California Native Plant Link Exchange Profile of  Madera County ALL COUNTY PROFILES SEARCH for Plants

Calflora Great Places to view California Native Plants:

Devils Postpile National Monument

©2016 National Park Service

CNPS Chapter: Sequoia

Sources of Native Plants
Madera County
Mariposa County
Mono County
Fresno County
Intermountain Nursery  PROFILE 
Prather 93651 wholesale, retail
Welker's Grove Nursery  PROFILE 
Shaver Lake
Merced County







 Wild Plants in  Madera County

Native Plants, by lifeform
Native Plants at the edge of their range
non-Native Plants
by Jepson Bioregion:
San Joaquin
Sierra Nevada Foothills
High Sierra Nevada
  MAP of Madera County


What Grows Here?
-- a county level flora --




Native Ferns that grow wild in Madera County:   Trees  •  Shrubs  •  Perennials  •  Annuals  •  Ferns
Adiantum aleuticum
Athyrium filix-femina
Dryopteris arguta
Equisetum arvense
Marsilea vestita
Pentagramma triangularis
Pentagramma triangularis ssp. semipallida
Pteridium aquilinum
Woodwardia fimbriata