California Native Plant Link Exchange

Elymus triticoides - Beardless wild rye

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Calflora Taxon Report
Nursery and Seed Sources
San Francisco Bay Natives  PROFILE 
San Francisco 94114 mostly retail; mailorder
Alameda Cactus Jungle  PROFILE 
Berkeley, 94710 Retail Nursery
Santa Clara Capital Wholesale Nursery  PROFILE 
San Jose 95148
Santa Cruz Central Coast Wilds  PROFILE 
Santa Cruz 95060 county of origin
Alameda East Bay Wilds  PROFILE 
Oakland 94621
Los Angeles El Nativo Growers  PROFILE 
Azusa 91702
Santa Cruz Gold Rush Nursery  PROFILE 
Soquel 95073 Wholesale and retail
Los Angeles Greenlee Nursery  PROFILE 
Pomona 91766
Lake Growing Natives  PROFILE 
Middletown 95461
Santa Barbara Growing Solutions Restoration Education Institute  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93130 seeds, wholesale, source ...
Yolo Hedgerow Farms  PROFILE 
Winters 95694 California native grassla...
Placer High Ranch Nursery Inc.  PROFILE 
Loomis, 95650 source identified
Marin Larner Seeds  PROFILE 
Bolinas 94924 seeds
Sonoma LeBallister's Seed and Fertilizers  PROFILE 
Santa Rosa 95407
Ventura Matilija Nursery  PROFILE 
Moorpark 93021
San Diego Moosa Creek Nursery • 1/04/2019  PROFILE 
Valley Center 92082 wholesale
Alameda Pacific Coast Seed  PROFILE 
Livermore 94551 wholesale seeds
Solano Putah Creek Natives  PROFILE 
Winters source-identified, wholes...
Placer Restoration Resources  PROFILE 
Rocklin 95765
Santa Barbara S&S Seeds  PROFILE 
Carpinteria 93014 seeds
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Nursery  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93105
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Natives  PROFILE 
Gaviota 93117 wholesale
San Diego Sherman Nursery  PROFILE 
San Marcos 92069 Wholesale Nursery
Los Angeles Stover Seed Company  PROFILE 
Los Angeles 90021 seeds
Contra Costa The Watershed Nursery  PROFILE 
Richmond 94804 Specilizing in site speci...
Los Angeles Theodore Payne Foundation • 4/23/2019  PROFILE 
Sun Valley 91352
Outside California:
Comstock Seed  PROFILE 
Gardnerville, NV 89460 seeds
Fourth Corner Nurseries  PROFILE 
Bellingham, WA 98226
Granite Seed Co  PROFILE 
Lehi, UT 84043
Stevenson Intermountain Seed  PROFILE 
Ephraim UT seeds
• Inventory page scan date
Perennial grass
likely (FAC)
What plants grow with Elymus triticoides ?
Marin Marin Stormwater Pollution Prevention  PROFILE 
San Rafael 94913 creekside plants
Native Plant Network  PROFILE 
Moscow, ID propagation protocols
NOT mobile