California Native Plant Link Exchange Profile of  Modoc County ALL COUNTY PROFILES SEARCH for Plants

CNPS Chapter: Shasta

Sources of Native Plants
Modoc County
Lassen County
Shasta County
Siskiyou County
Cal-Forest Nurseries  PROFILE 
Etna 96027
Menzies Native Nursery  PROFILE 
Weed 96094







 Wild Plants in  Modoc County

Native Plants, by lifeform
Native Plants at the edge of their range
non-Native Plants
by Jepson Bioregion:
Modoc Plateau
Warner Mountains
High Cascade Range
  MAP of Modoc County


What Grows Here?
-- a county level flora --




Native Ferns that grow wild in Modoc County:   Trees  •  Shrubs  •  Perennials  •  Annuals  •  Ferns
Athyrium filix-femina
Dryopteris expansa
Equisetum arvense
Equisetum hyemale
Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine
Equisetum hyemale var. affine
Marsilea vestita
Pteridium aquilinum