California Native Plant Link Exchange

Camissonia cheiranthifolia - Beach evening primrose

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Calflora Taxon Report
Nursery and Seed Sources
Contra Costa Annie's Annuals  PROFILE 
Richmond 94805 wholesale, retail, mail order
San Francisco Bay Natives  PROFILE 
San Francisco 94114 mostly retail; mailorder
Los Angeles Grow Native Nursery at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden  PROFILE 
Claremont 91711 periodic sales
Santa Barbara Growing Solutions Restoration Education Institute  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93130 seeds, wholesale, source ...
San Diego Moosa Creek Nursery • 1/04/2019  PROFILE 
Valley Center 92082 wholesale
Alameda Pacific Coast Seed  PROFILE 
Livermore 94551 wholesale seeds
Santa Barbara S&S Seeds  PROFILE 
Carpinteria 93014 seeds
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Nursery  PROFILE 
Santa Barbara 93105
Contra Costa The Watershed Nursery  PROFILE 
Richmond 94804 Specilizing in site speci...
Los Angeles Theodore Payne Foundation • 9/30/2015  PROFILE 
Sun Valley 91352
Orange Tree of Life Nursery  PROFILE 
San Juan Capistrano 92693 wholesale, contract
• Inventory page scan date
Perennial herb
What plants grow with Camissonia cheiranthifolia ?
Orange Tree of Life  PROFILE 
San Juan Capistrano 92693 Plant Profiles
Native Plant Network  PROFILE 
Moscow, ID propagation protocols

Plant Communities:
Coastal Strand

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