California Native Plant Link Exchange Profile of  Sierra County ALL COUNTY PROFILES SEARCH for Plants

CNPS Chapter: Tahoe

Sources of Native Plants
Sierra County
Plumas County
Sierra Seed Supply  PROFILE 
Greenville 95947 seeds
Sierra Valley Farms  PROFILE 
Beckworth 96129
Lassen County
Nevada County
Far West Bulb Farm  PROFILE 
Grass Valley 95945 bulbs
Peaceful Valley Garden Supply  PROFILE 
Grass Valley 95945
Sweetland Garden Supply  PROFILE 
North San Juan 95960
Villager Nursery  PROFILE 
Truckee 95734
Yuba County







 Wild Plants in  Sierra County

Native Plants, by lifeform
Native Plants at the edge of their range
non-Native Plants
by Jepson Bioregion:
High Sierra Nevada
Modoc Plateau
  MAP of Sierra County


What Grows Here?
-- a county level flora --




Native Ferns that grow wild in Sierra County:   Trees  •  Shrubs  •  Perennials  •  Annuals  •  Ferns
Adiantum aleuticum
Athyrium filix-femina
Equisetum arvense
Equisetum hyemale
Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine
Equisetum hyemale var. affine
Marsilea vestita
Pentagramma triangularis
Polystichum munitum
Pteridium aquilinum
Woodwardia fimbriata