Specialty Gardens  PROFILE 
Modesto 95357
Santa Clara County
Los Altos Hills, 94022 CNPS Santa Clara Valley N...
Capital Wholesale Nursery  PROFILE 
San Jose 95148
Grassroots Ecology Native Plant Nursery  PROFILE 
Palo Alto
Middlebrook Gardens  PROFILE 
San Jose 95126
Payless Nursery  PROFILE 
San Jose 95122
Alameda County
Alden Lane Garden Village  PROFILE 
Livermore 94550
Berkeley Horticultural Nursery  PROFILE 
Berkeley 94703
Cactus Jungle  PROFILE 
Berkeley, 94710 Retail Nursery
Clyde Robin  PROFILE 
Castro Valley 94546 seeds
East Bay Wilds  PROFILE 
Oakland 94621
Friends of Sausal Creek Nursery  PROFILE 
Oakland 94602
Oaktown Native Plant Nursery  PROFILE 
Berkeley 94703 Wholesale, Retail and Con...
Orchard Nursery  PROFILE 
Pacific Coast Seed  PROFILE 
Livermore 94551 wholesale seeds
Ploughshares Nursery  PROFILE 
Alameda 94501
University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley  PROFILE 
Berkeley, CA 94720 A large collection of CA....
Contra Costa County
Annie's Annuals  PROFILE 
Richmond 94805 wholesale, retail, mail order
Cottage Garden Plants  PROFILE 
Martinez 94563
Devil Mountain Nursery  PROFILE 
San Ramon 94583
Native Here Nursery  PROFILE 
Berkeley 94708 Retail, plants native to Alameda...
The Watershed Nursery  PROFILE 
Richmond 94804 Specilizing in site speci...







 Wild Plants in  San Joaquin County

Native Plants, by lifeform
Native Plants at the edge of their range
non-Native Plants
by Jepson Bioregion:
San Joaquin
SF Bay
  MAP of San Joaquin County


What Grows Here?
-- a county level flora --




Native Trees that grow wild in San Joaquin County:   Trees  •  Shrubs  •  Perennials  •  Annuals  •  Ferns
Acer macrophyllum
Acer negundo
Acer negundo var. californicum
Aesculus californica
Alnus rhombifolia
Arctostaphylos glauca
Arctostaphylos viscida
Cercis occidentalis
Fraxinus latifolia
Juglans californica
Juglans californica var. hindsii
Juglans hindsii
Platanus racemosa
Populus fremontii
Prosopis glandulosa
Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana
Quercus agrifolia
Quercus douglasii
Quercus kelloggii
Quercus lobata
Quercus wislizeni
Salix exigua
Salix exigua var. hindsiana
Salix gooddingii
Salix hindsiana
Salix laevigata
Salix lasiandra
Salix lasiolepis
Salix lucida
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra
Salix melanopsis
Salix sitchensis
Sambucus mexicana