California Native Plant Link Exchange

Schoenoplectus acutus - Hardstem bulrush

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Calflora Taxon Report
Nursery and Seed Sources
Sonoma California Flora Nursery • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
Fulton 95439
Santa Cruz Central Coast Wilds  PROFILE 
Santa Cruz 95060 county of origin
Los Angeles El Nativo Growers  PROFILE 
Azusa 91702
Lake Growing Natives  PROFILE 
Middletown 95461
Sonoma North Coast Native Nursery  PROFILE 
Petaluma 94953
Alameda Pacific Coast Seed  PROFILE 
Livermore 94551 wholesale seeds
Solano Putah Creek Natives  PROFILE 
Winters source-identified, wholes...
San Diego Recon Native Plants Inc. • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
San Diego 92154 wholesale
Placer Restoration Resources  PROFILE 
Rocklin 95765
Santa Barbara S&S Seeds  PROFILE 
Carpinteria 93014 seeds
Humboldt Samara Restoration  PROFILE 
McKinleyville 95519 Wholesale native plants, ...
Plumas Sierra Valley Farms  PROFILE 
Beckworth 96129
Los Angeles Stover Seed Company  PROFILE 
Los Angeles 90021 seeds
Sonoma Walker Avenue Nursery  PROFILE 
Outside California:
Bosky Dell Natives  PROFILE 
West Linn, OR
Comstock Seed  PROFILE 
Gardnerville, NV 89460 seeds
Flagstaff Native Plant and Seed  PROFILE 
Flagstaff AZ
Fourth Corner Nurseries  PROFILE 
Bellingham, WA 98226
Granite Seed Co  PROFILE 
Lehi, UT 84043
Nat's Naturals  PROFILE 
Surrey, BC
Prairie Moon Nursery  PROFILE 
Minnesota 55987 mail order
Sevenoaks Native Nursery  PROFILE 
Albany, OR 97321 wholesale, some retail
Stevenson Intermountain Seed  PROFILE 
Ephraim UT seeds
Streamside Native Plants  PROFILE 
Bowser, BC
Woodbrook Nursery  PROFILE 
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
• Inventory page scan date
Forest Service Fire Effects Info ecology
Perennial grass
always (OBL)
What plants grow with Schoenoplectus acutus ?
Marin Marin Stormwater Pollution Prevention  PROFILE 
San Rafael 94913 creekside plants
Native Plant Network  PROFILE 
Moscow, ID propagation protocols
Univ of Washington, Forest Resources  PROFILE 
Seattle, WA propagation, restoration

Related species:
Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis

Scirpus acutus

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